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Adventist World Radio

AWR “Wavescan” - DX Program


* Program No NWS78 (ENGPU_WAVE_20100822)

* Production Date Tuesday August 17, 2010

* Uploaded Date By - EDT Wednesday August 18, 2010 8:00 pm EDT

UTC Thursday August 19, 2010 0000 UTC

Singapore Morning, Thursday August 19, 2010

* Broadcast Date Sunday August 22, 2010

* Contents 1. Story of Radio Broadcasting in Hyderabad India - Part 2

2. Identification Signal

3. National Anthem

4. DX Report from Australia

5. Music of the World

* Research & Script Dr. Adrian M. Peterson, Indianapolis, Indiana USA

* Recording Studios of shortwave station WRMI, Radio Miami International, Miami

* Distribution AWR Network


Wavescan NWS78

* Theme - 00:00

“Birthday Waltz” - Willi Glahe

* Opening Announcement - 00:16

Welcome to “Wavescan”, DX program from Adventist World Radio

Researched and written in Indianapolis, produced in studios of shortwave WRMI

Program outline

1. Story of Radio Broadcasting in Hyderabad India - Part 2

2. DX Report from Australia

* Contest Results - 00:51

Last week here in Wavescan, we announced that this week we would publish the details of our big 2010 DX Contest. This we hoped to do. However, the mail response is still coming in, so it will yet be another month before we can officially present the list of worldwide contest winners. So, in the meantime, we move on with our regular programming, and we present the concluding information in the long and interesting story of radio broadcasting in Hyderabad India.

* The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio, Hyderabad - Part 2 - 01:25

In our program here in Wavescan two weeks ago, we presented the earlier part of the story of radio broadcasting in Hyderabad India. In this edition of Wavescan today, we conclude the story of

radio broadcasting in Hyderabad Deccan, and we present the story of All India Radio, mediumwave and

shortwave, and their three major locations. Again, we express appreciation to Jose Jacob VU2JOS at NIAR, the National Institute of Amateur Radio in Hyderabad, for much of the historical information in this interesting Station Profile.

It was on April 1, 1950, that the twelve year old mediumwave station known as Deccan Radio and which was on the air under the Indian callsign VUV, was taken over by the government of India and subsequently absorbed into the nationwide network of mediumwave stations operated by AIR, All India Radio. This was a 5 kW unit radiating on 730 kHz.

Seven years later, a new 5 kW transmitter was installed at what is known as the Low Power Transmitter Site at L.B. Nagar, some eleven KM from the main AIR studio building. The operating frequency for this new transmitter was adjusted from 730 kHz to 740 kHz.

Over the years, several different transmitters have been installed at LB Nagar. A 10 kW unit was installed in 1969 to carry the Yuva Vani, Youth Radio Service, on 1220 KHz, though this was replaced by a 20 kW unit some thirty years later.

The Hyderabad VB service, Vividh Bharati, was inaugurated on March 14, 1963 with a 1 kW Japanese NEC transmitter on 1170 kHz. However, this program service was transferred to FM in 2001 and the 1 kW transmitter was silenced.

Quite unexpectedly, there was a rash of protests at the closure of this mediumwave service, due to the fact that many of the country families did not own an FM radio receiver, and so the small mediumwave transmitter was re-activated in order to once again carry the VB service. The nationwide VB programming, Vividh Bharati, with its multitudinous cinema tunes, is very popular throughout India.

Soon afterwards, this 1 kW transmitter was placed in standby mode. Then, in the sequence of events, it was dismantled and moved to the High Power Transmitter Site at Hayat Nagar where work began for its installation as a standby unit. However, before the installation was completed, the transmitter was again removed and re-installed again at its former location for use on 1170 kHz in a new program service for country farmers under the slogan, Raithu Vani.

The High Power Transmitter Site is located at Hayat Nagar, some fifteen KM from the AIR city studios. The first transmitter here was a 50 kW Japanese NEC transmitter that was inaugurated in 1966 for use on 740 kHz. Some forty years later, this transmitter was removed and sold for scrap.

The two mediumwave transmitters rated at 100 kW each were installed at Hayat Nagar in 1998. These units were made by BEL in Bangalore, and the output is combined on a single channel, 738 kHz. The standby unit at Hayat Nagar is a 1 kW Japanese NEC transmitter that was previously on the air at Kozhikode in south India.

