Compiled by IWATA Gaku.
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at
JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====
3950, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. January, 2 2349-2354 male in Chinese talks, sometimes eloquent. Noisy, 24332
3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. January, 3 0833-0859 orchestrated Pop classics selections like "Hey Jude" of The Beatles, "Bridge over troubled water" of Simon & Garfunkel (that kind of music good to fall asleep), 0858 male in Japanese talks, 0859 s/off and no Vanuatu's signal. 34333
231209, 1416 utc, 12.035 kHz, Tur, Voice of Turkey, in english, via Cakirlar, talk, good signal, but bad sound
251209, 12.045 kHz, 1425 UTC, UAE, Feba Radio (t), some music, talk, bad signal
===== AFRICA =====
6297, Algeria, RASD, Rabuni (presumed). December, 31 Arabic 2159-2220 instrumental pop music, 2200 time pips, seems news program by male, 2208 Arabic music selections, 2215 female talks alternating short music. 23432
4950, Angola, R. Nacional, Mulenvos. December, 28 Portuguese 2207-2216 African music, male talks, tribal music. Heat, 23232
EGYPT Radio Cairo 7580 2348 English 232 Dec 26 YL and OM with comments plus vocal music by a YL in Arabic plus an OM.
5005, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Bata. December, 29 2213-2224 Afropop music, romantic music. Progressive enhance, 24232
7125, Guinea, R. Conakry. December, 28 2120-2135 male Vernacular talks, , 2133 male French talks "Conakry". 34333
4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. December, 28 seems English 2141-2205 male short talks alternating short African music, sometimes a longer slow African music segment, 2157 pause, female talks. Some heat, 23232
===== EUROPE =====
4857, Peru, R. La Hora, Cusco. December, 31 Spanish 2323-2337 two male talks, 2326 local music, short male talks, returning local music at 2335. Strong splash of Brazilian 4865 turning unreadable, 22322
4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. January, 2 2315-2345 romantic slow music, 2317 long female talks segment seems in Dutch, 2332 slow music, pop music, short female talks returning music. In a hard battle agaisnt Brazilian 4985, some fade out, 22432
===== PACIFIC =====
Radio Australia-Shepparton 17795 0003 English 444 Dec 24 Two YLs with news items. Then ABC News by a YL from Jerusalem in Israel. RA ID ooo5 by an OM. The a YL and OM with Merry Christmas to All! //17715[444]Shepparton,
=== Site Unknown ===
==== PIRATE ====
==== Un-ID ====
1696 U unIDed 1756 OM with weather info in FF mentioning Madalena ,
Elda , securite and Hectopascal S7
Which is this station ?
[Liangas 24.12]
==== LW / MW ====
===== QSL =====
===== ...and others =====
MV Baltic Radio this Sunday
MV Baltic Radio is on this Sunday the 3rd of January 2010
At 10.00 to 1100 UTC on our normal channel of 6140 KHz.
M.V.Baltic. Information:
MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for winter 2010
1st Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday – European Music Radio (February)
4th Sunday – Radio Gloria International
Say goodbye to the first decade of the new millennium and hello to 2010 and beyond, with SBS Radio's Alchemy bringing you all the hottest Asian pop, garage, electro and funky house, Afro beat and dubstep… and everything in between…
Tune in from 11pm on Thursday 31 December as we count down the end of the year with the Asian Pop Show, bringing you all the latest super pop and fresh indie beats direct from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan!
Next up is DJ Quirksta from Spin Sessions, dropping the best 2009 club anthems to rock in the 1st hour of 2010.
From 1- 2am, Alchemy's music selector DJ Jonah takes the reins, mixing up 2009's finest UK bassline, Afro beat, garage and dubstep.. so get your raving shoes on!
The party continues with our very special guest DJ Joey Negro - direct from the UK to play you the funkiest house this side of the equator from 2am - 3am.
From 3- 4am Gold Coast Stafford Brothers Matt and Tim will be pushing out electro house and banging club tunes to keep the celebration going; while Kush from the Bombay Shuffle will see you through to the wee hours, mixing the best in urban music from the Indian sub-continent and beyond, from 4 - 5am.
