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Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.


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JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

7185.66v Myanmar  Myanma Radio 1100 to 1120 tnx Victor G, several mornings,
7185.84, Myanma Radio, back here again after being
on 7200.05 for less than a week; Sept 13 at 1014 and 1106. Sept 14
running well past their semi-regular 1220*, with a sign off today at 1300.
7200.05, Myanma Radio, still here on Sept 12 at 1125.
9730.81, Myanma Radio, 0941-1000*, Sept 13. Has been a while since
I last checked on this frequency; weak but slowly improving; in vernacular
with EZL pop songs.

3325, RRI Palangkaraya, 1200, Sept 14 with clear
ID; normally would have switched over to the relay of the Jakarta
news at this time, but not today; OM and YL chatting; audio level
varying; not // to 4750 and 9680 (both with CNR1 QRM) which
were both carrying the usual Jakarta news relay.
3325, RRI Palangkaraya. Thanks to an alert from
Victor Goonetilleke (Sri Lanka), was able to hear a very unique
program which started at 1233 and ended at 1330 on Sept 16;
gospel Christian preaching by an impassioned African-American
in English with a running translation into Bahasa Indonesia;
outdoor event held in a field locally in Palangkaraya; "I am
reading from God's book. This is God speaking to Palangkaraya",
"Tomorrow night and Sunday night let all of Palangkaraya come
together", etc.; Christian songs; almost fair with adjacent QRM
from Korea on 3320. Perhaps was an audio feed from TV
coverage? Fascinating to hear this from Palangkaraya!
Seems this programming may again be broadcast on September
17 and 18 at the same time. Have edited a small portion as a MP3
audio file at < >.
7289.95, RRI Nabire. Sept 13 went to the beach early (0735 onward)
just to check on this, as it was on the air yesterday per Atsumori,
but it was off the air today. He has been reporting this with an erratic


===== AFRICA =====

6165, Chad, R.N'Djamena. September, 15 2223-2230 African music in French, Afropop, male in French talks, N.A. then sign off. Some Brazilian QRM, at peak 33433,

5995, R. Mali, Bamako. September, 11 0737-0748 non stop male talks in Vernacular. Progressive signal enhancement, 35433
9635, R. Mali, Bamako. September, 17 0904-0912 male and female in French talks, outside male. From 0908 QRM annoying this listening, at peak 34533

===== EUROPE =====

RDP Intl  9455  1743 GMT  Portuguese  333  Sept 6  OM with comments. 

5930, "Radio Rossii Kamchatka" (GTRK Kamchatka)
via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0733-0800, Sept 13. Scheduled
0710-0800; several nice "Radio Rossii Kamchatka" IDs; not
// 5940 and 7315 (both fair), so was their local/regional
programming. Local news; many items about "Kamchatka";
"Kamchatka" phone number given; OM and two YL chatting;
0800 became // 5940 and 7315; pips and Radio Rossii news.
15410, Uganda via Russia, R. Ndiwulira, Luganda. September, 17 1700-1716 female choral music, male in uncertain language "Uganda". Abrupt sign off, 24532

Radio Exterior Espana-REE  9665  1750 GMT  Spanish  333  Sept 6  YL with comments plus some vocal muisc. 



4716.19 Bolivia  Radio Yura, Yura  1015 to 1040, 15 September, noted  morning activation during fortnight, good music, usual yl dj with velvet voice. 14 September
[Wilkner + XM Cedar Key]
4716.62 Bolivia  Radio Yura, Yura  0000 to 0055 into CP music, "amigos oyentes  by yl, enjoyable programming, good strong signal 
4795.87 Bolivia, Radio Lipez, Uyuni  noted 1000 to 1040 for last week, reactivated after fortnight off
[Wilkner + XM]
5952.36  Bolivia R Pío XII, Siglo XX, Llallagua, Potosi om en espanol. into music bridge, date and time given, announcements, two announcers, yl at 1041 good signal 16 September

4805 Brasil, Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus  0900 to 0950 om music, good signal fading by 0950, 15 September.  Seems irregular
[Wilkner ]

5910, Colombia, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras. September, 11 0725-0736 male in Castilian talks alternating latin music, male talks in every music break. Unreadable, statics 35433

5954.97t. Costa Rica, Radio Republica 0000 noted under jamming 13 September

3290  Guyana,  Voice of Guyana 0850 , with mention of E. R. Braithwaite.... wrote "To Sir, with Love" 13 September;
"Happy Birthday greetings to ..." ,  "...with a very good morning"  , Indian Subcontinental music followed by Zombies '
into religious message of "Trusting in the word of Jesus, You are Blessed"
eclectic programme. Dave Brubeck "Take Five", 15 September
[Wilkner ]

