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On the program : 
- Features of the usage of some short-wave ranges 
- Radio calendar 
- Broadcast tips 
- DX Mix News 

A total of 14 ranges are used for music and voice broadcasts on short waves. Three of them – the 60-, 90-, and 120-meter bands are for the radio stations, situated around the tropics. Thus medium waves are replaced, since they are disturbed by strong atmospheric interferences in those regions. Their broadcast was adopted at international conferences and by the International Telecommunication Union /ITU/. The 120-meter band covers the frequencies between 2300 and 2495, situated at each 5 kHz, or a total of 39 frequencies with only 7 of those used. There are more transmitters working in the next tropical band, called 90-meter and situated between 3200 and 3400 kHz. The third band – the 60-meter one is the most populated. The regulation for its usage includes the official frequencies between 4750 and 5060 kHz and the unofficially permitted ones up to 5100 kHz. The 75-meter band is situated between 60 and 90 meters. Its frequencies are provided to European and Asian radio stations. The frequencies, officially allowed for usage are 3900-4000 kHz for Asia and 3950 – 4000 kHz for Europe, while unofficially for Europe and Asia those reach up to 4050 kHz. Some radio organizations do not comply with those requirements and that is why one can find at least 30 radio stations from Indonesia, both Koreas etc. in the frequencies mentioned above. The next band – 49-meter short waves is provided for international usage from all over the globe. It covers the frequencies between 5900 and 6200 kHz, while radio shows can be broadcast unofficially on the sub-ranges between 5730 and 5900 kHz and from 6200 to 6295 kHz. The 49-meter band was called the "European one" years ago, since the Home Services of most countries had fixed frequencies within that range. However, radio fans were most intrigued over the last years by the changes in the 41-meter short wave band. For decades and for unknown reasons it was officially allowed radio shows with voices and music to be broadcast on the same frequencies. Some solutions were tried to be imposed during the World Radiocommunication Conference on July 4 2003, followed later by decisions of ITU, but with no result, despite the fact that the frequencies around that range started to look differently. Those between 6800 and 6995 can be used unofficially for radio broadcasting, as the 6800 – 6890 ones may be used exceptionally in the November – March period. Frequencies from 7000 to 7195 may be used by telegraphists mainly. The 7205 – 7350 range are for American telegraphists and for radio broadcasting from other continents. A mistake of the international radio institutions caused an argument between telegraphists and radio broadcasters over the border frequency of 7200 kHz, as both groups had been allowed to use it. Some radio stations wouldn't obey to those rules and continued to broadcast on the 7100 – 7200 kHz frequencies – Eritrea, Sri Lanka, Guinea, Somali, Uganda etc. 

Radio calendar 

Both the day and the night lasted 12 hours on September 23 at noon – vernal equinox to the south and autumn equinox to the north. Radio Iceland was established on September 20 1930 and Radio Austria – on Sept. 22nd 1922. Radio New Zealand started broadcasting on short waves on September 26th 1948. 

Broadcast tips 

KAZAKHSTAN : Radio the Voice of Orthodox broadcasting from a transmitter located in Kazakhstan was heard here on September 9 from 14.30 to 15.00 h with a program in Russian on 9950 KHz . 
RUSSIA : A local Tatar Radio from Kazan , Tatarstan Republic in Russian Federation was noted on September 9 from 06.12 h with news bulletin in Russian ,followed by news in Tatar on 9690 KHz. 
HORN OF AFRICA : Three radio stations each with own news bulletin were observed on Sept 10th at 04.05 on neighbouring frequencies:on 7200 KHz radio Omdurman,Sudan in Arabic ; on 7205 KHz Eritrean radio&on 7210 KHz radio Fana,Ethiopia. 
FRANCE&SOUTH AFRICA : Radio France International was noted from 05.00 h on 15160 KHz with a program in English ,and a program in French on11605 KHz from a transmitter in South Africa & on 11700 and 13695 KHz from France. 
ARAB PENINSULA : Three Arabic speaking stations were heard at 04.10 h on September 10 in the 31 meter band: on 9715 KHz the program Holy Koran from Saudi Arabia ;on 9745 KHz Radio Bahrain and on 9780 KHz Radio San'a , Yemen. 
BRAZIL : Three Brazilian stations broadcasting in Portuguese are often received here : radio Clube do Para on 4885 and radio Voz Misionaria on 9665 KHz around 04.00 h and radio Brazil Central on 11815 KHz around 00.00 h.
Compiled by Rumen Pankov 