Finally, to see in the sunrise, DJ Zanda - AKA Alex Mann from Alchemy's 'Game On', joins the dots between hip hop, disco and drum and bass; to give you the best early morning vibes on the first day of 2010 from 5 - 6am.
Alchemy NYE 09-10: The only way to party on the biggest night of the year!
Source: http://bit.ly/8Gfl8d
Mi amigo Denis en Honduras me informa que no le estan funcionando los correos electronicos de Radio Nacional de Venezuela
canalinternacionalrnv@gmail.com no funciona
internacional@rnv.ve no funciona
rnv@rnv.gov.ve Falla
internacional@rnv.gov.ve me la devuelve
ondacortavenezuela@hotmail.net no esta vigente
...aunque consegui esta: infornv@rnv.gov.ve
Alguien sabe algo al respecto.
Feliz Año 2010
JANUARY, 2009 - VOLUME 18 NO.1
Private FM radio stations are sprouting up all over Burma, offering listeners a variety of entertainment and, of course, government propaganda
Almost every household in Burma has a radio on nowadays. Many families fight over what program to listen to. Father wants to hear the news and sports; the kids listen to pop music and celebrity interviews; mum tunes in every day to the fortune-teller, while grandmother enjoys the Buddhist monks' recitals.
Many Burmese own cheap, Chinese-made radios that can pick up both FM and shortwave broadcasts. (Photo: YUZO/The Irrawaddy)
FM radio is booming in more ways than one in Burma. The stale government broadcasts of the 80s and 90s have been replaced by popular independent stations all across the country, from Moulmein to Myitkyina.
The Ministry of Information renewed licenses in 2009 for eight private radio stations which transmit high-fidelity broadcasts on FM bands. Stations are licensed to broadcast daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and are allowed to solicit revenue from advertising.
The first independent station to go on air was Yangon City FM, which began broadcasting in 2001. Its popularity prompted a handful of investors to apply to set up private stations outside the former capital, with military cronies being first in line—as always—for licenses.
Founded in 2008, Mandalay FM broadcasts on 87.9 MHz and can be received in Rangoon, Mandalay and Taungoo in Pegu Division.
In ethnic regions, listeners can often tune into programs in their native language. In the Shan State capital of Taunggyi, a radio station called Cherry FM broadcasts in Shan and Pa-o languages on 89.8 MHz to villages within a radius of 110 km [70 miles], reaching parts of Karenni State.
In Karen and Mon states and in Pegu Division, Shwe FM broadcasts on 89.9 MHz from Pegu over a 65-km radius and from Moulmein over a 70-km radius.
Padamyar FM in Sagaing is aimed at audiences in Sagaing Division and Kachin State, and regularly broadcasts Naga folk songs.
Yangon City FM announcer Nwe Nwe Win (Photo: The Myanmar Times)
"Before, we all used to listen to the BBC's Burmese service, Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA)," said Myo Maung, an office worker in Rangoon. "But it's boring just listening to political programs all the time. Our lives are a daily struggle, so some light entertainment can be refreshing."
Another Rangoon resident, 50-year-old Kyaw Shwe, said he listens to shortwave news from abroad in the mornings, "but in the afternoons, I tune into FM and listen to music and celebrity gossip on City FM."
Perhaps the most popular programs in Burma, a country where many avidly follow the advice of fortune-tellers, are the daily astrologers' predictions.
Most of the FM stations run similar programs mostly featuring local news and weather, sports, traditional folk songs, recitals of Buddhist texts and chants, Burmese and Western pop music, celebrity interviews and gossip, movie reviews and even science and technology programs.
Despite the independent nature of FM radio stations, few DJs or announcers dare to criticize the military government or broach sensitive topics, such as Cyclone Nargis, education or health care. References to detained Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi are all but unknown.
While most FM radio stations merely seek to engage their listeners with popular programming, several strive to draw attention away from foreign-based radio stations such as BBC, VOA, RFA and the Norway-based Democratic Voice of Burma.
