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Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

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JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

5050, Beibu Bay Radio (BBR). Assume due to their National
Day Holidays they are broadcasting mostly in Chinese now instead of
the normal Vietnamese; Oct 2 at 1219 playing pop and patriotic Chinese
songs; very few segments in Vietnamese (weather); ToH and BoH multi-
language IDs ("FM 96.4 Beibu Bay Radio"); fair. Oct 3 and 4 also
broadcasting in Chinese and // 9820. Ozy Radio (Australia) has not
returned here yet.
5075, Voice of Pujiang, 1154, Oct 2. Their seasonal change back to their
winter frequency (ex: 9705); // 3280 and 4950, which never change
frequencies; radio dramatization in Chinese; all with fair reception.

5964.6 Klasik Nacional, 1300, Oct 3. Relay of the National
RTM News; 1310-1311 they always seem to have a type of National RTM
PSA following the news; // 9835 Sarawak FM with news and PSA. News
was NOT // 6049.52 Asyik FM, but the PSA was.
6049.52, Asyik FM via RTM. Has been a while since they last used this
off frequency transmitter. Recently had been consistently on 6050.02.
Also reported off frequency on Oct 3 by Martien Groot (Netherlands).
1251, Oct 3 at 1300 with 1+1 pips; local news in vernacular; 1305
break in the news for singing "Asyik FM" station jingle; 1310-1311
carrying a National PSA audio feed // 5964.6 Klasik Nacional and 9835
Sarawak FM; 1311 no longer //; pop songs. Oct 4 also noted on 6049.52

17700, R. Pilipinas/VOP, 0200, Oct 3 (Monday). Not
their usual format; in English; R. Pilipinas ID; Tagalog ID for segment
that was a FM relay; program "Asian Voices" in English with series of
interviews about "Community Radio" in various countries; 0233 "This is
the P-B-S News"; mostly poor.

7970, Sound of Hope, 1223, Oct 3. For the third time
in recent months have heard the same ID at the same identical time;
starts with religious song; spelled out: "w-w-w-s-o-u-n-d-o-f-h-o-p-e-o-r-g"
followed by "Sound of Hope" in English. What I once found very difficult
to ID, now seems to be fairly easy.


15140, R. Sultanate of Oman. 1442, Oct 4 in English with
non-stop uplifting, positive mind-set generic clichés ("Connect to the
value of life", etc.); 1451 long list of events in history; 1500 chimes +
bell rung once; into Arabic.

===== AFRICA =====

SUDAN [non]
17745, Sudan Radio Service via Sines, Portugal, 1535,
Oct 2. African pop song; 1540 PSA in English about pollution, the
environment, recycling, how to do compost, etc.; "A healthy
environment means a healthy living for all"; "Conserve the environment.
A message from Sudan Radio Service"; back to music; mostly fair.
MP3 audio at

6015, Radio Tanzania Zanzibar. As of Oct 3, this has
been off the air for about two weeks. Not looking too good for them!
Checked from about 0257 to 0321.

===== EUROPE =====


6160  Canada  0730 English .... unable to determine which station, constant local noise on this frequency difficult to avoid even with three antennas. Need 49 meter directional dipole?  4 October


4451.28 Bolivia, Radio Santa  Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma .
4716.19 Bolivia,  Radio Yura, Yura 1009 with good signal, usual yl identificación en español 1 October, seems on between 0950 and 1020 for last fortnight a checked in the local Peru morning.

4775 Brasil, somewhat garbled identificação em português 0000 to 0010 1 October
[Wilkner , XM Cedar Key]
4915t.  Brasil,  Radio Daqui seemingly at 0911 to 0923 portugués om  and music,  4 October

Radio Havana Cuba-RHC  13670  2055 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 26  OM with comments.   

HCJB  11920  0013 GMT  Portuguese  433  Oct 31  OM with comments plus a choir singing in the background. 

3290, VOG, 0945, Sept 29. Christian sermon in English;
0950 "This is the Voice of Guyana"; poor.

Radio Educacion  6185  0330 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 29  Classical  music. YL and OM with comments at 0332 GMT.   

