Author: Dimiter Petrov, Rumen Pankov
This is Radio Bulgaria's weekly DX Program for radio amateurs and short wave fans which is included in our one-hour broadcasts starting as follows: Friday at 21.00 UTC on 5900 and 7400 kHz beamed to West Europe, at 23.00 and Saturday at 02.00 UTC on 9700 and 11700 kHz to North America, as well as in the half-hour broadcast at06.30 UTC on 9600 and 11600 kHz to West Europe.
In this issue by DX Editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF, with Broadcast Tips by Rumen Pankov:
World Wide Radio Operators Foundation
organization devoted to the skill and art of radio operating.
We believe, is said in their press release, that amateur radio contests provide a means of testing operating skill and that worldwide contest sponsors can benefit from the support we can provide.
The Directors and Officers of the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation are all well-known and highly-respected radio operators. In addition, each brings a specific skill set and proven track record in his professional career to the management of the organization.
A Focus on Operating! Amateur radio is a very diverse hobby. Some amateurs enjoy designing and building their own equipment. Some enjoy the thrill of chasing DX. Some simply enjoy casual conversations with other amateurs in far-off locations. Still others use their skills to provide communications in emergency situations where other forms of communication are not available.
National organizations such as ARRL serve the whole spectrum of pursuits in the hobby. Some clubs and organizations such as the Northern California DX Foundation, YASME Foundation, and mode-specific groups such as FOC and CWOps, are devoted to specific segments of the hobby. Nowever, no organization exists that is focused on radio operating across all bands and modes.
Until now, many of the elements of modern radio contest operating such as log-checking software, log-submission robots, etc. have been developed and supported by volunteers. Many of the enhance-ments envisioned for the future will involve considerable expense, and no organization exists to support them.
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation was created to fill that need.
Chair, Founding Director is Doug Grant, K1DG, Vice Chair John Dorr, K1AR, Board members Ralph Bowen, N5RZ, Tom Lee, K8AZ, Mark Beckwith, N5OT, Bob Cox, K3EST and Tim Duffy, K3LR.
May 7 – Birthday of Radio
On May 7, 1895 Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov first demonstrated in St. Petersburg a transmission of radio signals. This date is celebrated as the Birth Day of Radio in Russia and other countries. Independently Guglielmo Marconi did the same and he was the first who used and developed the radio commercially.
South Orkney Islands DXpedition VP8O
In this issue by DX Editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF, with Broadcast Tips by Rumen Pankov:
World Wide Radio Operators Foundation
This Foundation was created in 2009 by a group of radio operators who saw a need for an independent
organization devoted to the skill and art of radio operating.
We believe, is said in their press release, that amateur radio contests provide a means of testing operating skill and that worldwide contest sponsors can benefit from the support we can provide.
The Directors and Officers of the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation are all well-known and highly-respected radio operators. In addition, each brings a specific skill set and proven track record in his professional career to the management of the organization.
A Focus on Operating! Amateur radio is a very diverse hobby. Some amateurs enjoy designing and building their own equipment. Some enjoy the thrill of chasing DX. Some simply enjoy casual conversations with other amateurs in far-off locations. Still others use their skills to provide communications in emergency situations where other forms of communication are not available.
National organizations such as ARRL serve the whole spectrum of pursuits in the hobby. Some clubs and organizations such as the Northern California DX Foundation, YASME Foundation, and mode-specific groups such as FOC and CWOps, are devoted to specific segments of the hobby. Nowever, no organization exists that is focused on radio operating across all bands and modes.
Until now, many of the elements of modern radio contest operating such as log-checking software, log-submission robots, etc. have been developed and supported by volunteers. Many of the enhance-ments envisioned for the future will involve considerable expense, and no organization exists to support them.
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation was created to fill that need.
Chair, Founding Director is Doug Grant, K1DG, Vice Chair John Dorr, K1AR, Board members Ralph Bowen, N5RZ, Tom Lee, K8AZ, Mark Beckwith, N5OT, Bob Cox, K3EST and Tim Duffy, K3LR.