Padaukmyay, which broadcasts on shortwave from 5:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 7 to 10 p.m., attracts young audiences with the latest pop songs, interspersed with turgid propaganda promoting government policies. Not coincidentally, the station broadcasts during the same time slots that the overseas shortwave stations use for news programs.
However, listening to shortwave radio in Burma is often considered a dissident pursuit. In December 1999, a 70-year-old farmer from northern Burma was sentenced to two years in prison after being caught listening to a VOA broadcast in a public coffee shop.
Another factor discouraging would-be listeners to overseas broadcasts is the poor sound quality. Shortwave stations broadcasting from neighboring Thailand have weak and hazy reception at best, and broadcasters have to constantly adjust the frequency band they are transmitted on because of atmospheric conditions.
"It is hard to find the BBC or VOA on the radio," said Myo Than, a trader in Shan State. "Sometimes we get frustrated and just change the dial to another frequency. The FM broadcasts are loud and clear."
With an election scheduled for 2010, FM radio presents the military junta with an ideal medium to coax, confuse and intimidate the general public, especially rural villagers who do not have TV sets or other sources of information.
"The election is coming soon and we are preparing to lengthen our news programs to cover the political parties and to educate the public," said Than Lwin Tun, the head of the Burmese section of VOA in Washington.
The head of BBC Burmese radio, Khin Htar Shwe, does not doubt that they will have an uphill battle to win over listeners from local FM stations. "FM radio in Burma mainly focuses on entertainment. The audiences like that," she said.
In Rangoon, public bus drivers and taxi drivers from the Parami Taxi firm were ordered to keep Yangon City FM on when they have passengers. Parami Taxi is wholly owned by the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, which is involved in the gem, banking and construction industries, and is currently on the US sanctions blacklist.
"I don't know about other taxi companies, but for us there are clear instructions to keep FM on all day," a taxi driver for Parami said, before pulling out into the traffic and the racket of Burmese hip-hop.
Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:
LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Ivan Lebedevsky, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Also thanks to
Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.
radioascolto.org / ITALY.
Next deadline : Jan.06 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to: gaku@apple.email.ne.jp
///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at
JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====
3950, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. January, 2 2349-2354 male in Chinese talks, sometimes eloquent. Noisy, 24332
3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. January, 3 0833-0859 orchestrated Pop classics selections like "Hey Jude" of The Beatles, "Bridge over troubled water" of Simon & Garfunkel (that kind of music good to fall asleep), 0858 male in Japanese talks, 0859 s/off and no Vanuatu's signal. 34333
231209, 1416 utc, 12.035 kHz, Tur, Voice of Turkey, in english, via Cakirlar, talk, good signal, but bad sound
251209, 12.045 kHz, 1425 UTC, UAE, Feba Radio (t), some music, talk, bad signal
===== AFRICA =====
6297, Algeria, RASD, Rabuni (presumed). December, 31 Arabic 2159-2220 instrumental pop music, 2200 time pips, seems news program by male, 2208 Arabic music selections, 2215 female talks alternating short music. 23432
4950, Angola, R. Nacional, Mulenvos. December, 28 Portuguese 2207-2216 African music, male talks, tribal music. Heat, 23232
EGYPT Radio Cairo 7580 2348 English 232 Dec 26 YL and OM with comments plus vocal music by a YL in Arabic plus an OM.
5005, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Bata. December, 29 2213-2224 Afropop music, romantic music. Progressive enhance, 24232
7125, Guinea, R. Conakry. December, 28 2120-2135 male Vernacular talks, , 2133 male French talks "Conakry". 34333
4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. December, 28 seems English 2141-2205 male short talks alternating short African music, sometimes a longer slow African music segment, 2157 pause, female talks. Some heat, 23232
===== EUROPE =====
4857, Peru, R. La Hora, Cusco. December, 31 Spanish 2323-2337 two male talks, 2326 local music, short male talks, returning local music at 2335. Strong splash of Brazilian 4865 turning unreadable, 22322
4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. January, 2 2315-2345 romantic slow music, 2317 long female talks segment seems in Dutch, 2332 slow music, pop music, short female talks returning music. In a hard battle agaisnt Brazilian 4985, some fade out, 22432
===== PACIFIC =====
Radio Australia-Shepparton 17795 0003 English 444 Dec 24 Two YLs with news items. Then ABC News by a YL from Jerusalem in Israel. RA ID ooo5 by an OM. The a YL and OM with Merry Christmas to All! //17715[444]Shepparton,
=== Site Unknown ===
==== PIRATE ====
==== Un-ID ====
1696 U unIDed 1756 OM with weather info in FF mentioning Madalena ,
Elda , securite and Hectopascal S7
Which is this station ?
