Compiled by IWATA Gaku.
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at
JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====
4750 Bangladesh, Bangladesh Betar 1139 - 1145 yl with comments , steady signal thanks Victor Goonetelleke on F B for assistance. 28 November
4319u Diego Garcia, 4319 AFRTS, 0000 to 0030 with distorted audio, nx and programming 28 November
===== AFRICA =====
===== EUROPE =====
China Radio Intl-CRI 9570 0137 GMT English 444 Nov 30 Two OMs woth omgoing comments.
Radio Exterior Espana-REE 9620 0133 GMT Spanish 333 Nov 30 Two OMs with ongoing comments. //9535 [433].
4716.77 Bolivia Radio Yura, Yura 0120 to 0130 enchanting music, some fading and UTE on top 0128. 28 November
5580.17t. Bolivia Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos at 0020 on 20 November, Seems to be reactivated as heard every local evening
4805 Brasil Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus 2320 with music and om, good signal
on 22 November
4985 Brasil Radio Brasil Central, Goainia 2300 with full ID slogan, frequency 26 November
CVC La Voz 17680 0015 GMT Spanish 444 Dec 1st YL and OM with comments.
4055 Guatemala, Radio Verdad 1200 with religious music, good signal 23 November
3250 Honduras Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1200 with signal fading out on the 24 November
3250 Honduras, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 0025 poor signal; threshold slowly fading in with instrumental music. Signal poor for last two or three days. 0100 partial ID garbled 0106 xylophone or similar; 1130 blasting in with excellent signal, brief selection of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" 28 November
3329.558 Perú, Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 2320 beginning to fade in with om talk 28 November
4986.833 Perú Radio Manantial, Huancayo 1115 on 22 November and 2300 on 26 November
6173.9 Peru, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1110 fading out, 22 November
===== PACIFIC =====
2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT noted with audio 1110 as the strongest of the three NT's 28 November
=== Site Unknown ===
==== PIRATE ====
==== Un-ID ====
4940 Unid at 1115 possibly Peru .....Spanish as reported reported elsewhere 24 November
==== LW / MW ====
189 Iceland Gufuskalar 0552 Pop music with excellent signal, om 0600, back to music at 0606. 24 November
234 Luxembourg yl, strong signal 0550 - 0600. 28 November
216 Monaco, Radio Monte Carlo om in French at 0555 good signal. 28 November
279kHz Turkmenistan R., Nov 28 1900-2000 Very good signal in Ashgabad, capital of Turkmenistan. Talk and music. ID heard as "...Watan Radio..." following pips at 0100 local time.
===== QSL =====
===== ...and others =====
MV Baltic Radio / R Gloria this Weekend
Dear Listeners,
MV Baltic Radio is on the air this Sunday the 4th of December 2011
MVBR Schedule:
0900 to 1000 UTC on 9480 KHz, 1 KW Repeat of Radio Gloria ( From last month )
1000 to 1100 UTC on 9480 KHz, 1 KW MV Baltic Radio
1300 to 1400 UTC on 9480 KHz, 1 KW MV Baltic Radio ( Repeat from 1000 utc )
Good Listening 73s Tom
Due to Technical reasons the last transmission from MVBR on 6140 KHz will be on
the 25th of December 2011. MVBR on 9480 KHz will continue in 2012 as normal.
Radio Taiwan International is inviting listeners and web users all over the world to select this year's "Top 10" Taiwan, cross-strait, and international news stories. Participants will have a chance to win one of great prizes such as smartphones, tablet computers and more just by voting for the news story that they think is most important
Voting Date
From 10:00 am on 12/2/2011 till 09:30 am on 12/30/2011 (Taiwan Time or UTC+8)
How to participate
Click to select anywhere from three to ten stories from each category that you think were the most important this year.
Vote Now>> http://www.rti.org.tw/ajax/2011/2011_top10en/vote.aspx
There are more than 100 prizes, such as smartphones, tablet computers, MP3 players, retro-style radios, CD cases, jade book marks, and more!
