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Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.


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JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====


===== AFRICA =====

5995, R. Mali, Bamako. May, 16 2216-2225 male in Vernacular reciting on tribal music. From 2223 started 5990 FEBC QRM annoying this listening; until 2223, 24332
9635, R. Mali, Bamako. May, 20 0923-0933 male in non stop, sometimes eloquent, French talks. Fading, low modulation, 25422

9690, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu. May, 18 0930-0941 female in English talks, "Nigeria", English Pop music, outside male. Unreadable, fading, 24322
15120, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu. May, 18 1802-1816 news program by male in English, female ID "Voice of Nigeria", short percussion music, female announcements. Hum noise, at peak 44534

7345, RT Tunisia, Sfax. May, 17 two males in Arabic discussion, Arabic style music (voice, percussion, string and choral), back males discussion. 43333,

===== EUROPE =====

Foni Tis Helladas  9420  0415 GMT  Greek  333  May 9th  YL with comments.   

Radio Romania Intl-RMI  7310  0425 GMT  English  433  May 9  Two OMs
with comments on terrorists getting supplies from China.   



===== PACIFIC =====

3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. May, 20 0934-0946 male in English talks but few words identified like "country, sunday, someone". At peak, 35422

=== Site Unknown ===


==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

Media Release
Radio Heritage Foundation

Radio New Zealand International
Budget Frozen for Third Year


New Zealand's international shortwave broadcaster, Radio New Zealand
International [RNZI] has again had its annual budget frozen in the
latest government budget for FY 2011-12 announced here today.

This is the third year in a row that RNZI's budget has been capped at
NZ$1.9m [US$1.5m) but the buying power in US dollars has actually
increased by almost 20% because of the stronger New Zealand currency.

The budget is forecast to stay the same in future years through to
2015, so the good news is that core shortwave services to the Pacific
continue to be funded, but the bad news is that increased wages,
costs and inflation [around 2-4% in the coming few years] will
effectively put greater pressure on the broadcaster.

Again, no funding is provided for a replacement of the 21 year old
100kW analog transmitter, but RNZI must achieve 99% transmission
service on both this and the more recent 100kW digital capable

To reduce costs, RNZI often cuts the power down to 50kW on both
transmitters, whilst making sure it also delivers daily news
bulletins able to be rebroadcast by a minimum of 17 Pacific region
radio stations.

Currently, RNZI provides FM quality news bulletins and its flagship
'Dateline Pacific' program to some 19 Pacific stations, and
rebroadcasts by the BBC Pacific program stream reach another 11 local
stations across the Pacific region.

In addition, RNZI provides live audio feeds, podcasts and audio on
demand news, current affairs and other programs from its website

RNZI also continues to provide emergency tsunami, earthquake and
cyclone warnings for much of the region between French Polynesia and
the Solomon Islands and also works with New Zealand and Australian
aid programs to upgrade the shortwave broadcasting capacity of local
broadcasters such as VBTC Vanuatu and SIBC Solomon Islands.

The budget freeze is in the context of government budget expenditure
reaching 8.4% of GDP this year because of the world economic climate
and the massive economic and social cost of the Christchurch
earthquake in February. All government agencies have had budgets
frozen or reduced for FY 2011-2012.
[Radio Heritage Foundation]


Papua New Guinea
Broadcasting Review

We're currently reviewing the status of broadcasting in PNG as part
of our ongoing updates for the World Radio TV Handbook [WRTH] and our
PAL Radio Guides at

Radio Eastern Highlands 3395kHz at Goroka has been reported inactive
on SW for some time. In fact, we had even removed it from the WRTH

However, we understand it was most recently off SW for 9 months,
returning briefly in January 2011 before another technical problem
has taken it off air yet again.

An NBC engineer says 'Radio Eastern Highlands faced a lot of 'off-air'
time a few years back because the IC kept getting cooked, and
recently [January 2011] the entire mini-transformer box at the
transmitter was blown to bits."

"Other TV and 3 radio stations piggyback on our tower and went off
air for a whole month. We were lucky we have a standby generator for
a bypass power supply."

"The SW transmitter magnetic contactor blew out, so no SW service,
using only FM. We've also reduced transmission hours by one,
terminating at 2100 hours [local] and this will remain so until the
SW transmitter fault is rectified." 

The problems are linked to the power authority upgrading national
power supplies, and huge voltage surges [up to 400v] are blowing out
integrated circuits.

An engineer comments 'NBC engineers have to be very current with
PPL's [power company] upgrade and automation so that our delicate
digital equipment is not cooked up in their upgrade process."