4774.9  Perú, Radio Tarma. Tarma  1005 español  noted this time generally local morning here and in Peru,
4940 Perú, Radio San Antonio de Atalaya 1020 español,  with strong but distorted signal on September 30
[Wilkner and XM -Cedar Key]
4986.454t.  Perú,  Radio Manantial, Huancayo  0015 with om and mx; reactivation as noted several days
5120 Perú,  Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 2330  October 2nd 
[XM-Cedar Key]
6047 Perú, Radio  Santa Rosa, Lima  1100 to 1120, 23 September, very narrow filter on Drake R8
6173.833 Perú,  Radio Tawantinsuyo,  Cusco 0840 to 0850 narrow filter for program en español, 4 October
[Wilkner]  Noted 0900 October 1 by XM-Cedar Key ]

4990 Suriname, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0600 strong alas garbled ; 0730 - 0800 om and music, better signal at 0900

===== PACIFIC =====

4910t.  Australia, Tennant Creek om in English 0740 to 0800, deep fades 4 October ....while pulling an all night'er thanks to bronchitis.  ;-)

4755.44, PMA-The Cross Radio, running past 1204,
Sept 30. Someone forgot to turn off the Xmtr again! Non-stop sermon in
4755, Micronesia, PMA-The Cross Radio. October, 02 0841-0857 soft music selections, must be religious. Statics enough to distort the audio, at peak, (around 0851), 35522

15720, R. New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki. October, 02 0453-0459 Reggae music, male "R. N. Z. International broadcasting; this is New Zealand", then sign off. 45544,

3205, NBC Sandaun. As of October 4, this
has been off the air for many days now.
5960, R. Fly, 0944, Sept 30. OM DJ in Tok Pisin; several mentions of
"Radio Fly Friday night"; 1003 their usual "Special" program with
interviews; 1032-1045 segment of all songs in English (Dolly Parton
"Think About Love", Cyndi Lauper "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and
ABBA "Dancing Queen"); island songs; ID "95.3 FM"; 1102 tuned
out; poor to almost fair.

5019.9 Solomon Islands, SIBC 1000 weak here,  September 30 
[XM-Cedar Key via Wilkner]

=== Site Unknown ===


==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

4699.408  Unid,  0930 0940  español, weak signal, difficult to follow, transmitter drift constant  30 September
[Wilkner , MR-Plantation FL]

4699.418 drifting, CP possibly ...  0912, om en  español till 1005, long om talk ; fading out; thunder storm static, seems on every  day recently, slow transmitter drift.  4 October
[Wilkner, MR- Plantation ]

4699.432 Unid - "Radio San Miguel, Riberalta" speculation, 0950 noted  en español, weak and drifting, off at 1020 recheck 1 October

4781.521 Unid. 2344.... 'Senor y Senores"  "policia ?". yl singing en español sudden off  with yl alto voice ballad" at 0009. signal faded after 0004,  23 September;
2330 to 2340 om en  español long talk, 22 September

4781.55  Unid  26 September 2350 to 0000 fair signal, fade." Carla observations.  FM move would be appropriate for Ecuador.... more difficult for Bolivia",  "FM and AM are popular en Peru; not Onda Corta now"  Same seem true for Brasil
[South Florida via Wilkner]

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

Pacific Radio Listener Guides

The latest version of the PAL Radio Guides covering all AM
[mediumwave] radio stations across the Asia and Pacific region is now
available from

The PAL Radio Guides list all known AM and SW radio stations
operating in the region...... with detailed station data such as
operating times, languages, location, and much more...across many
thousands of individual stations.

The very latest mediumwave [AM] version can be downloaded today from

The PAL Radio Guides are compiled in Seattle [USA] by our
editor-in-chief Bruce Portzer from monitoring reports, official
sources and feedback from listeners across the region.

Search the two guides online now by options such as location and
frequency or download copies for your own personal use from Access is free for non-commercial use.

Search our other frequently updated online guides to Australian
narrowcast AM radio [Australia 1611-1701 AM] and the New Zealand Low
Power FM Radio Dial [NZLPFM Radio]

Feedback, corrections and updates from users are always welcome and
will be incorporated in future versions. Simply email your comments


Radio Free Asia (RFA) announces the release of our 40th QSL card.
This is the fifth QSL card commemorating 2011 as  RFA 's 15th anniversary.
Rebiya Kadeer, exile Uyghur community leader, is president of the World Uyghur
Congress and an advocate for China's lar gely Muslim Uyghur minority. 
RFA's first broadcast  was in Mandarin  Chinese on September 29, 1996 at
2100 UTC. Acting as a substitute for indigenous free media, RFA concentrates
its coverage on events occurring in and/or affecting the countries to which we
Those countries are: Burma, Cambodia, Laos, North Korea, Peoples Republic of
China, and Vietnam. This QSL card will be used to confirm all valid reception
reports for October 2011.  Similar designs will continue to be announced monthly
between now and the end of the year. To learn more a bout  RFA's anniversary, 


Reception reports are also accepted by email at qsl (@), and for anyone without
Internet access, reception reports can be mailed to: 

Reception Reports 
Radio Free Asia 
2025 M. Street NW,
Suite 300 
Washington DC
United States of America.   

Upon request, RFA will also send a copy of the current broadcast schedule and a
station sticker.


Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, USA.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Ruben Walter Suarez, Uruguay.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Volker Willschrey, Germany.
Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to


Next deadline : Oct.12 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


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