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Compiled by IWATA Gaku.
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at

JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.

All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

6035, Myanma Radio, 1208-1337, May 1. In vernacular
with music program till the start of the Minorities and
Distance Learning Services lectures at 1330; // 5915.
Was able to occasionally hear Vietnamese (PBS
Yunnan) underneath, so the real loser here is Bhutan!
Yesterday Myanmar was not here during this time period.

So they seriously want to use this frequency! Heard FOUR
transmitters on the air at the same time (5915, 5985.76v, 6035
and 7185.75v). Back in mid-March the Naypyidaw transmitter
was pulled from service on 5985.0 and replaced with the off
frequency Yangon transmitter. Perhaps the 6035 transmitter is
the one at Naypyidaw, formerly on 5985.0?

DPR-VOK  13650  0325  Chinese  333  May 1st  OM with comments. YL at 0328 plus some music and comments by 0328.   

3912, Korea, South, Voice of the People, Kyonggi-do. May, 08 Korean(listed) 0915-0924 male and female alternating short music. 25432,


===== AFRICA =====

===== EUROPE =====

4005, Vatican Radio. May, 07 Italian(listed) 2207-2216 orchestral music, male alternating female talks. Weak, 24332



4451, Bolivia, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma. May, 07 2219-2228 male and female religious Spanish talks "todo poderoso", "gracias a Dios". 24332,

3290  Guyana GBC,  2315  yl in English, pop vocals, 0010 brief commercial with cost "..and 75 cents.." 25/26 April. Same time 27 & 28 April [Wilkner & XM Cedar Key] 0820 om Minister in English " the Book of Revelation".... followed by sub continental music to 0845, 30 April
3290  Guyana GBC has been very strong  0900 to 0935, using the noise reducing antenna, with subcontinental music and Bollywood pops.Clear Identification of Guyana at 0900.

3329.53 Peru  Ondas del Huallaga,  Huánuco  1030 usual yl with espanol, off seemingly for the two previous days 
4940, Peru, R San Antonio(tentative), Villa Atalaya. May, 07 2241-2254 male Spanish talks on music, 2242 Spanish music, slightly like Rumba, 2250 male and female talks sometimes sounding like adv. 23222,
4950  Peru  Radio Madre de Dios 1030 to 1050 opening to Florida almost daily 
[Wilkner & XM Cedar Key]
5039.21 Peru, Radio  Libertad Junin  1046 "...en el tiempo de Peru..." brief break in RHC transmission 26 April.
5120.372 Peru,  Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 1033 musica latina, quick drift to .512 , 29 April

===== PACIFIC =====

2310  Australia  VL8A Alice Springs NT 1040 to 1050 weak audio 26  April
2325  Australia  VL8T Tennant Creek  NT 1040 to 1050 moderate audio 26  April
2485  Australia,  VL8K Katherine NT 1040 to 1050 good audio 26  April
4910  Australia, Tennant Creek  0820 noted on 30 April, 4835 covered by W*RP 
9475, R. Australia, Shepparton. May, 08 0941-0951 music, female English talks, 0943 English Pop music, 0946 female short, Pop romantic music. At peak 24432,

Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI  13730  0322  English  333  May 1st  Two YLs with comments on employees who can not give pay raises in a poor economy.   

5020 Solomon Islands, SIBC  1030 Island Music, good 26 April 

=== Site Unknown ===


==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

DRM Consortium has launched an upgraded new website with better features and special members' area for more interactivity, have a look at :


SLBC (Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corpn.,) announced during its English txn today they will be back on 15745 KHz from 7th May onwards at 0055-0330 UTC. SLBC is temporarily using 15120 kHz due to txer problem for its english txn at 0055-0330 UTC. 15120 kHz suffers from co-channel QRM from CRI English 0300 UTC onwards.
Schedule :
SLBC All Asia Service 0055-0330 UTC ( Sunday upto 0430 UTC) on 6005 (10 kW), 9770 (10 kW) & 15745 (35 kW) kHz



