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Adventist World Radio

AWR "Wavescan" - DX Program



* Program No NWS56 (ENGPU_WAVE_20100321)

* Production Date Tuesday March 16, 2010

* Uploaded Date By - EDT Wednesday March 17, 2010 8:00 pm EDT

UTC Thursday March 18, 2010 0000 UTC

Singapore morning, Thursday March 18, 2010

* Broadcast Date Sunday March 21, 2010

* Contents 1. The Original Mediumwave Stations in Pakistan

2. Identification Signal

3. American Fax Radio: Part 2 - The Story of the Stations

4. DX Report from Bangladesh

5. Interview - Michael Murray

6. Music of the World

* Research & Script Dr. Adrian M. Peterson, Indianapolis, Indiana USA

* Recording Studios of shortwave WRMI, Radio Miami International, Miami, Florida

* Distribution AWR Network


Wavescan NWS56

* Theme - 00:00

"Birthday Waltz" with Willi Glahe

* Opening Announcement - 00:14

Welcome to "Wavescan", DX program from Adventist World Radio

Researched and written in Indianapolis, produced in studios of shortwave WRMI

Program outline

1. The Original Mediumwave Stations in Pakistan

2. American Fax Radio: Part 2 - The Story of the Stations

3. DX Report from Bangladesh

* Introduction - 00:47

Michael Murray from England

* The Original Mediumwave Stations in Pakistan - 01:36

Much in the news these days is Pakistan. Located on the western edge of what used to be British India, this territory, nearly one thousand miles long and maybe five hundred miles wide, has featured prominently in ancient historic events. Its own colorful history dates back some 4,500 years to what is known as the Indus Valley Civilization. Two ancient cities, Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro, are just a pile of restored ruins these days, but they tell of a remarkable level of social development way back when civilization was young.

The main river system, the Indus with its five tributaries in the north of the country, provides life-giving water to the entire nation; and we should remember that the name Indus, which simply means river in the original language, provided the original name for India itself. The five rivers, they tell us, give us the name Punjab in the original language, and that is the name of a major province in both Pakistan and India.

Many moons ago, we presented the story of the early wireless stations in the territory that is now Pakistan, and they were located in the five cities; Karachi, Lahore, Quetta, Rawalpindi & Peshawar. That was way back in the era of the 1920s.

Here in Wavescan today, we continue in the Pakistan radio story, this time with the saga of their early mediumwave stations. It is the story of two radio stations in two cities; or, if you look more closely, it might be the story of four radio stations located in two cities.

The first radio broadcasting station in the territory now known as Pakistan, was a small amateur station installed in the YMCA building in Lahore in the year 1928. This station was funded by the YMCA, the local Text Book Company, and the provincial Punjab government.

This new and rather amateurish radio station was initially allocated 812 kHz as its broadcasting channel, though this was subsequently changed to 1200 kHz. The allotted callsign was VUL, indicating India Lahore. Radio station VUL Lahore was on the air spasmodically for a period of a little less than ten years, and it was finally closed on September 1, 1937, in favor of a larger new station due to open soon afterwards.

This new station in Lahore was officially inaugurated three months later on December 16, 1937 with 5 kW on 1086 kHz under the same callsign as its predecessor, VUL. It was one of the new radio broadcasting stations in the expanding network of All India Radio.

Thus, it is true, there were really two different radio broadcasting stations in Lahore in the era before partition; the amateur station followed by the government station, both of which were on the air, consecutively, under the same callsign, VUL.

Now up to the frontier city, Peshawar.

It was in the year 1934 that the Marconi radio company in England offered equipment for a new radio broadcasting station to the government of the North West Frontier Province. The agreement was that if the project was successful, the provincial government would purchase the equipment.

This new radio broadcasting station was inaugurated on March 6, 1935 and soon afterwards it was allocated the callsign VUP, with these letters indicating India Peshawar. This small radio station emitted just 250 watts on 1500 kHz which gave it little more than just quite local coverage. Back at that time there was a promise that the station would be upgraded to 2 kW, though this prediction was never ever fulfilled.