6185, Mexico, XEPPM R. Educación (presumed), Mexico City. September, 18 0830-0843 Mexican music selections (like Trio Los Panchos), female in Spanish "Radio Educación", back same kind of music. 34533,

3329.512 Peru,  Ondas del Huallaga,  Huánuco  1030 to 1040, long talk by om:  yl and om to 1041, CHU not heard, 12 September
3360 Peru,  carrier here 0900 to 1100 on some days, excellent log by Dave Valko of this, never heard it well here
4790, Peru, R Visión, Chiclayo. September, 11 0710-0720 music, then male talks presumed in Castilian. Unreadable, statics, poor 25322
5039.24 Peru, Radio  Libertad Junin 1010 to 1040 musica linda de Peru, announcer with time, 10, 12, 16 September
5120.38t.  Peru,  Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba 0053 noted 12 September
5459.973 Peru, Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar  0010 noted with music13 September
6047.05v, R. Santa Rosa (presumed), 1147, Sept 14.
Repeating of a Catholic rosary; too weak to ID; rather a low
frequency for them as last heard on .15.
6173.9 Peru,  Radio Tawantinsuyo,  Cusco 1000 on with ID,16 September noted by several South Florida dxers 16 September
[Wilkner] also noted 0000 on 13 September rlcw

4990 Suriname, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 1000 fading out on 14 September, noted 0900 on 12 September

===== PACIFIC =====

2310  Australia,  VL8A Alice Springs NT  0940 with audio on 16 September 
9710, Australia, Shepparton. September, 18 0846-0856 male and female in English talks, English Pop music, male "to Pacific, Radio Australia" interview between studio male and outside male presumed in Vietnam, talking about the increase of divorce in that country "how easy is to get divorce in these days?; how is the legal implication of divorce?". Like a local station, 55544
9475, R. Australia, Shepparton. September, 17 0851-0902 funny English conversation between male and female, instrumental music, "R. Australia", news space on top of the hour. // 9580, 9590(best signal), 45543

4755.44 Micronesia, Pohnpei Maicronesia The Cross  0805 on 13 September, 1000 other days 
[Wilkner + XM ]
4755, Micronesia, PMA-The Cross Radio. September, 16 0919-0929 male in English sermon, short music alternating talks. Unreadable, statics 25422

Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI  15720  0346 GMT  English  444  Sept 12  OM singing country style song. 

5960 Papua New Guinea,  Radio Fly 1040 to 1100 with fair to good signal number of mornings Fades up 14 and 15 September
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. September 12 from 0958 to 1212.

NBC Sandaun on 3205 with their normal Monday show "Government
Talkback" in English with two OM chatting and // 3385 and 3905; at
end of show (1208) played National Anthem; 1209 no longer // 3385
and 3905; brief singing "N-B-C Sandaun" jingle; then the late starting
national NBC "News in Brief" in English. Poor to almost fair.

NBC East New Britain on 3385; at 1108, after the NBC national news,
ID for "N-B-C East New Britain, bringing you local and international
news, and current events happening around you" followed by provincial
news in Tok Pisin; carried the normal Monday show "Government
Talkback" in English with two OM chatting and // 3205 and 3905.

NBC New Ireland on 3905; birdcall at 1002 and assume news; too
weak to make out language; 1103 another birdcall and NBC news
(// 3205 and 3385); 1108 different NBC news (only // 3205); 1114
conch shell horn followed I assume by local news (not //); by 1130
was able to tell they had the normal Monday show "Government
Talkback" in English with two OM chatting and // 3205 and 3385;
on air phone call; poor reception the whole time.

R. Fly on 5960 from 1001 to 1025 the usual Monday show "Radio
Fly Special" (heard clear program ID); pop island song; speech
followed by an interview in Tok Pisin; after 1025 music dedications
for pop/rap/island/C&W songs; called in phone dedications; 1050
full ID with frequencies; poor to almost fair. Am still unable to hear
Sept 14 highlights from 0948 to 1238. Unique
propagation today favoring some stations, but harming others.

NBC Sandaun on 3205. 1006 news in English; weather; // 3275 till 1011.
From 1013 to 1043 special speech in English about PNG education that
was critical of the government; very readable; "Let's go back to the
drawing board", "Too many people illiterate", "Education is the only
way to escape from poverty", etc.; 1043-1101 in Tok Pisin with
schedule of events for "Cultural Day"; NBC Sandaun phone numbers
given; 1101 birdcall and news in Tok Pisin. At 1114 detailed schedule
of events for "celebration of Independence Day" and list of dignitaries
attending; well above normal reception.

NBC Milne Bay on 3365 was below threshold level; unusual for them.

NBC East New Britain on 3385; fair till 1224*.

NBC New Ireland on 3905 was off the air.

Radio Fly on 5960 at 1154 was mentioning "special programming
tomorrow morning" regarding Independence Day.