As a general observation, MW/SW radio services of NBC may often
operate irregularly outside Port Moresby because of technical and
funding issues.

Simply put,they can come and go from the air as they break down, get
fixed, then break down again and listeners need to constantly
monitor all PNG shortwave outlets to have a current overview of their

NBC plans to replace MW/SW stations with FM only by 2015 but funding
issues are now reported to be delaying implementation.

Commercial network FM100 by comparison, has a rapidly growing and
technically secure FM network because it is owned by Telikom, the main
infrastructure operator.

Its FM frequencies are generally claimed to have 200km coverage which
indicates relatively high powered and well located [often on
mountains] transmitter sites.

Mobile phone use is growing rapidly in PNG with operators Telikom and
Digicel expanding nationwide coverage across the archipelago. Most
radio listeners prefer the commercial FM services such as FM100, Nau
and Yumi FM

The predominately young population prefers inbuilt FM receivers in
mobile phones for listening so the demand for MW and SW services
falls faster every year.

Religious broadcaster Wantok Radio Light have recently upgraded their
satellite systems at each FM relay station, opened two new FM
stations and are planning on some 10 more in 2011 alone to maintain
contact with the rapidly growing FM radio audiences.

Blessed Peter ToRot Radio, a network of Catholic community radio
stations has also reactivated Radio St.Gabriel on shortwave at Vanimo
in recent weeks.

Vanimo is some 20km from the border with Indonesia and
there is high tension in the area because of the Free West Papua
movement, reports of police and military brutality, and a local
economy still suffering from the effects of a devastating tsunami in
the area in the recent past.

We are continuing to monitor broadcasting in PNG with the help of
several sources within the country in an effort to improve the
quality of information available for listeners, travellers and others
using the WRTH listings and those of the PAL Radio Guides at

Observations, comments and news about PNG broadcasting issues are
very welcome to
[Radio Heritage Foundation]


Radio Gloria is on 6140 khz this Sunday

Dear Listeners,
Radio Gloria is on the air this Sunday the 22nd of May 2011.
The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 1300 to 1400 utc.
We Transmit via Nauen (Beam on 126 degree) under the licence of MV Baltic Radio.

The Programme is also available via:
Radio 700 on 6005 khc 9-10 UTC
The Internet on 15-16 UTC

Good listening and good reception!        73s Tom

PS. MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summertime 2011
      1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio                  0900 utc
      3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio        0900 utc    (June)
      4th    Sunday – Radio Gloria International    1300 utc

Germany's Deutsche Welle to end most shortwave broadcasting

Bonn, Germany - The government-financed German broadcaster Deutsche Welle is to cease most of its shortwave broadcasts on July 1, with emphasis shifting to television broadcasts and the internet, the corporation said in Bonn Wednesday.

Full story at :


It is by God's grace that we have been able to replace our old medium wave transmitter in Swaziland, Africa, with a 50,000-watt transmitter that produces a clearer, stronger signal. The best part is that the costs are being covered by what we're saving in electricity!

This rebuilt transmitter was a prototype, which was never intended to be sold or used on the open market. It was originally given by its manufacturer, Harris, to HCJB Global, as payment for work done. There it sat, without being used and with no real future possibility of use, but God had his eye on it for Kingdom use! At the request of Swaziland's Station Manager, Mark Blosser, HCJB Global agreed to give us the transmitter for a fraction of what it would cost to buy a new one.

This would have been in vain however, if the HCJB Global Technology Center hadn't also allocated two of its engineers to refit the transmitter for use on our frequency of AM 1170. Furthermore, the input of the Harris engineer who built the transmitter was needed and when he heard that the transmitter would be used in Africa to reach people with the gospel, he got stuck right in. What was planned to be a simple three-month project turned into a massive one-year undertaking that only God could orchestrate.

The old Continental transmitter remains in Swaziland as a back-up. "It is a vintage one," Mark Blosser says, "that I'm told it could be the only transmitter of its kind still being used!" It is famously known as the "pirate transmitter." During the 1970s, radio stations illegally operated on ships out of the English Channel. When one of these ships entered into port, the transmitter was impounded, and then eventually sold to TWR.

Please pray with us that they will continue for many years to come. Pray that the transmitter would prove to be robust and that the modifications made will endure.

SOURCE:TWR News – New Transmitter in Swaziland



Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

Michael Bethge, Germany.
LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, INdia.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Tom Taylor, USA.
Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to


Next deadline : May.25 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


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