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Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.


You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at

JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

4750, Bangladesh Betar, 1403, Sept 19. Have not
heard this one in awhile; distinctive bagpipes; subcontinent music;
1405 news in what sound like Bengali; holding its own against RRI
and CNR1 QRM.

6035, PBS Yunnan/Voice of Shangri-La, 1253, Sept 17. In
Vietnamese; ToH good to hear they still have the distinctive "This is
the Voice of Shangri-La, brought to you by Yunnan Radio"; then into
Chinese programming; better than heard during the summer, but still
adjacent QRM. This year not even a hint of BBS/Bhutan. MP3 audio
at , tough to copy
through adjacent QRM, but English ID is there.

4775, AIR Imphal, 1350, September 19. One of their best
receptions; interview; subcontinent music; series of ads; ToH news
in Hindi; CODAR QRM. Unfortunately the other Northeast India station
at Shillong on 4970 was off the air today. MP3 audio has ads at .
SIKKIM. 4835.0, AIR Gangtok, 1305-1330, Sept 19. Non-descriptive
segment; after 1330 series of on air phone calls (reports on yesterdays
strong earthquake?); poor with QRN; normally this is just about threshold
level, so today's reception was exceptional. MP3 audio file posted at . Seems the station
is still operating normally after the quake.

3960, Korea, North, KCBS Pyongyang, Kanggye. September, 22 0901-0909 male in Korean talks, then female, music. 25422,

This year's Malaysia Day (Independence Day), was
disappointing on September 16.
5964.6v Klasik Nasional, at times off the air (1145) or with just open carrier;
by 1332 did have audio, with a speech in vernacular followed by on air phone
6050.02v, Asyik FM with no special programming.
7295, Traxx FM off the air 1134 and subsequently.
9835, Sarawak FM at 1018 noted with just an open carrier, whereas earlier I
had heard clear audio; by 1145 was off the air and still off at 1218, so no
special programming in any language heard this year.

15110, Tatarstan Wave/GTRK Tatarstan, via Samara,
*0410, Sept 19. Carrier on long before sign on; starts with IS and two IDs
(one in Tatar and the usual one in Russian: "V efirye programa na volnye
Tatarstana"). Played traditional songs that I am always fond of hearing; for
the last 2-3 weeks this has been fairly good, so both Daniel Hostetler (Alaska)
and I have been enjoying them while the nice reception lasts.


===== AFRICA =====

4950, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos. September, 19 2110-2120 male and female in Portuguese talks, music. Unreadable, low modulation, 23432

6015, Radio Tanzania Zanzibar again off the air on Sept 19;
checking before 0300 and subsequently. As Bill Bingham (S. Africa) has
commented, seems now we have to say this has an irregular schedule.
Another power outage?

5915, Zambia NBC Radio, Luzaka. September, 19 2120-2130 male in Vernacular talks, Hilife music, mentioned "Zambia". Progressive grow of fades, at peak 33433

===== EUROPE =====


6030, Calgary - CFVP relaying CKMX (AM 1060). A
clear Monday (UT), Sept 19, with no R. Martí and no Cuban jamming;
0308 "The Lone Ranger Rides Again, Hi-ho, Silver! Away!" radio drama,
complete with Rossini's William Tell Overture (as a kid, my first
experience with classical music!); brief QRM from Radio Oromiya
(Ethiopia) with their IS sign on at 0326; at 0337 start of "Gunsmoke"
cowboy drama. 0441 nice ID "Southern Alberta's hometown radio
station Classic Country AM ten sixty"; "Somebody's Knockin" Terri
Gibbs, "Sundown" Gordon Lightfoot, etc.; decent signal coming
through the QRN with 100 watts; MP3 audio of ID and song .


Radio Argentina Exterior-RAE  15345  2255 GMT Spanish  333  Sept 23  OM with comments followed by an OM singing.   

4796, Bolivia, R. Lípez, Uyuni. September, 22 0910-0921 local music selections, female in Spanish talks, seems news program. Able to catch few words like "militares; parlametário", 24432

Radio Havana Cuba-RHC  9620  0334 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 18  YL and OM with comments. 

===== PACIFIC =====

GUAM[and non].
5765-USB, AFN. Sept 16 off the air; Sept 17 heard
1223 and 1307 with good reception; Sept 18 was fine at 1157; Sept 19
fair at 1154. Still not hearing AFN-Diego Garcia on 4319-USB.

Independence Day on Sept 16 was well covered,
unlike Malaysia. Highlights from 0958 to 1337.
3205, NBC Sandaun, 0958 with Independence Day speech in English; "A
nation that plays together, stays together"; 1001 NBC National News and
weather in English (// 3275 and 3385); island pop songs; 1018 interview in
Tok Pisin; tuned out 1216. BTW – off the air Sept 19.
3385, NBC East New Britain, 1105 had no National News today; many
announcements for "Special Independence Day Program"; all in Tok Pisin.
5960, R. Fly. This was not one of their better days; 1054 the normal
coverage by two Australian sports announcers of the Warriors vs. Tigers
rugby match.

=== Site Unknown ===


==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

4781.53  unid  2330 till 2352 om talk, no music,  signal in fading out with increased QRN heard in South Florida.