Moj Them Radio          0130-0200 15260 AM  m.w.f.. Hmong    Asia
Denge Mezopotamya      0400-1800 11530 AM  mtwtfss Kurdish  Middle East
Denge Mezopotamya      1800-2000 7540  AM  mtwtfss Kurdish  Middle East
TDP Radio              0700-0800 6015  DRM m...... English  Europe
TDP Radio              0800-0900 6015  DRM .t..... English  Europe
TDP Radio              0900-1000 6015  DRM ..w.... English  Europe
TDP Radio              1000-1100 6015  DRM ...t... English  Europe
TDP Radio              1100-1200 6015  DRM ....f.. English  Europe
TDP Radio              1200-1300 6015  DRM .....s. English  Europe
TDP Radio              1300-1400 6015  DRM ......s English  Europe
Radio Democracia        0900-1000 21555 AM  ......s Amharic  Africa
La Voix de Djibouti    1200-1300 17880 AM  ...t... Somali  Africa
The Disco Palace        1400-1500 6015  DRM mtwtfss English  Europe
EOTC Holy Synod Radio  1600-1700 15195 AM  m...... Amharic  Africa
Meleket Ethiopia Radio  1600-1645 15195 AM  ..w.... Amharic  Africa
Voice Of Asena          1730-1800 15350 AM  m...f.. Tigrinya Africa
Voice Of Meselna Delina 1730-1800 15350 AM  .t.t.s. Tigrinya Africa
Radio Bilal            1800-1900 15350 AM  mtwtfss Amharic  Africa
TDP Radio              1900-2000 15755 DRM mtwtfss English  America
The Disco Palace        2000-2100 15755 DRM mtwtfss English  America
Suab Xaa Moo Zoo        2230-2300 7530  AM  mtwtfss Hmong    Asia

Reception Report with return postage to :
c/o Ludo Maes
P.O. Box 1
2310 Rijkevorsel
Tel : +32 33 14 78 00
Mob : +32 477 477 800
Fax : +32 33 14 12 12
E-mail :
Web :
[Gupta / Bueschel]


Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation

Australian AM Radio 1611-1701
Italian, Country, Arabic, Greek and Gold

Almost 70 low power stations are now broadcasting in Australia's
expanded AM radio dial almost two decades after the new channels
became available says the Radio Heritage Foundation which has just
updated a contemporary guide to them at

Originally populated by ethnic broadcasters and niche formats, the
situation remains little unchanged in 2010 as attempts to bring the
low cost extra frequencies into mainstream media have largely failed
to materialize.

Existing commercial broadcasters saw these licences as a dangerously
cheap back door into digital broadcasting and lobbied strongly to
exclude 1611-1701 AM stations from digital entitlements. Coupled with
poor availability of AM radios able to tune to the new frequencies,
attempts by commercial aspirants like Radio 2 to establish economics
of scale and a nationwide network collapsed.

In 2010, the major players on air are Rete Italia [part of the
Italian Media publishing and media group], The Goanna [a fledgling
country music network co-owned with 2ME an Arabic language station],
Smart Group's Hot Country from Queensland, whilst small footholds in
the band have been claimed by 3ABN and Queensland based Christian
network Vision FM.

A small cluster of independent stations air a variation on the 'Gold'
music format of 1960's hits popular with babyboomers, two Greek
language stations compete for listeners in Sydney, and a handful of
other stations serve ethnic markets for Chinese, Hindi, Arabic,
Islamic and Lebanese Christian audiences.

A large number of licences held in the 1611-1701 AM band have
remained silent for many years and are unlikely to ever come on air.

The Radio Heritage Foundation has released a detailed list of
Australian stations currently operating in the 1611-1701 AM band
together with analysis of this fascinating and little known
broadcasting landscape.