[Liangas 24.12]
==== LW / MW ====
===== QSL =====
===== ...and others =====
MV Baltic Radio this Sunday
MV Baltic Radio is on this Sunday the 3rd of January 2010
At 10.00 to 1100 UTC on our normal channel of 6140 KHz.
M.V.Baltic. Information:
MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for winter 2010
1st Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd Sunday – European Music Radio (February)
4th Sunday – Radio Gloria International
Say goodbye to the first decade of the new millennium and hello to 2010 and beyond, with SBS Radio's Alchemy bringing you all the hottest Asian pop, garage, electro and funky house, Afro beat and dubstep… and everything in between…
Tune in from 11pm on Thursday 31 December as we count down the end of the year with the Asian Pop Show, bringing you all the latest super pop and fresh indie beats direct from China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan!
Next up is DJ Quirksta from Spin Sessions, dropping the best 2009 club anthems to rock in the 1st hour of 2010.
From 1- 2am, Alchemy's music selector DJ Jonah takes the reins, mixing up 2009's finest UK bassline, Afro beat, garage and dubstep.. so get your raving shoes on!
The party continues with our very special guest DJ Joey Negro - direct from the UK to play you the funkiest house this side of the equator from 2am - 3am.
From 3- 4am Gold Coast Stafford Brothers Matt and Tim will be pushing out electro house and banging club tunes to keep the celebration going; while Kush from the Bombay Shuffle will see you through to the wee hours, mixing the best in urban music from the Indian sub-continent and beyond, from 4 - 5am.
Finally, to see in the sunrise, DJ Zanda - AKA Alex Mann from Alchemy's 'Game On', joins the dots between hip hop, disco and drum and bass; to give you the best early morning vibes on the first day of 2010 from 5 - 6am.
Alchemy NYE 09-10: The only way to party on the biggest night of the year!
Source: http://bit.ly/8Gfl8d
Mi amigo Denis en Honduras me informa que no le estan funcionando los correos electronicos de Radio Nacional de Venezuela
canalinternacionalrnv@gmail.com no funciona
internacional@rnv.ve no funciona
rnv@rnv.gov.ve Falla
internacional@rnv.gov.ve me la devuelve
ondacortavenezuela@hotmail.net no esta vigente
...aunque consegui esta: infornv@rnv.gov.ve
Alguien sabe algo al respecto.
Feliz Año 2010
JANUARY, 2009 - VOLUME 18 NO.1
Private FM radio stations are sprouting up all over Burma, offering listeners a variety of entertainment and, of course, government propaganda
Almost every household in Burma has a radio on nowadays. Many families fight over what program to listen to. Father wants to hear the news and sports; the kids listen to pop music and celebrity interviews; mum tunes in every day to the fortune-teller, while grandmother enjoys the Buddhist monks' recitals.
Many Burmese own cheap, Chinese-made radios that can pick up both FM and shortwave broadcasts. (Photo: YUZO/The Irrawaddy)
FM radio is booming in more ways than one in Burma. The stale government broadcasts of the 80s and 90s have been replaced by popular independent stations all across the country, from Moulmein to Myitkyina.
The Ministry of Information renewed licenses in 2009 for eight private radio stations which transmit high-fidelity broadcasts on FM bands. Stations are licensed to broadcast daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and are allowed to solicit revenue from advertising.
The first independent station to go on air was Yangon City FM, which began broadcasting in 2001. Its popularity prompted a handful of investors to apply to set up private stations outside the former capital, with military cronies being first in line—as always—for licenses.
Founded in 2008, Mandalay FM broadcasts on 87.9 MHz and can be received in Rangoon, Mandalay and Taungoo in Pegu Division.
