Three Voice of Russia programs are on the short list of candidates for the Radiomania 2010 national prize: the information and analytical program "Expertise", the "Peoples of Russia" enlightenment program and the "Libretto" music feature. Lada Korotun has some details. ANNOUNCER: About 110 broadcasters from all over Russia submitted some 250 programs to the prestigious Radiomania competition. The prize is awarded in 21 categories spanning practically all radio genres. Alexander Polesitsky, one of the competition's organizers and Chairman of the Radio Guild of the MediaSoyuz Group, says all of the works contesting the Bronze Microphone are very smart top-quality programs.
The programs reveal a trend we have predicted before, a trend that's been gaining foothold lately, namely that the imbalance between talk and music radio is disappearing and the number of information and talk radio stations is growing. Russia has the most saturated radio market in Europe. In Moscow alone, there are over 50 radio broadcasters. An average Russian listens to more radio stations and consumes more radio products than an average Briton or Frenchman.
The first Radiomania competition, cosponsored by MediaSoyuz and the Information Technologies and Communications Ministry, took place in 2001. This year, the organizers added a special prize for the best program commemorating the 65th anniversary of the Soviet Union's Victory in the Great Patriotic War against Nazi Germany. In 2003, the Voice of Russia got its first Bronze Microphone for its "Shrovetide" program and then one more, the following year, for the "News and Views" analytical feature. Finally, in 2008, the best radio play award went to the Voice of Russia production "Anfisa". The Radiomania 2010 prizewinners will be announced on May 14.
Source: VOR programs nominated for Radiomania award
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)
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