The studios and offices for AIR Hyderabad are located at Safiabad, and a relatively new tower here radiates the FM service at a power level of 10 kW.

The shortwave service of All India Radio at Hyderabad is on the air from the Low Power Transmitter Site at LB Nagar. The original 10 kW unit, an Australian made AWA BTH model, was inaugurated on July 16, 1958. This unit was in service for a period of thirty three years, and in 1994, a new 50 kW Indian made BEL transmitter was installed. The previous 10 kW transmitter was retained for standby usage for a number of years, but it was finally removed and sold for scrap three years ago.

There are occasions when AIR Hyderabad is on the air for extended hours in order to provide special coverage during cyclones and other regional emergencies. During those occasions, the two high powered mediumwave transmitters and the shortwave unit can be heard in parallel with programming directed to the afflicted areas.

Currently, AIR Hyderabad is on the air mediumwave with two units at 100 kW located at Hyat Nagar.

At LB Nagar, there are actually two transmitter sites. The older site operated two mediumwave transmitters and the shortwave unit. The attached newer site houses the 1 kW mediumwave standby transmitter, and also transmitters for the FM service.

In earlier times, AIR Hyderabad was noted as a very reliable verifier, and the Indianapolis collection holds more than a dozen of their cards, mostly an ornate text card in various styles. These days though, reception reports for Hyderabad need to be addressed to the main offices in Delhi, from which attractive color cards are issued.

* Program Announcement - 07:27

Jeff White

* Identification Signal - 08:17

Ghana: Identification Signal, drums

Announcement Swahili

* National Anthem - 09:02

Bulgaria: Brass

* DX Report from Australia - 10:16

Bob Padula

* Music of the World - 25:41

Israel: Instrumental

* Closing Announcement - 26:16

Thanks for listening to “Wavescan”, weekly DX program from Adventist World Radio

Researched and written in Indianapolis

Next week:-

1. Mediumwave WOR in New York on Shortwave

2. With AWR in Atlanta Georgia

3. North American DX Report

Wavescan address:-

Box 29235


Indiana 46229 USA

Wavescan @

Two QSL cards available - AWR & WRMI

Jeff White, shortwave WRMI

* Music Outrun - 27:20

* Program Ends - 28:55


1. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad

Station Locations


Year Date Information Reference -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hyderabad State Broadcasting Service - Mediumwave

1939 May 1 Foundation stone laid for Hyderabad 5 kW RN Document

1939 Hyderabad State Broadcasting Service established BII 84.105 4 Masani 84.101 3

1939 New 5 kW on 730 established recently IDXA-TGC 9-39 16

1941 No callsign listed 5 kW on 730 kHz (VUV) NZRC 77.20 1941 13

1943 Mar Shown as VUH on 730 kHz R&H 79.12 4-43 40

1943 Jun Shown as VUH on 730 kHz R&H 79.12 7-43 40

1943 Aug Shown as VUH on 730 kHz R&H 79.12 9-43 34

1944 May Shown as VUV on 730 kHz with 5 kW R&H 77.10 6-44 34

1946 Callsign VUV 5 kW on 730 kHz NZRC 77.20 1946 19

1948 Callsign VUV 5 kW on 730 kHz NZRC 77.20 1948 18

1950 Apr 1 Taken over by Indian gov, 730 kHz 5 kW Baruah 2.138 233, BII 84.105, JJ Email

1956 Taken over by AIR JJ Article

1956 1st listing MW in WRHB 730 kHz 5 kW WRHB 1956 95

LB Nagar - LPT Site, 11 KM from Studios

MW 5 kW

1950 Apr 1 MW 5 kW inaugurated

1957 Dec 1 New 5 kW MW station inaugurated

1959 1st listing 740 kHz, 5 kW WRHB 1959 107

1959 Dec 15 Currently on air 5 kW 740 kHz RS 7-60 16

MW 10 kW (1 kW?)