* Each participant is eligible for only one prize. Any individual found to be intentionally using software to vote an excess number of times will be barred from participating.
* The winners will be chosen at random by computer and then sent notification via email. Each prize winner must then send his or her personal information to the event organizer via email within ten days of receiving the notification. Failure to do so will result in the winner's disqualification from prize collection. Radio Taiwan International will ensure that winners' personal information will not be misused in anyway, in accordance with relevant laws.
* Each prize will be sent to the address provided by the relevant winner.
Any winner who sends incomplete or inaccurate personal information will forfeit their rights to collect the prize. Radio Taiwan International will not resend any prize for any reason.
* Prizes may not be exchanged, transferred, or redeemed for cash. The model and other specifics of each prize will be at Radio Taiwan International's discretion; said specifics will not be subject to the descriptions posted on the event's website.
* Radio Taiwan International has the right to terminate or modify this event, its prizes, and any related items at any time. In the event of any dispute or unaddressed item of business, any rules or interpretations offered by Radio Taiwan International will prevail.
List of winners
Winners will be selected at random within ten days of the last day of voting. The list of winners will be posted on the website.
(Source : Radio Taiwan International)
** U S A. VOA Greenville recently offered to QSL direct with its own card. Lots of reception reports, especially from abroad, should help encourage the powers that be in Washington that this shortwave site is still being listened to and worth keeping on the air. Its closedown has already been postponed more than once.
You can find the current Greenville-B frequencies here:
Repeating the QSLing details, which shows the curtain antennas:
Reports are to be sent to:
Voice of America Transmitting Station
3913 VOA Site "B" Road
Grimesland, North Carolina
27837-8977 USA
No return postage needed
[Glenn Hauser, Nov 30, DX LISTENING DIGEST]
Radio man keeps history..........
This is the seventh QSL card commemorating 2011 as RFA's 15th anniversary.
Ms. Libby Liu has been the president of Radio Free Asia since 2005. As president,
Ms. Liu provides strategic and operational direction to meet RFA's mission of
providing balanced, objective news to listeners in East Asian countries where
such news is unavailable.
RFA's first broadcast was in Mandarin Chinese on September 29, 1996 at 2100
UTC. Acting as a substitute for indigenous free media, RFA concentrates its
coverage on events occurring in and/or affecting the countries to which we
Please visit us at www.rfa15.org or at www.rfa.org.
This QSL card is used to confirm all valid reception reports for December 2011.
Best wishes from all of us at RFA. Thx AJ
AJ Janitschek
Radio Free Asia
2025 M Street, NW
Washington DC 20036
United States of America
+1 (202)530-4900
Facebook: RFA QSL
The 8th Global Shortwave Coordination Conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur
from 9 to 13 January 2012.
Participants of the three coordination groups, representing around 90% of the shortwave
in the world, will take part in this conference to coordinate shortwave frequency schedules
for the A-12 (summer) season.
online registration
Link: http://event.abu.org.my/gscc2012/index.htm
Russian Woodpecker
More on the Russian OTHR. I thought I'd been to some interesting radio places, until Mike
Barraclough pointed me in the direction of this video made in the Ukraine, the former home
of the Russian over-the-horizon radar system that plagued shortwave reception in the 1980's.
It was nicknamed the Woodpecker, which explains the jingle at the end of the video. The
giant curtain is still there, although because it is so close to the old Chernobyl nuclear power
station its within the exclusion zone.Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article http://tinyurl.com/5vzg7e
Please read my article on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd
Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, India.
Glenn Hauser, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Hiro Oguma, Russia.
Robert Walter Suarez, Uruguay.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Radio Heritage Foundation
Also thanks to
radioascolto.org / ITALY.
Next deadline : Dec.07 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to: gaku@apple.email.ne.jp
///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////
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