In ethnic regions, listeners can often tune into programs in their native language. In the Shan State capital of Taunggyi, a radio station called Cherry FM broadcasts in Shan and Pa-o languages on 89.8 MHz to villages within a radius of 110 km [70 miles], reaching parts of Karenni State.
In Karen and Mon states and in Pegu Division, Shwe FM broadcasts on 89.9 MHz from Pegu over a 65-km radius and from Moulmein over a 70-km radius.
Padamyar FM in Sagaing is aimed at audiences in Sagaing Division and Kachin State, and regularly broadcasts Naga folk songs.
Yangon City FM announcer Nwe Nwe Win (Photo: The Myanmar Times)
"Before, we all used to listen to the BBC's Burmese service, Voice of America (VOA) and Radio Free Asia (RFA)," said Myo Maung, an office worker in Rangoon. "But it's boring just listening to political programs all the time. Our lives are a daily struggle, so some light entertainment can be refreshing."
Another Rangoon resident, 50-year-old Kyaw Shwe, said he listens to shortwave news from abroad in the mornings, "but in the afternoons, I tune into FM and listen to music and celebrity gossip on City FM."
Perhaps the most popular programs in Burma, a country where many avidly follow the advice of fortune-tellers, are the daily astrologers' predictions.
Most of the FM stations run similar programs mostly featuring local news and weather, sports, traditional folk songs, recitals of Buddhist texts and chants, Burmese and Western pop music, celebrity interviews and gossip, movie reviews and even science and technology programs.
Despite the independent nature of FM radio stations, few DJs or announcers dare to criticize the military government or broach sensitive topics, such as Cyclone Nargis, education or health care. References to detained Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi are all but unknown.
While most FM radio stations merely seek to engage their listeners with popular programming, several strive to draw attention away from foreign-based radio stations such as BBC, VOA, RFA and the Norway-based Democratic Voice of Burma.
Padaukmyay, which broadcasts on shortwave from 5:30 to 8:30 a.m. and 7 to 10 p.m., attracts young audiences with the latest pop songs, interspersed with turgid propaganda promoting government policies. Not coincidentally, the station broadcasts during the same time slots that the overseas shortwave stations use for news programs.
However, listening to shortwave radio in Burma is often considered a dissident pursuit. In December 1999, a 70-year-old farmer from northern Burma was sentenced to two years in prison after being caught listening to a VOA broadcast in a public coffee shop.
Another factor discouraging would-be listeners to overseas broadcasts is the poor sound quality. Shortwave stations broadcasting from neighboring Thailand have weak and hazy reception at best, and broadcasters have to constantly adjust the frequency band they are transmitted on because of atmospheric conditions.
"It is hard to find the BBC or VOA on the radio," said Myo Than, a trader in Shan State. "Sometimes we get frustrated and just change the dial to another frequency. The FM broadcasts are loud and clear."
With an election scheduled for 2010, FM radio presents the military junta with an ideal medium to coax, confuse and intimidate the general public, especially rural villagers who do not have TV sets or other sources of information.
"The election is coming soon and we are preparing to lengthen our news programs to cover the political parties and to educate the public," said Than Lwin Tun, the head of the Burmese section of VOA in Washington.
The head of BBC Burmese radio, Khin Htar Shwe, does not doubt that they will have an uphill battle to win over listeners from local FM stations. "FM radio in Burma mainly focuses on entertainment. The audiences like that," she said.
In Rangoon, public bus drivers and taxi drivers from the Parami Taxi firm were ordered to keep Yangon City FM on when they have passengers. Parami Taxi is wholly owned by the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, which is involved in the gem, banking and construction industries, and is currently on the US sanctions blacklist.
"I don't know about other taxi companies, but for us there are clear instructions to keep FM on all day," a taxi driver for Parami said, before pulling out into the traffic and the racket of Burmese hip-hop.
Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:
LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Ivan Lebedevsky, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Also thanks to
Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.
radioascolto.org / ITALY.
Next deadline : Jan.06 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to: gaku@apple.email.ne.jp
///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////
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