1969 Installed for YV service began on 1220 kHz, Serial No 6

1978 Nov 22 Moved to 1377 kHz

1991 10 kW currently on air BEL HMB 104, 1377 kHz, Yuva Vani

2001 Oct Replaced by new 20 kW YV Service

2002 Jan1 Became standby unit for Harris DX 20

MW 20 kW

2000 Mar 1 @ 20 kW under construction Hyderabad C 1377 kHz

2001 Oct 19 20 kW 1377 kHz began test broadcasts, replace 10kW

MW 1 kW

1963 Mar 14 1 kW NEC MB122 inaugurated VB service

1991 1 kW NEC MB122A currently on air 1170 kHz, commercial service

2001 Transmitter removed from service when FM inaugurated

20xx Re-activated due to many listeners not having FM receivers, VB service

20xx Maintained in standby mode

2003 Dismantled for re-assembly at Hayat Nagar as standby for 2 @ 100 kW

2003 Partially installed at Hayat Nagar, dismantled and returned to LB Nagar

2003 Jul 12 Test broadcasts on 1170 kHz, for agricultural broadcasts

2003 Nov 24 Transmitter re-commissioned for agricultural service

2003 Nov 25 On air as Raithu Vani, Farmers Voice

SW 10 kW

1958 Jul 16 Inauguration of AWA BTH10 SW donated from Australia, Colombo Plan JJ Email

1959 Currently on air, 7140 morning, 9720 afternoon, 4988 evening RS 7-60 17

1960 1st listing WRHB, 4988 7140 9720 kHz WRHB 1960 119

1991 10 kW AWA SW transmitter currently in use

1994 Jul Retained as standby for new 50 kW

2001 AWA transmitter removed and Harris 20 MW installed into this space

2007 10 kW SW sold for scrap

SW 50 kW

1992 Began test broadcasts

1993 Jun 2 Taken into service

1994 Jul 23 New 50 kW SW transmitter inaugurated, BEL HHB 144 BDXC 11-94 35

1994 Jul 24 New transmitter inaugurated

1994 Jul 25 Replaced by 50 kW BEL SW transmitter JJ Email

20xx SW on 4800 6120 & 7140

2002 Nov 22 On air all night, cyclone information JJ email

2009 Apr AIR 40 m band stations moving upband NZDXT 4-09 18

2009 40 m band channel changed from 7140 to 7420 kHz RM 5/2009 23


2000 Mar 2 @ 3 kW 102.8 FM VB, Rhode & Schwartz

Hayat Nagar - HPT Site, 15 KM from Studios

MW 50 kW

1966 NEC MB113 50 kW MW 740 kHz inaugurated

1978 Nov 23 Changed to 738 kHz

1991 NEC 50 kW currently on air, Hyderabad A

2005 Old 50 kW NEC mediumwave, not in use, photo JJ Email

2007 50 kW sold for scrap

MW 100 kW

1998 Jun 3 2@100 kW began test broadcasts, Transmitter 1 BEL-34, Transmitter 2 BEL 33

1998 Jun 17 New 2 @ 100 kW inaugurated

2000 Mar 2 @ 100 kW 738 kHz currently on air combined, Hyderabad A

2002 Nov 22 On air all night, cyclone information JJ email

2005 2 @ 100 kW BEL currently in use 738 kHz, photo, Hayat Nagar JJ Email

MW 1 kW Standby Transmitter

2004 1 kW standby transmitter installed, ex VB Kozhikode

2005 NEC 1 kW MB122A

2005 1 @ 1 kW NEC standby 738 kHz JJ Email

Hyderabad-Safiabad Studios

Current location for studios of AIR Hyderabad, in heart of city

STL - UHF, telephone line, satellite

2002 Nov 22 On air emergency cyclone broadcasts, 738 & 4800 kHz

2003 Dec 5 Emergency broadcasts, cyclone, 738 & 4800 kHz

2005 New tower installed at studio building, 10 kW FM


1956 New replacement transmitter MW 20/10 kW by end of year RS 10-54 28

1962 During 3rd 5 year Plan, new 20 kW MW to replace 5 kW BII 84.105 21

1962 Also during 3rd 5 Year Plan, 1 kW VB transmitter BII 84.105 22

1962 Mar 14 1 kW VB inaugurated BII 84.105 27

1982 Jan 1 Status: 50 kW on 738 kHz Channel A Baruah 2.138 233

1982 Jan 1 Status: 10 kW on 1377 kHz Channel B Baruah 2.138 233

1982 Jan 1 Status: 1 kW on 1503 kHz Commercial Baruah 2.138 233

Mediumwave (Shortwave?)

