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Following a successful year of ratings growth in 2009, CBS Radio has continued to build its audience through first quarter 2010 with more people listening to CBS Radio's stations in the Top 10 markets nationwide versus the same time last year.

According to Arbitron ratings for January-March, CBS Radio recorded an increase in average weekly cume (P 12+) in excess of 1.8 million listeners with the biggest growth seen in New York, LA, and Chicago.  In total, CBS Radio amassed an audience of 38 million listeners who tuned in to one of the company's stations in the 10 largest radio markets across the country.

Improvements in average quarter hour share were also seen in all but one of the Top 10 markets.  Markets seeing double digit percentage increases include San Francisco, Dallas, and Houston, followed by New York with an 8% gain.

Source: Radio Business Report/Television Business Report - Voice of the Broadcasting Industry

(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)

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