It's currently available as a downloadable Word document at and will be updated regularly.
[Radio Heritage Foundation]


Dear Listeners,
I would like to inform you that I will be moving home in late May 2010.
As from the 26th of May 2010 at 2200 utc this email address will stop.
I will contract you with my new email address before the end of June 2010.

Until that date my email address is:

After the 26th of May you can contact Mike Taylor at EMR via


MV Baltic Radio is on 6140 khz this Sunday

Dear Listeners,
MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday the 2nd of May 2010.
The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 0900 to 1000 utc.

Good listening and good reception!


Camagüey- Diseñado con las técnicas más actuales, el nuevo sitio de Internet de la emisora Radio Reloj podrá ser consultado por los internautas de cualquier parte del planeta a partir del próximo Primero de mayo.

Ubicado en la dirección, la nueva página de la emisora cubana de la hora y las noticias, se distingue por sus variadas  secciones, que incluye informaciones, trabajos especiales y materiales  de los espacios "Enfoque" y la "Revista Semanal".

Quienes accedan a partir del Primero de mayo al nuevo sitio de Internet de Radio Reloj podrán sintonizar la emisora en tiempo real desde cualquier país; mientras, tendrán a su disposición materiales de audio y video para descargar a sus computadoras personales.

Primera emisora cubana que incursionó en la llamada red de redes, Radio Reloj da un paso más en su quehacer informativo con la salida desde el sábado de su nuevo sitio web.

Por: Manuel Martínez (Colaborador Portal Cultural Príncipe)



This month's question is about sports.. In which category did Turkish weightlifter Nurcan Taylan receive three gold medals at the European Weightlifting Championship in Minsk ?
    •    A)48
    •    B)53
    •    C)75
3 of our listeners to be determined in a draw from among those with the correct answer will receive a present each from the Voice of Turkey.
We are expecting your answers by May 31st, 2010 either by

electronic mail to
or fax, which is 00-90-312-463 33 98 or 490 98 11
Our mail address is PM 333, 06443 Yeni?ehir Ankara Turkey
We wish you all good luck


April 29th, 2010 by Paul Riismandel in international

For Americans it may be hard to believe that Spain only this year passed a law that gives a new Spanish central radio authority the ability to pursue and shut down unlicensed radio broadcasters. Back in January the Spanish radio industry group AERC complained that 3000 pirate stations are operating in the country and need to be shut down.

For its part the government recently claimed to have opened 109 cases against pirate operatorssince 2007. With the recently passed law the secretary of the Media of the Generalitat says the job will become easier.

I know relatively little about radio broadcasting in Spain, although I have often heard that the radio dial is more chaotic than in other European countries. For instance, apparently 504 of the unlicensed stations are operated by municipalities. (Just imagine if your local city or town government ran its own pirate radio station!) Additionally, some 124 ostensibly licensed stations operate on a frequency other than the one they were assigned.

Given these kinds of stats I seriously doubt that the Spanish government is likely to make much of a dent in the country's number of unlicensed stations. The FCC has been around for seventy-six years and I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't at least 3000 pirate stations operating in the US right now. At best the Commission does a pretty good job of keeping unlicensed operators more underground and less organized by playing a good game of cat and mouse. I reckon Spain has quite a way to go before it can even hope to have that level of success.

One Response to "Spain Planning a Pirate Radio Crackdown"

April 29th, 2010 at 7:20 PM

This is very similar to the situation in other southern European countries, such as Greece, Italy and Turkey. In Greece, for instance, very few stations have ever actually received a formal license to broadcast. Most stations are broadcasting with, at best, a "temporary" license and others with no license whatsoever. Stations are spaced far closer to each other as well in these countries. Cities like Athens, Madrid, Rome, Milan, Istanbul, etc. have 70+ stations on the FM dial, most of which have cranked up their power as well. These stations are often spaced 0.2 or 0.3 MHz apart on the dial…and remember that in Europe and many other parts of the world…even-numbered frequencies such as 100.0 are used as well, effectively doubling the number of frequencies available.