During the following year, the provincial government took over the control of the station, and during the next year again, the station was taken over by the Indian national government in Delhi. Then, in March 1939, station VUP Peshawar was converted into a relay station, taking its programming from the national station VUD in Delhi.

However, a totally new broadcasting station, with new studios and new technical equipment, was constructed in Peshawar soon afterwards, and this was inaugurated on December 1, 1942. This new station was assigned the mediumwave channel 629 kHz with an output power of 10 kW.

Thus, it is true, there were really two different radio broadcasting stations in Peshawar in the era before partition; the Marconi station followed by the government station, both of which were on the air, consecutively, under the same callsign, VUP.

At the time of partition between India and Pakistan, known as Freedom at Midnight, August 14 & 15, in the year 1947, there were just these two rather small radio broadcasting stations on the air in the new Pakistan:-

VUL Lahore 5 kW 1086 kHz

VUP Peshawar 10 kW 629 kHz

* Identification Signal - 07:18

France RFI - Identification Signal, electronic

Announcement, English & French

National Anthem, Orchestra & choir

* American Fax Radio - Part 2: The Story of the Stations - 09:34

At the end of our program last week, we indicated that next time, we would present Part 2 in the story of Fax Radio Broadcasting in the United States; and true to our word, here is the information. Last week, we presented an overview of the two major eras of fax radio broadcasting, the late 1930s & the mid 1940s, and on this occasion, we present the story of many of the individual stations that were on the air with fax radio broadcasts during those two eras; AM-mediumwave, shortwave, and FM.

The fax radio era began on December 19, 1933 with the experimental transmission of a specially prepared text that was broadcast by shortwave station W9XAF in Milwaukee Wisconsin. This station, with the letters FAX in reverse as part of its callsign, W9XAF, was included in the commercial conglomerate that owned the Milwaukee Journal daily newspaper, and also mediumwave station WTMJ.

You will note that the mediumwave callsign also contained two significant letters; WTMJ, with the MJ standing for the name of the newspaper, Milwaukee Journal. The frequency for this trial broadcast was 4100 kHz, which was an Apex Band channel, and the power was 500 watts.

Another step in the development of fax radio broadcasting took place nearly four years later, when station KSTP in St Paul Minnesota made the first fax broadcast on mediumwave. At the time, KSTP operated on 1460 kHz with 10 kW.

A few weeks later, two other mediumwave stations entered the fax radio race, and these were WGH in Newport News Virginia with 100 watts on 1310 kHz and WHO in Des Moines Iowa with 50 kW on 1000 kHz. It should be noted that the mediumwave stations that carried fax broadcasts during this era did so after midnight, at the conclusion of what was considered in those days, as the end of the broadcast day.

This cluster of three mediumwave stations that broadcast specially prepared editions of their local newspaper, all used the same fax system designed and manufactured by the Finch company.

Some four months later, another cluster of mediumwave stations entered the fax radio race, and these were three well known giants, all at 50 kW; WOR in Newark New Jersey on 710 kHz, WGN in Chicago Illinois on 720 kHz, and the famous WLW in Cincinnati on 700 kHz. It is remembered that the very letters of the Chicago station, WGN, stood for the World's Greatest Newspaper. Once again, these three stations were also using the afore mentioned Finch fax system.

Over in California, two stations owned by McClatchy Newspapers entered the fax radio broadcasting scene and these were KFBK in Sacramento and KMJ in Fresno. One station was owned by the newspaper that was known as the Sacramento Bee, and the other station was owned by the co-owned Fresno Bee.

Altogether, it is stated, a total of fifteen mediumwave stations were on the air with fax radio broadcasts after midnight in their areas. On shortwave, it is stated, another twenty two stations were licensed by the FFC for the broadcast of fax newspapers on a regular basis.