May 7 – Birthday of Radio
On May 7, 1895 Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov first demonstrated in St. Petersburg a transmission of radio signals. This date is celebrated as the Birth Day of Radio in Russia and other countries. Independently Guglielmo Marconi did the same and he was the first who used and developed the radio commercially.
South Orkney Islands DXpedition VP8O
The Microlite Penguins DXpedition team will be activating the South Orkney Islands VP8/O from January 27 to February 8, 2011. Safe and reliable Antarctic transportation has been secured by the experienced RV Braveheart, and activity will be on all HF bands 160-10 meters using SSB, CW and RTTY.
Operators will be K9ZO, ND2T, 9V1YC, K0IR, N1DG, N0AX, W3WL, N6MZ, I8NHJ, N4GRN, WB9Z, W7EW and VE3EJ. This will be the team's fourth time activating an entity in the Antarctic region and fifth DXpedition overall.
Those who have enjoyed our operations over the last 8 years, is said in a Press release, may recall that our methods and philosophy are somewhat different from other DXpeditions. Though our overall goal is still to provided a new DXCC entity on as many bands and modes as possible, we also strive to increase the fun factor by focusing on operational simplicity and radio skills.
Broadcast Tips
Tunisia. Radio Tunisia broadcasts on short wave in Arabic only and was reported at 04 hours on 7275, 9725 and 12005 kHz; at 07.30 hours on 7335 kHz and at 17 hours on 9725 and 12005 kHz.For obtaining a QSL card the reception report should be in Arabic or French sent to: L'Office National de la Telediffusion, 71 avenue de la Liberte, Tunis 1002q, Tunisia.
Saudi Arabia. Radio Ryiadh is received in Sofia from about 07.45 hours on 17785 kHz with the program in English "From the Press", continuing after 08 hours with a program in French.
New Zealand. The schedule of Radio New Zealand International in English is as follows: from 11 to 13 hours on 9655 kHz; from 13 to 15.50 and from 07 to 11 hours on 6170 kHz; from 15.50 to 18.35 hours on 7440 kHz; from 18.35 to 19.50 hours on 9615 kHz; from 19.50 to 21.50 hours and from 05 to 07 hours on 11725 kHz – the frequency on which it is received in Sofia, and from 21.50 to 05 hours on 13730 kHz. Your reception report should be accompanied by three International Reply Coupons and addressed to: Radio New Zealand International, P.O.Box 123, Wellington, New Zealand.
Russia. Radio Tatarstan from Kazan was heard in Sofia with programs in Tatar and Russian at 06.10 hours on 9690 kHz. The station also broadcasts from 04.10 hours on 15110 kHz and from 08.10 hours on 15195 kHz.
Another station, "The Radio of Russia" has been received in Sofia with different programs at the same time- until 19 hours on 4050 kHz from Bisjkek and on 7220 kHz from Samara, at 19.30 hours on 7200 kHz from Yakutsk and on 6160 kHz from Arkhangelsk The program called "DX Club" was heard on Sunday from 13.33 hours on 13870 kHz from Radio Voice of Russia.
Morocco. Radio "Medi One" from Tanger was heard with a musical prograqm in French and Arabic at 14 hours on 9575 kHz. The QSL address is:Radio Mediterranee Internationalem, Boite Postale 2055, 9000 Tanger, Morocco or .
Myanmar. Radio Myanma from the new capital of Myanmar is received in Sofia on 7186 kHz from 23.25 to 01 hours or later. Radio Myanma uses also the frequencies of 5915, 5985 and 9730 kHz, and the military radio of Myanmar - 5770 kHz.
Iran. Two different stations under the same name "Voice of Iranian Kurdistan" bpoth broadcasting to Iran were noted at 03.05 hours on April22 on 3922 and 4878 kHz.
With this we have come to the end of our weekly DX Program. Your opinions and suggestions will be appreciated and all reception reports confirmed with the QSL card of Radio Bulgaria. Please address your letters to English Section, Radio Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria or by e-mail to . An online reception report form is available at – click on English and navigate.
So, 73 and DX!
Source: DXprogram May 7, 2010
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
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