1948 Dec 1 New 800 watt MW transmitter inaugurated RS 10-54 23

Commercial FM Stations

2006 4 commercial stations inaugurated

80 watt Station (800?)

Taken over by AIR Radio Services 10-54

250 watt Station

Transferred from Aurangabad to Hyderabad Radio Services 10-54


2. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad

Current Stations - 2010

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year kW Make kHz Service -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hyat Nagar HPT - 21 Km from studios

1998 2 @ 100 BEL HMB 140 738 Combined, Channel A

LB Nagar LPT, Complex 1 - 16 Km from studios

2001 1 @ 20 Harris DX20 1377 YV

1969 1 @ 10 BEL HMB 104 1377 Standby B Channel

1992 1 @ 50 BEL HHB 144 SW A Channel, sometimes B YV Channel

LB Nagar LPT, Complex 2 - 16 Km from studios

1991 2 @ 3 BEL HVB 164A FM Combined 102.8 MHz, VB programming

2003 1 @ 1 kW NEC MB 122A 1380 Began LPT, then HPT, then LPT, RV

20xx 2 @ 10 kW FM Under construction


3. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad

Mediumwave Summary


Year Date Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1933 1 watt amateur broadcast station installed in home of postal official, Chirag Ali Lane

1935 Feb 3 1st MW station inaugurated, Nizam government

1938 Renamed Deccan Radio

1939 May 1 Foundation stone laid for new 5 kW MW station, Hyderabad State Broadcasting Service

1950 Apr 1 Station VUV taken over by Indian national government, 5 kW 730 kHz

1956 Incorporated into AIR network

1957 Dec 1 New 5 kW MW station inaugurated at LB Nagar

1963 Mar 14 New 1 kW NEC MB 122 inaugurated at LB Nagar for VB Service

1966 New NEC MB113 50 kW inaugurated 738 kHz

1998 Jun 17 2 @ 100 kW inaugurated at Hayat Nagar

2000 Mar New 20 kW transmitter installed Hyderabad C 1377 kHz LB Nagar

2001 1 kW VB closed in favor of FM, soon afterwards re-activated, many not have FM radios

2003 Removed, partially installed Hayat Nagar for standby 2 @ 100 kW, returned to LB Nagar

2003 Nov 24 1 kW commissioned for Raithu Vani service, agricultural programming

2005 1 kW NE transmitter installed standby for 738 kHz

2007 50 kW sold for scrap


4. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad

Shortwave Summary


Year Date Information -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1945 Sep Tentative plans announced for SW facility

1948 Dec 1 New 800 watt transmitter inaugurated

1949 1st listing in WRHB Deccan Radio VUV SW, 3335 & 6210 kHz

1958 Jul 16 New 10 kW AWA BTH10 SW transmitter inaugurated LB Nagar

1994 Jul 25 New 50 kW BEL SW transmitter inaugurated LB Nagar

2007 Australian 10 kW AWA transmitter sold for scrap


5. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad

WRTVHB Entries - Hyderabad on Shortwave


Year 3335 4800 4990 6120 6210 7140 7420 9720 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1947 No entry

1948 No entry

1949 VUV VUV

1950 VUV

1951 No entry

1952 No entry

1953 No entry

1954 No entry

1955 No entry

1956 No entry

1957 No entry

1958 No entry

1959 4988 7140 9720

1960 4988 7140 9720

1961 4990 7140 9720

1962 10 10 10

1963 10 10 10 10

1964 10 10 10 10

1965 10 10 10

1966 10 10 10 10

1967 10 10 10 10

1968 10 10 10 10

1969 10 10 10 10 10

1970 10 10 10 10

1971 10 10 10 10

1972 10 10 10 10

1973 10 10 10

1974 10 10 10 10

1975 10 10 10 10

1976 10 10 10 10

1977 10 10 10 10

1978 10 10 10 10

1979 10 10 10 10

1980 10 10 10

1981 10 10 10 10

1982 10 10 10 10

1983 10 10 10

1984 10 10 10

1985 10 10

1986 10 10 10

1987 10 10 10

1988 10 10

1989 10 10

1990 10 10 10

1991 10 10 10

1992 10 10

1993 10 10 10

1994 50 50 50

1995 50 50 50

1996 50 50

1997 50 50

1998 50 50

1999 50 50

2000 50 50

2001 50 50

2002 50 50

2003 50 50

2004 50 50

2005 50 50

2006 50 50

2007 50 50

2008 50 50

2009 50 50

2010 50 50


Year 3335 4800 4990 6120 6210 7140 7420 9720


6. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad

WRTVHB Entries - Hyderabad on Mediumwave


Year 730 738 740 1060 1170 1220 1377 1380 Comments -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1947 No entry for MW stations in India