A list of shortwave stations licensed by the FCC for the broadcast of fax newspapers was issued on January 1, 1938, but it was not until the end of that same year that the first station came on the air with the broadcast of a regular daily newspaper. These stations were described as shortwave stations, and the band in which they were operating was generally the American Apex shortwave band. These stations were permitted to make their newspaper broadcasts at any time that was convenient, which was of course usually during the local daytime.

The first regular delivery of the newspaper by shortwave radio took place on December 7, 1938. The station was licensed as W9XZY in St Louis Missouri, and the frequency was 31600 kHz with 100 watts. The fax bulletin was assembled in the studios of the well known mediumwave station KSD.

Other well known mediumwave stations that fostered the daily transmission of a newspaper on shortwave were:-

WHAS Louisville KY Times W9XWT 500 watts 26250 kHz

WTMJ Milwaukee WI Journal W9XAG 1000

WNAC Boston MA W1XMX 500

WLW Cincinnati OH W8XUJ

FM WQXR New York NY Times W2XR 1000

By the time of Pearl Harbor, a total of ten thousand fax receivers had been sold in the United States, but only four stations were still on the air with fax radio broadcasts. It was an unprofitable and very expensive business. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, the FCC terminated all fax broadcasting licenses.

During the year 1944, twenty five newspapers and radio stations formed an alliance for the re-introduction of fax radio broadcasting. The first experimental broadcast of a new system, described as an electrolytic system, took place on April 17, 1946. However, by this time the concept was to broadcast the fax newspaper during the idle time of an FM transmitter.

Among the few FM radio stations that became active with the delivery of the newspaper by fax, were WGNB & WJJD in Chicago IL, WQXR in New York NY, and WFIL in Philadelphia PA. A little over half a dozen FM stations actually got into fax broadcasting. However, by this time, FM radio was developing, as also was television, and the entire fax venture collapsed again, for the second time.

However, that is not the end of the story of fax newspapers by radio. In the year 1990, the New York times began the broadcast of a regular newspaper by shortwave radio to ships at sea, and also to upscale tourist holiday resorts, and this service is still on the air to this day. Known as the Times Digest, it has a circulation of 190,000 readers in more than 50 countries on all continents. You can view a sample copy on the internet by performing a Google search for Times Digest.

Then too, over in Japan, the Kyodo News Agency prepares a daily newspaper in both Japanese and English that is broadcast by shortwave radio from communication station JJC in Tokyo, and this service is also relayed by another communication station, 9VF in Singapore.

* DX Report from Bangladesh - 17:56

Salahuddin Dolar

* Interview - 23:24

Michael Murray

* Music of the World - 27:14

Spain -Impressions from Spain, guitar

* Closing Announcement - 27:29

Thanks for listening to "Wavescan", weekly DX program from Adventist World Radio

Researched and written in Indianapolis

Next week:-

1. The Story of the VOA Relay Station at Lawrenceville New Jersey

2. DX Report from Australia

Wavescan address:-

Box 29235


Indiana 46229 USA

Wavescan @

QSL cards available

Jeff White, shortwave WRMI

* Music Outrun - 28:31

* Program End - 28:55


1. The Early Mediumwave Scene in Pakistan

Early QSL Cards


Year Date Call City kHz M Size Color Print Logo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1937-1939 VUL Lahore 1086 276 Large Manila Black Silver/blue *Original

1946 Aug 25 VUL Lahore 1086 276 Postcard (Paper) Recycled Black Blue Original

1937-1939 VUP Peshawar 1500 200 Large Manila Black Silver/blue *Original

1946 Aug 25 VUP Peshawar 629 476.9 Postcard (Paper) Recycled Black Blue Original

* This card bears no date, but the printed information shows:-

1. VUP 1500 kHz (1935 - 1941)

2. VUL 1086 kHz (1937 - 1946)

3. VUY Dacca not listed. (Inaugurated in 1939)

Therefore this card must be dated between 1937 & 1939.