I'd be happy to share more info with you guys if you'd like!

Source: Spain Planning a Pirate Radio Crackdown


By Hindessa Abdul



In what seems to be a brazen move against a major donor Ethiopian Prime Minister Mr Meles Zenawi decided to jam Voice of America (VOA). A voice that was part of the Ethiopian airwaves for almost three decades. The PM accused VOA of "engaging in destabilizing propaganda." It even went further as to compare the Washington DC based broadcaster to Radio Mille Collins of Rwanda of the early 1990s fame which is considered to be the voice of génocidaires.

The announcement didn't come as surprise for the transmission was jammed as of February. But it was a pleasure hearing it from the horses own mouth.
Don't envy the spokesperson

When VOA audience in Addis first complained about the poor quality of transmission, it was clear the government was interfering. However the spokesperson, Mr Shimeles Kemal, was adamant in denying it. "This is a baseless allegation," he said first. On another occasion "the Ethiopian government does not support the policy of restricting foreign broadcasting services in the country. Such practices are prohibited in our constitution." Then days later "Ethiopia has a constitution which outlaws any act by any official organ to restrict the dissemination of broadcast material from abroad."

His boss need not want to beat around the bush. He never cared for what Mr Shimeles had been insisting all along. He was not only blunt to tell the U.S., which blesses the regime with 1 billion dollar annually, that he was jamming them, he even went as far to explaining about the timetables.

Then the poor spokesperson had no option except to swallow his pride and say VOA "has repeatedly broadcast programs and statements that tend to incite, foment hatred between different ethnic groups."

The director's reaction,"VOA deplores jamming and any other form of censorship of the media", was hardly a deterrent. Mr Danforth Austin was rather angry at the comparison with the Rwandan radio than the actual jamming, since he has almost 50 language services to worry about.

Neither the jamming nor the obsession with everything pre-1994 Rwanda is not new. In 2005 Ethiopian not only jammed the VOA, they even charged five of the journalists of the Station with genocide. In 2008 the broadcaster was jammed again. Authorities also put pressure by threatening to deny accreditation to the Addis based journalists. Some of the correspondents are not new to the security forces. Mr Meleskachew Amha was brutally beaten during the 2005 elections. More recently he was detained on dubious charges.
Ironically, Ethiopian officials still give interviews to the broadcaster. VOA journalists are still accredited and working. It seems the Ethiopian government doesn't know what it really wants to do.


Voice of America is government funded broadcaster that has been set up during the Second World War to counter anti U.S. propaganda. Its role during the cold war was immense. It has played a significant role in bringing down the Iron Curtain. With an annual budget of around $ 200 million, it broadcasts 1,500 hours of programming in 49 languages. Amharic being one of them.

The Amharic service of the Voice of America was launched in 1982 when the Mengistu regime was decidedly in power, with its ideology oriented towards Marxism and more importantly after it pledged allegiance to the Soviet Union camp. Back then it was one of the few sources of alternative news in otherwise a completely isolated country.
With the ascent of EPRDF/TPLF to power, the VOA's role seemed to be fading. As private newspapers were mushrooming and a lot of other alternative news sources emerging, many can be forgiven for writing VOA off the radar. But as it turns out, the journey has only begun.

Good bye VOA?

Now the all evident fact on the ground: VOA is disappearing from the Ethiopian airwaves. If the recent email sent to its subscribers is an indication, the Voice seems to have lost the battle, not the war though. In the email dated April 26 VOA confirms "service has been recently interrupted by the Ethiopian government." It also states: "they have blocked access to our Horn of Africa website for all who live in Ethiopia". For the moment the calculation as clearly put by the Economist "the Voice of America does more harm inside the country than outside criticism of his censorship" seems to be working.