Status of R. Fly QSL cards - Mine was postmarked back on July 11
and I received it on the 28th. Per Aug 7 generic email from James
Kaltobie to the other folks that had sent in reception reports: "As of
this email you should be expecting a card in the next one or two
weeks." That was over five weeks ago. Looks as if that mailing has
been seriously delayed (cancelled?) by his change of position within
Ok Tedi Mining Limited, as reported by Bruce Jensen in dxldyg.
Guess the only course of action left is for people to continue to
keep emailing Francis Tekei and Winnie Monouluk with requests
for their QSL card. I do know the station had 300 cards printed and
had received a little over 40 reception reports. So far I have not seen
any other report, other than mine, that a R. Fly QSL card has been
received. A sad state of affairs for all the listeners around the world
anxiously waiting for this unique card.

=== Site Unknown ===


==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

4779.902 Unid  0000 to 0030, per log Anker P, not enough audio here,  on several days 12, 13 September

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

DRM Receiver report at HFCC B11 - By Ludo Maes


Liberia (MNN/HCJB) ? Young radio broadcasters are praying that God will use them to share the
Gospel to their countrymen and beyond. It's a partnership between HCJB World Radio and Africa
Bible College in Liberia. They're praying that a mountaintop will become the broadcasting site for
a station run by Africa Bible College University (ABCU) in Yekepa, Liberia.
Alex Walker, a British HCJB Global missionary, recently concluded a module on the practical
essentials of quality broadcasting for Liberian students on the campus. An agreement to broadcast
from the mountain is not finalized with a cell company, so ABCU's communications students currently
broadcast from the campus.
With help from radio trainer Joseph Kebbie, the school was granted a radio frequency just weeks after
it had filed an online application with Liberia's government regulatory body. The licensing process can
take months, or even years, in some African countries.
"From the mountaintop they could see parts of Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire and many miles of Liberian
countryside," said Jeremy Maller, projects coordinator for HCJB Global's Sub-Saharan Africa Region.
"When we were ready for the first test broadcast, the students ... volunteered to sit behind the microphone
and announce to a live audience that ABCU Radio is now ready to be heard," added Maller. "In the coming
months, students will use the radio studios to improve their skills in radio production."
Some 100 students are enrolled at the school that reopened in 2008 after years of civil war in Liberia had
devastated the campus. In July 1990 the war also forced the evacuation of staff from renowned international
broadcaster ELWA after clashes on the station's campus between fighters of the National Patriotic Front of
Liberia and government troops.
Staff returned and reopened the broadcasting and healthcare ministries in 1991 only to flee fighting in
Monrovia again in April 1996. Missionaries and Liberian staff reinitiated ministries in 1997.
ELWA has partnered with HCJB Global and other broadcasters since 1985 in the World by Radio effort,
making Christian broadcasts available in numerous languages that didn't yet have Gospel programming.
Further back in history, HCJB Global's French-language programming reached African listeners via
international shortwave radio as well as medium wave radio. "Impact in Africa!" headlines an August 1968
edition of the mission's magazine, "Call of the Andes." Segments of letters sent to the station accompany
photos of Radio Station HCJB's African listeners. "Did you know that HCJB's French programs are being
broadcast over 19 stations in Africa?" the article asked its readers.
Nine of the stations that aired Christian programs were in the Democratic Republic of Congo or Republic of
Congo. HCJB Global's programs were also aired in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic,
Gabon, Liberia, Mauritius, Niger, Rwanda and Senegal.

SOURCE: HCJB partner opens radio station


Pacific Radio Listener Guides

The current version of the PAL Radio Guides covering all AM
[mediumwave] radio stations across the Asia and Pacific region is
available from

The PAL Radio Guides list all known AM and SW radio stations
operating in the region...... with detailed station data such as
operating times, languages, location, and much more...across many
thousands of individual stations.

Information in the new Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides is great for
travellers, travel agents, corporates and others who need to keep
clients and staff informed..and radio listeners of course.

Radio saves lives in emergencies [think earthquakes in Japan and New
Zealand, floods in Australia] and these guides list the stations you
need to know about across the region.

The PAL Radio Guides are compiled in Seattle [USA] by our
editor-in-chief Bruce Portzer from monitoring reports, official
sources and feedback from listeners across the region.

Search the two guides online now by options such as location and
frequency or download copies for your own personal use from Access is free for non-commercial use.

Search our other frequently updated online guides to Australian
narrowcast AM radio [Australia 1611-1701 AM] and the New Zealand Low
Power FM Radio Dial [NZLPFM Radio]

Feedback, corrections and updates from users are always welcome and
will be incorporated in future versions. Simply email your comments
[Radio Heritage Foundation]



Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, India.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Ruben Walter Suarez, Uruguay.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to


Next deadline : Sep.21 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


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