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You are invited to help spread the word about this wonderful hobby amateur radio to a global radio audience!

You are invited to call into a live radio show tomorrow Saturday November 12, 2011 between 4 PM Central and 10 PM Central.

This is an International Shortwave Radio broadcast with global coverage.
You are invited to call in and tell us about your local club or organization and share with us things your 
group may be doing.

We would like to hear about your interests in the hobby and what it was that got your interest and opened the door to the hobby.

There are millions of shortwave listeners around the world, so this a good opportunity to tell them about our hobby and the ARRL.

So spread the word to all radio amateurs that you know and let them know they are invited to call in.
Saturdays broadcast is the launch of a new 100,000 watt shortwave transmitter for a new shortwave facility, WTWW just outside of Nashville, TN.

The frequencies are from 4 PM till 6PM Central 9990 KHZ and from 6 PM till 10 PM Central 5085 KHZ.
A link to a live stream will be posted on

We will be reading emails over the air, taking requests and dedications and most important putting as 
many radio amateurs on the air that will call in.

Lets tell the world about our hobby and spread some international good will!
The phone number to call in starting tomorrow at 4 PM Central is 615-547-9520 

The world will be waiting to hear from you!

Thanks for your participation and 73
Ted Randall
QSO Radio Show

To listen on a Windows Machine
First try just clicking the link below

If the link does not play right off then..

Open Windows Media Player... press the ALT key
Go to FILE ...Then Open URL
Copy and paste in the link below.


Help promote amateur radio around the world

 Imagen from above cortesy of

Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

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