2. The Original Mediumwave Stations in Pakistan

The Early Days


Year Date Event Reference


Lahore - 1st Station

1926 Indian Broadcasting Co formed Awasthy 5

1928 Small radio station set up in Lahore

1928 New station set up in YMCA building, amateur station RHD 34

1928 Lahore YMCA radio station supported by Text Book Co & Punjab government BII84.1053

1930 Apr 1 IBC re-designated as Indian State Broadcasting Service Awasthy 6

1933 Mar Lahore station listed with 100 watts on 882 kHz RN 4-33 606

1935 Oct Station VUL listed with 100 watts on 1200 kHz RN 10-35

1936 VUL Lahore 100 watts on 1200 kHz FBC 1936

1936 Jun 8 ISBS renamed as All India Radio, AIR Masani 3, Awasthy 9

1936 Dec 1 YMCA VUL 100 watts on 1200 kHz BYB 1937 137

1936 Sep YMCA station listed with 100 watts on 1200 kHz RN 10-36 215

1937 Sep 1 YMCA station closed in favor of new 1 kW unit VUL BII84.105 3

Lahore - 2nd Station

1937 Dec 16 New AIR station VUL 5 kW inaugurated 5 kW RHD 34

1937-1939 AIR QSL card VUL 1086 kHz, oversize, silver circle, blue map Original

1941 VUL Lahore 1086 kHz 5 kW NZRCotW 1941 13 & 20

1946 VUL Lahore 1086 kHz NZRCotW 1946 23

1946 AIR QSL card, VUL Lahore 1086 kHz 276 m Original

1947 Aug 15 Freedom at Midnight, (Aug 14 & 15), Pakistan born

Peshawar - 1st Station

1926 Indian Broadcasting Co formed Awasthy 5

1930 Apr 1 IBC re-designated as Indian State Broadcasting Service Awasthy 6

1934 Oct New mediumwave station in Peshawar will open in October IDXA-TGC 10-34 6

1935 Jan NWFP government set up 250 watt station at Peshawar

1935 Equipment on loan from Marconi Co, if successful, NWFG will purchase RHD 34

1935 Mar 6 New radio station inaugurated IDXA-TGC 5-35 8

1935 Oct Peshawar station will soon be 2 kW on 1500 kHz IDXA 11-35 7

1935 Oct Station VUP listed on 1500 kHz RN 12-35

1936 Jul 16 Radio station inaugurated at Peshawar, taken over by NWFP gov

1936 Jun 8 ISBS renamed as All India Radio, AIR Masani 3, Awasthy 9

1936 Sep VUP Peshawar 250 watts on 1500 kHz RN 10-36 215

1936 Dec 1 VUP, Gov NWFP 250 watts on 1500 kHz BYB 1937 137

1937 Apr 1 Station taken over by Indian government

1937-1939 AIR QSL card VUP 1500 kHz, oversize, silver circle, blue map Original

1939 Mar Peshawar station converted into a relay station

1941 VUP Peshawar 1500 khz 250 watts NZRCotW 1941 13 & 20

Peshawar - 2nd Station

1942 Jul 16 Radio station moved into regular Broadcasting House, inauguration ceremony

1942 Dec 1 Station went on the air from new Broadcasting House

1946 VUP Peshawar 629 khz NZRCotW 1946 23

1946 AIR QSL card, VUP Peshawar 629 kHz 476.9 m Original

1947 Aug 15 Freedom at Midnight, (Aug 14 & 15), Pakistan born

1950 Peshawar 10 kW on 629 kHz WRHB 1950


3. American Fax Radio

Station History - Mediumwave Stations


Year Date Event Reference


KFBK Sacramento CA - Sacramento Bee

1938 Jan 1 1490 kHz 5 kW

1938 Began experimental fax transmissions

KMJ Fresno CA - The Bee

1938 Jan 1 580 kHz 1 kW

1938 Began experimental fax transmissions

KSD St Louis MO - Post-Dispatch

1938 Jan 1 550 kHz 1 kW


1937 Oct Began tests with Finch system

1938 Jan 1 1460 kHz 10 kW

WGH Newport News VA - Daily Press

1937 Nov Began tests with Finch system

1938 Jan 1 1310 kHz 100 w YB 84.200 152 BYB 38 290

WGN Chicago IL - Transradio News Service

1938 Jan 1

1938 Mar Began experimental broadcasts using Finch system