1948 No entry for MW stations in India

1949 No entry for MW stations in India

1950 No entry for MW stations in India

1951 No entry for Hyderabad on MW

1952 No entry for Hyderabad on MW

1953 No entry for Hyderabad on MW

1954 No entry for Hyderabad on MW

1955 5

1956 5

1957 5

1958 5

1959 5

1960 5? Power not listed

1961 5? Power not listed

1962 5? Power not listed

1963 5? Power not listed

1964 A 5? C 1 Power not listed

1965 A 5? C 1 Power not listed

1966 A 5? C 1 Power not listed

1967 A 5? C 1 Power not listed

1968 A 5? B 5 C 1 Some powers not listed

1969 A 20 B 5 C 1

1970 A 20 C 1 B 5

1971 A 20 C 1 B 5

1972 A 20 C 1 B 10

1973 A 50 C 1 B 5

1974 A 50 C 1 B 10

1975 A 50 C 1 B 10

1976 A 50 C 1 B 10

1977 A 50 C 1 B 10

1978 A 30 C 1 B 10

1979 A 30 C 1 B 10

1980 A 30 C 1 B 10

1981 A 30 C 1 B 10

1982 A 30 C 1 B 10

1983 A 50 C 1 B 10

1984 A 50 C 1 B 10

1985 A 50 C 1 B 10

1986 A 50 C 1 B 10

1987 A 50 C 1 B 10

1988 A 50 C 1 B 10

1989 A 50 C 1 B 10

1990 A 50 C 1 B 10

1991 A 50 C 1 B 10

1992 A 50 C 1 B 10

1993 A 50 C 1 B 10

1994 A 50 C 1 B 10

1995 A 50 C 1 B 10

1996 A 50 C 1 B 10

1997 A 50 C 1 B 10

1998 A 50 C 1 B 10

1999 A 50 C 1 B 10

2000 A 50 B 10

2001 A 200 B 10

2002 A 200 B 10

2003 A 200 B 10

2004 A 200 1 B 20

2005 A 200 1 B 20

2006 A 200 1 B 20 1 kW on 1170 kHz standby

2007 A 200 1 B 20 1 kW on 1170 kHz standby

2008 A 200 1 B 20 1 kW on 1170 kHz standby

2009 A 200 1 B 20 1 kW on 1170 kHz standby

2010 A 200 1 B 20 1 kW on 1170 kHz standby


Year 730 738 740 1060 1170 1220 1377 1380


7. The Long & Interesting Story of All India Radio Hyderabad



Unit Year Date kHz kW QSL Print Reference -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


AIR 1981 Mar 8 738 30 Postal Original

AIR 1979 Mar 8 738 Rounded Corner Blue print Original

AIR 1975 Jan 9 740 50 Original

AIR 1975 Nov 17 740 Rounded Corner Brown print Original

AIR 1982 Nov 30 1170 1 Postal Original

AIR 1982 Nov 30 1170 Rounded Corner Green print Original

AIR 1981 Mar 21 1377 10 Postal Original

AIR 1974 Nov 14 1380 10 Original

AIR 1974 Dec 13 3355 10 Original

AIR 1974 Dec 12 4800 10 Original

AIR 1995 Jun 19 4800 Picture Card Original

AIR 1974 Dec 12 6120 10 Original

AIR 1985 Jan 7 6120 Rounded Corner Copy JJ

AIR 1974 Dec 11 7140 10 Original

AIR 2000 Apr 2 7140 Picture Card Original

WRN 2003 Dec 4 7460 Letter Routing error Copy JJ

AIR 1982 Dec 7 9600 Letter Non-QSL Original

AIR 1983 Jan 21 9720 10 Postal Original

AIR 1993 Mar 9 SW Letter Copy JJ

AIR 1993 Mar 24 SW Letter Copy JJ

AIR 1993 Apr 6 SW Letter Copy JJ




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