All hours in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), all frequencies in kilohertz (kHz). 
Great Britain: In today's edition of the DX Program you will hear part 3 of the summer schedule of stations that work via BABCOCK transmitters: 

Polish Radio External Service 
-in Polish 
1030-1100 on 11790 Moosbrunn 100 kilowatts / 300 degrees for West Europe and 15265 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 82 degrees for East Europe 
1530-1630 on 11640 Skelton 300 kilowatts / 70 degrees for East Europe 
2100-2200 on 6155 Skelton 250 kilowatts / 150 degrees for West Europe and 7245 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 78 degrees for East Europe 

-in Russian for Russia 
1100-1130 on 15265 and 15460 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 70 and 75 degrees 
1300-1330 on 15480 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 75 degrees and 17860 Al-Dhabayya 250 kilowatts / 20 degrees, the second frequency for Central Asia 
1430-1500 on 11760 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 66 degrees 
1800-1830 on 11730 Wooferton 300 kilowatts / 58 degrees 
1900-1930 on 15155 Skelton 300 kilowatts / 00 degrees 

-in German for West Europe 
1130-1200 on 9435 and 9610 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 92 and 82 degrees 
1530-1600 on 9495 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 80 degrees 
1930-2000 on 6035 Skelton 300 kilowatts / 90 degrees 
1930-2000 on 6135 Wooferton 100 kilowatts / 82 degrees in DRM mode 

-in English 
1200-1300 on 11675 Moosbrunn 100 kilowatts / 300 degrees for West Europe and 11980 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 45 degrees for North Europe 
1700-1800 on 7265 Kvitsoye 35 kilowatts / 220 degrees for North Europe in DRM mode and 9770 Moosbrunn 300 kilowatts / 300 degrees for West Europe 

-in Belarusian for Belarusia 
1330-1430 on 11955 and 15480 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 76 and 80 degrees 
1630-1700 on 11760 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 76 degrees 

-in Ukrainian for Ukraine 
1430-1500 on 15500 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 74 degrees 
1500-1530 on 13730 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 80 degrees and 15265 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 86 degrees 
1830-1900 on 11730 Rampisham 500 kilowatts / 80 degrees and 15155 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 86 degrees 
1900-1930 on 11730 Wooferton 125 kilowatts / 75 degrees 

-in Hebrew for the Middle East 
1800-1830 on 11865 Skelton 300 kilowatts / 110 degrees 

Radio Canada International 
1500-1530 and 1600-1630 on 15325 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 62 degrees for Russia in Russian 
1800-1900 on 11765 Skelton 300 kilowatts / 160 degrees for East Africa and 17810 Skelton 250 kilowatts / 175 degrees for North and Central Africa in English 
1900-2000 on 15180 Rampisham 500 kilowatts / 115 degrees for the Middle East in Arabic 
1900-2000 on 15320 Skelton 250 kilowatts / 175 degrees for Northwest Africa in French 

Gospel for Asia for South Asia in different local languages via Al-Dhabayya 250 kilowatts 
1600-1615 on 9810 / 100 degrees 
1615-1630 on 9810 / 70 degrees from Sunday to Wednesday and 120 degrees from Thursday to Saturday 
2330-2400 on 6040 and 0000-0130 on 6145 / 85 degrees 

IBRA Radio 
1700-1800 on 11655 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 115 degrees for the Middle East in Arabic 
1730-1800 on 9615 Meyerton 100 kilowatts / 30 degrees for East Africa in Somali 
1730-1800 on 11785 Skelton 300 kilowatts / 140 degrees for East Africa in Swahili 
1800-1945 on 12070 Wooferton 300 kilowatts /140 degrees for Central Africa in Arabic 
1900-2030 on 11875 Rampisham 250 kilowatts / 169 degrees for West Africa in Hausa 

SW Radio Africa in English and local languages 
1700-1900 on 4880 Meyerton 100 kilowatts / 5 degrees for South Africa 

Zimbabwe Community Radio/Radio Dialogue on Ndebele, English and Shona 
1755-1855 on 4895 Meyerton 100 kilowatts / 0 degrees in direction Zimbabwe 

Radio Republica in Spanish 
2300-2400 on Saturday and Sunday and 0000-0200 on Sunday and Monday on 9490 Sackville 100 kilowatts / 227 degrees in direction Cuba 

Author: Ivo Ivanov, Frequency Manager of Radio Bulgaria 
 SOURCE: DX Program September 23, 2011

Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

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