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

10th Anniversary of DX India

DX India is a email based group of radio hobbyists specializing on broadcasting in India.
It was founded on October 1, 2001. Several activities are scheduled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DX India.

DX India Contest

The details of the contest are as follows:

Contest Period: From 0000 UTC 1 October 2011 to 2359 UTC 10 October 2011.

Monitor as many SW stations of All India Radio (AIR) as possible.
Prepare Reception Reports for each AIR station on separate sheets.
Download the reception report format here :

Points are calculated depending upon the location of the Dxer as follows:

Asia/Oceania                  :  1 point per AIR station
Europe & Africa              :  2 Points per AIR station
North & South America    :  3 points per AIR station

Prizes:      Awards for Top scoring Three Entries

- World Radio TV Handbook 2012 for top scoring entry from South Asia
- Danish SW Club Intl's Domestic Broadcasting Survey-13
- One year subscription of "DXers Guide", published by ARDXC
- Book "This is All India Radio" by U.L.Baruah
- Joe Carr's Antenna Handbook               
- DX India 10th Anniversary T-Shirts
- Special Postal covers from India on Communication
- Rare special cover on platinum jubilee of All India Radio
- Other prizes to be announced soon

In addition a Participation Certificate will be issued to all those who send entries.
The Reception reports received will be forwarded to All India Radio for possible QSL'ing.

Send the entries by post/email postmarked before 31st October 2011


Address:  DX India 10th Anni. Contest, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.

Results will be declared in December 2011.

Note: Out of 29 AIR SW stations, 25 are currently active. The detailed schedules are available at:

Sponsors :

- World Radio TV Handbook
- The Danish Shortwave Club International
- DX India
- Radioactivity
- Ardic Radio DX Club

DX India special broadcast via AWR Wavescan

In the AWR Wavescan program to be broadcast on 2nd October 2011, there will be a special segment about 10th Anniversary of DX India.

The schedule of AWR Wavescan is:

1200-1230 UTC 17535 Wertachtal
1330-1400 UTC 11880 Guam
1430-1500 UTC 11720 Guam
1500-1530 UTC 11720 Guam
1530-1600 UTC 15255 Wertachtal
1600-1630 UTC 11805 Guam, 12035 Guam
1630-1700 UTC 11740 Guam

Also via WRMI.

Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same. Send your reception report at :

Address:  DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.


DX India special via Amateur Radio

BCDXers who are hams are requested to be on band for a friendly meeting on air on 1st October 2011, Saturday(10th anniversary of Dx India)  and contact / monitor VU2JOS as follows.

0130-0200 UTC (7.00 am to 7.30 am IST) :  7073 kHz, LSB
1230-1300 UTC (6.00 pm to 6.30 pm IST) : 14160 kHz USB

Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same. Send your reception report at :

Address:  DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.


Looking forward to your participation !

Jose Jacob & Alokesh Gupta
DX India YG

(Updated 20th Sept 2011)


Radio Gloria + EMR is on this Sunday

Dear Listeners,

Radio Gloria is on the air this Sunday the 25th of September 2011.

The frequency will be 6140 khz, and the time slot will be 1300 to 1400 utc.

We Transmit via Nauen (Beam on 126 degree) under the licence of MV Baltic Radio.

The Programme is also available via:

Radio 700  on 6005 khz 0900 - 1000 UTC

M V Baltic on 9480 khz 0900 - 1000 UTC + internet: ""

Also via the Internet on - 1500 -1600 UTC

Reports welcome !

PS. EMR Repeat Programme from last Sunday: 9480 khz 0800 - 0900 UTC

Good listening and good reception!        73s Andy & Tom

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PS. MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Summertime 2011

      1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio                  0900 utc

      3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio        0900 utc    ( November )

      4th    Sunday – Radio Gloria International    1300 utc



CLANDESTINE. Thanks to the tip from Glenn in DXLD 11-38,
heard the Saturday only broadcast, via T8WH PALAU, on September
24 of clandestine KPPM Radio (Khmer People Power Movement) on
9960; before 1200, ID in English for World Harvest Radio; into what
assume was Khmer; frequency given along with "w-w-w dot k-p-p-m
radio dot org"; played nice song; mostly monologues; light RTTY
CCI; audio seemed slightly clipped; signal slowly improving. Thanks
to Glenn for talking directly to Ludo Maes of TDP at HFCC Dallas
and finding out about this.

MP3 audio at .

"Khmer People Power Movement (KPPM) is a political movement of
Khmer oversea which founded in 2009 in the United States of America
and leaded by Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha who well known as Cambodian
Social Activist since 1997. KPPM performs it activities under the
political principal, mission, goal and objective that have been set
by the board of decision makers.

KPPM 3-M Principal is:
1) One Mission: Together have to accept the common mission that
every body have obligation to free and liberate the country of Cambodia
from shadow occupied of Vietnamese aka youn.
2) One message: Together we must dare to speak out and spread the
common language about the danger of invasion of Vietnamese that
wanted Cambodia as apart of indochina federation, and have to tell
Khmer people to wake up against communist and against its puppet
in Phnom Penh.
3) One Multitude: Together we win, Cambodians people have to up-rise
the power of the people in every where of country wide in one time for change"

< > and
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Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, India.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Ruben Walter Suarez, Uruguay.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.

Also thanks to


Next deadline : Sep.28 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


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