Collaborated with WLW & WOR for experimental tests

WHK Cleveland OH

1938 Began experimental fax transmissions

WHO Des Moines IA - Transradio News Service

1937 Jul Approval granted transmit photos

1937 Nov Began tests with Finch system

1938 Jan 1 1000 kHz 50 kW

1940 Aug Fax broadcasts ended

WLW Cincinnati OH

1938 Mar Began experimental broadcasts using Finch system

1939 Jul Broadcast flood photos

1939 Jul 25 Reproduction face page

Collaborated with WOR & WGN for experimental tests

1940 WLW continued into early part of WW2 Cincinnativiews

WOR Newark NJ

1938 Jan 1 710 kHz 50 kW

Bought 25 Finch & 25 RCA receivers, transmitted at night

Collaborated with WLW & WGN for experimental tests

1938 Feb 4 1st radio fax broadcast on mediumwave

1938 Mar Began experimental broadcasts using Finch system

WSM Nashville TN

1938 Jan 1 650 kHz 50 kW

1938 Began experimental fax transmissions


4. American Fax Radio

Newspaper Stations


Year Date Event Reference


Chicago Tribune - Chicago IL

1939 6 months license granted, fax broadcasts 9-39 Rotarian 27

McClatchy Newspapers - California

1939 Early Published fax edition for 11 months during 1939

Cleveland Plain Dealer - Cleveland OH

1939 6 months license granted, fax broadcasts 9-39 Rotarian 27

Dallas Morning News - Dallas TX

1939 Oct Began fax newspaper

Detroit News - Detroit MI

1939 6 months license granted, fax broadcasts 9-39 Rotarian 27

Louisville Times - Louisville KY

1939 Granted CP new fax station 500 w 26250 kHz RN 10-39 44

St Louis Star Times - St Louis MO

1939 6 months license granted, fax broadcasts 9-39 Rotarian 27


5. American Fax Radio

Station History - Shortwave Stations


Year Date Event Reference


KSD/W9XZY St Louis MO - Post-Dispatch Lightningfield, Antiqueradios

1934 KSD engineers began studying fax broadcasting

1938 Experiments conducted for more than 1 month

1938 Dec 7 1st fax broadcast KSD, 15 receivers;

Paramount Newsreel 6,000 theaters Americanheritage

Selected ultra-high frequency band, can broadcast any time of day

2 pm daily 100 w 31,600 kHz, 20 - 30 miles coverage area

125 lines per inch, 7 point type, 75 turns per minute

Single sided, continuous roll, 15 minutes per page

15 placed RCA receivers

Stylus presses against carbon paper, 8½" long, 4 columns wide, 9 pages

Commercial receivers will cost $260 each, timer, no dials, no adjustments

1939 Feb Began world's 1st regular broadcast fax newspaper, 1,000 households

100 watt transmitter, 31600 kHz


1938 Jan 1 4100 kHz 500 w WNAC-WAAB

W7XBD Portland OR

1938 Jan 1 1614 2398 3492.5 kHz 1 kW

W2XR New York NY - Radio Pictures

19xx Licensed originally as experimental fax/TV station

1938 Jan 1 6 or more channels 1 kW

19 Became WQXR (FM?)

W9XAG Milwaukee WI - The Journal

1938 Jan 1 6 channels 1 kW

W9XAF Milwaukee WI - The Journal

1933 Dec 19 1st experimental fax broadcast on shortwave

1938 Jan 1 4100 kHz 500 w

WOKO Albany NY

1939 FCC CP granted new fax station 500 w on 25050 kHz RN 10-39 44

W8XUJ Cincinnati OH

1939 Jun New fax transmitter, Crosley R&H 7-39 53

International Service

1990 New York Times, fax to ships & resorts SW Americanheritage 1999


6. American Fax Radio

Station History - FM Stations


Year Date Event Reference

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WGNB Chicago IL - Chicago Tribune