According to audience researches 11-20 percent of adult Ethiopians tune to the radio station. That is a tremendous amount of audience thrown into the news blackout. Ethiopians in Diaspora still enjoy listening to the broadcaster. VOA is certainly serving as a platform of exchanging views and ideas among the Diaspora also. But the ultimate target is the 80 million strong population who has rarely enjoyed the benefit of free media.
"other alternatives"

In a desperate bid to outmaneuver Ethiopian jammers, VOA announced the addition of shortwave frequencies, launching of morning shows and the commencement of satellite transmission. It communicated to its audience technical terms and numbers which can rather be understood by the staff at Sululta Satellite Station. Some may as well prefer the blackout than have to decipher those figures. Of course VOA is exploring"other alternatives".

In an editorial entitled Silence not golden in Ethiopia, VOA insists the United States is "a friend and supporter of Ethiopia". That diplomatic tone didn't seem to impress the rulers in Addis. As part of the rhetoric of not repeating the mistakes of May 2005, the regime in Addis will continue to jam the voice until after the elections.
It is clear that the U.S. is currently held hostage of a regime it propped up with massive military and economic aid under the misguided assumption of "an ally on war on terror". What should be clear is that that money is also being used to jam U.S. radios and web services.

Lessons to draw
• VOA cannot continue depending on traditional means of broadcasting

• VOA can also expect more sophisticated ways of jamming and filtering from Ethiopia, in large part thanks to the Chinese assistance. Chinese have long become champions of web filtering.

• On the positive note though, the regime in Ethiopian cannot continue blocking access to news media. It may create temporary problems like what we are experiencing now. But it will not have the financial and technical abilities to hold on to this kind of behavior for long time.

• It is also time for the U.S. to think about upholding its core values of democracy and rule of law, even when it comes to a corner 12 thousand kilometers away.


Radio Slovakia International (RSI) carries the following announcement on its website: "During the period between the 1st of May and the 30th of September 2010 the following changes will be implemented in our broadcasting schedule. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday broadcasting will only take place on one frequency. Highlighted frequencies will be broadcast during even weeks. Frequencies which are not highlighted will be broadcast during odd weeks. There will be no changes to broadcasts during Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday."

The comments refer to the transmission schedule on this page. No reason is given for this decision, but it should be noted that RSI dropped shortwave completely for a few months in 2006 due to budget cuts.

(RSI website)
Source: RSI reduces shortwave hours during summer months

May 3, 2010 9:47 am
The National Communication Commission (NCC) clamped down yesterday on three underground radio stations, two in the Taipei area and one in southern Kaohsiung, to reduce the number of illegal broadcasting firms being monitored to 14 throughout Taiwan.

The NCC said the crackdown was carried out Sunday to demonstrate that the Cabinet-level agency will not let up on efforts to weed out unlicensed operators even on holidays.

Led by NCC officials, telecommunications police confiscated 20 sets of broadcasting equipment in the latest sweep.

NCC officials said the efforts of monitoring and gathering evidence will be stepped up to deter any attempt to engage in the illicit broadcasting operations that mainly sell illegal drugs.

To safeguard the interests of legitimate operators, the NCC is also actively seeking support from lawmakers to back the latest revisions of the Broadcasting and TV Law to open more channels to interested investors, they said.

Premier Wu Den-yih vowed in December last year to vanquish all underground broadcasting organizations that often become more active when Taiwan holds local or national elections.

The premier blamed the underground electronic media operations as a major cause for the increase in kidney patients in rural regions and overall dialysis costs in Taiwan.

However, some media outlets disputed the number of illegal radio stations still existing in Taiwan as cited by the NCC.

Some of them still believe the number of illegal operators is at around 100 on the island.

Many hosts of radio shows at legitimate broadcasting outlets have also been pushing sales of pharmaceuticals with dubious effects, they noted.

Three illegal radio stations shut down; only 14 remain



Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, India.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Volker Willschrey, Germany.

Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to

Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.

Next deadline : May.12 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


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