The question (answer correctly in order to stand a chance of winning a Euro Hit 40 T-shirt/fridge magnet/CD copy of the July show) is:
Amy MacDonald is back in the Euro Hit 40. Which country in the United Kingdom does she come from?
Is it: Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland or England?
Please read the competition terms above before you enter:
Mail your answer with this special form by or on 31 May 2010 (00.01 CET 1 June 2010).
Please include your name (pronunciation guide welcome if you think Tim will need it!)
and full postal address, plus T-shirt size.
Prizes per winner: one Euro Hit 40 T-shirt (S, M, L or XL, please specify), one CD copy of the Euro Hit show in which your name is announced (if you need to tell us how to pronounce it, please mention that in your entry mail). Plus one very Dutch fridge magnet.
Contact us:
If you want to write in by snail mail, here's our address (and we may even send you a T- shirt if you write in by snail mail and say something nice!):
Tim at Euro Hit 40
Radio Netherlands Worldwide
P.O. Box 222
The Netherlands
or you can email us direct
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
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