1946 May Began new experimental series fax broadcasts, Finch system

WJJD Chicago IL - Chicago Sun

1946 Planning to commence experimental fax transmissions soon on FM Billboard 25-5-46 6

WXQR New York NY - Times

1946 Planning to commence experimental fax transmissions soon

1948 Feb Began experimental fax broadcasts 6 times daily, 4 pages, 14 receivers departmental stores

Miami Herald - Miami FL

194x Experimental fax tests

1948 Beginning Began twice daily, 75 receivers, hotels, stores

1948 Began broadcasting experimental daily newspaper fax, lasted about year

Philadelphia Inquirer - Philadelphia PA

194x Experimental fax tests

1948 Beginning Began twice daily, 40 receivers, hotels, stores

1948 Began broadcasting experimental daily newspaper fax

New York Times - New York NY

1948 Began broadcasting experimental daily newspaper fax

1948 Mar End of experimental fax broadcasts

Tried to sell transmission equipment one month later

University of Missouri - Columbia MO

1948 Began broadcasting experimental daily newspaper fax


7. American Fax Radio

Summary of All Stations


Year Date Call City State kHz kW Newspaper System Station End


1st Era - Mediumwave

1937 Oct KSTP St Paul MN 1460 10 Finch

1937 Nov WGH Newport News VA 1310 .1 Daily Press Finch

1937 Nov WHO Des Moines IA 1000 50 Transradio Finch 1940

1938 Feb 4 WOR Newark NJ 710 50 Finch & RCA

1938 Mar WGN Chicago IL 720 50 Transradio Finch

1938 Mar WLW Cincinnati OH 700 50 Finch-Crosley 1940

1938 KFBK Sacramento CA 1490 5 S'mento Bee Finch-RCA 1939

1938 KMJ Fresno CA 580 1 Fresno Bee Finch-RCA 1939

1938 WSM Nashville TN 650 50 Finch

1938 WHK Cleveland OH 1390 2.5 Plain Dealer Finch

1939 Early WWJ Detroit MI 920 5 Detroit News ½ year

1939 Oct Dallas TX Morning News

1939 KXOK St Louis MO 630 5 Star Times ½ year

1st Era - Shortwave

1938 Jan 1 W1XMX Boston MA 4100 .5 WNAC-WAAB

1938 Jan 1 W7XBD Portland OR 3 .1

1938 Jan 1 W2XR New York NY 6 1 Radio Pictures NY Times WQXR

1938 Jan 1 W9XAG Milwaukee WI 6 1 Milwaukee Journal WTMJ

1938 Jan 1 W9XAF Milwaukee WI 4100 .5 Milwaukee Journal WTMJ

1938 Dec 7 W9XZY St Louis MO 31600 .1 Post-Dispatch Finch-RCA KSD

1939 Jun W8XUJ Cincinnati OH Crosley WLW

1939 Late WOKO Albany NY 25050 .5

1939 Late W9XWT Louisville KY 26250 .5 Times & Journal WHAS

2nd Era - FM

1946 May WGNB Chicago IL 98.9 Chicago Tribune Finch

1946 WJJD Chicago IL FM Chicago Sun

1948 Feb WQXR New York NY 97.7 New York Times W2XR 1948

1948 WFIL Philadelphia PA 102.1 Inquirer

1948 KFRU Columbia MO FM University of Missouri KFRU

1948 Miami FL Miami Herald 1949

Current Shortwave Era

1990 New York NY SW New York Times, ships & resorts (1999)

2009 JJC Tokyo Japan SW Daily transmission newspaper JJ & EE Wik

2009 9VF Singapore SW Relay from JJC Wikipedia


Thanks to Juan Franco Crespo, Spain

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