
English French German Spain Italian Dutch Russian Portuguese Japanese Korean Arabic Chinese Simplified




Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.


You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at

JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

4750, Bangladesh Betar, 1251, Oct 31. Caught the
tail end of a segment in English (news?); 1253 into presumed Bengali;
many IDs; mixing with CNR1; at times almost fair; tuned out 1309.
Certainly seems they have more news segments in English than
those listed in WRTH.
4750, Bangladesh Betar, 1235-1242, Nov 1. This is indeed their Monday
schedule for news in English, but unable to confirm if it's the SAARC's
news. "Assalamu alaikum. This is Bangladesh Betar"; Bangladesh and
India signed a memorandum of understanding on "Border Haats", a
traditional commodity market, in the border areas of the two countries
to promote trade;  many persons drowned and others are missing when
an overcrowded ferry capsized "120 kilometers south of Kolkata, the
capital of the Indian state of West Bengal"; mixing with CNR1; RRI
Makassar continues off the air. Too much QRM to hear PBS Qinghai,
if they were here.

5985.83, Myanma Radio, 1402, Oct 31. Blocked by the new
presence on 5985.0 of Shiokaze (scheduled *1400-1430*). 1447-1500
in vernacular and indigenous music; almost fair. Also from 1558 to 1630*
with EZL pop songs in English; expected them to sign off at 1600, but
went longer. Anomaly?

4220, PBS Qinghai (presumed), random checks from 1247 to 1509, Nov 1.
Reactivated again after being absent since May 1. In assume
Tibetan with indigenous chanting/singing. Outdated frequency schedule: >; with their main
site at < >.
4750, at 1510 (after Bangladesh signed off) heard TWO stations. One was
CNR1 and perhaps the weaker station underneath them was the return of
PBS Qinghai? Listening last week after 1500 clearly only heard CNR1 and
nothing else. Needs more monitoring.
4940, Voice of Strait, 1530-1555, Oct 31. Sunday only
program in English; "Focus on China"; continues with their new
schedule and again with a 25 minute program; ex: 1500-1525
(or 30); "This is the Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, China"; news items
about college students; slightly better than last Sunday.

4990, AIR Itanagar, 1338, Nov 3. Back on the air again
after being off for a while. Reception better than last heard; non-stop
indigenous chanting/singing; 1400 switched to subcontinent music;
1415 the usual news in Hindi followed by the news in English and
"Now the weather forecast", along with temperatures; 1430*; carrier
stayed on till 1435 tuned away, so was a very early sign off, unless
the audio came back on again. After 1430 assume I was hearing a
very faint PBS Hunan.
5010, India, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai. October, 31 0019-0029 Hindi (listed) choral music with slight Arabic style, male and female short talks, Hindu style music, back male talks. Statics, 25332 
5050, AIR Aizawl, 1224, Nov 5. Commentary in English; 1225
in Hindi; 1230 "This is All India Radio. The news read by … Mumbai is
all set to welcome US President Barack Obama tomorrow …"; 1235 into
indigenous semi-religious sounding singing. Rare for this to be heard
mixing at such a decent level with Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio (BBR), which
was in Vietnamese.

With President Obama's trip to India, look for possible special programs via
AIR. Especially check AIR Mumbai on 4840. Monday will be an exceptional
day, as President Obama will address a joint session of the Indian Parliament
in the evening, perhaps about 1330 (?) UT or so on Nov 8.

3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. October, 31 0826-0845 non stop soft Pop, Romantic music selections seemingly always same female singer in English. By some het, Vanuatu must be underneath weak, 25332 

15490 R.Pakistan Nov 01 *0043-0057 35433 Urdu,
0043 sign on with Pakistan music, 0044 ID and IS, Opening announce, Koran,

9570 R.Blagovest via R.Veritas Asia Oct 31 *1500-1515 44444-43433 Russian,
1500 sign on with IS, ID, Talk,
17830 R.Blagovest via R.Veritas Asia Nov 01 *0200-0217 45544 Russian,
0200 sign on with IS, ID, Opening music, Talk,

17860 V.of Croatia via Singapore Oct 31 *0700-0714 35433 Croatian,
0700 sign on with ID, News and talk,
17860 V.of Coratia via Singapore Nov 01 0759-0808 35433 Croatian,
Music and news and talk, ID at 0759 and 0800,

4765.05 Tajik R. Oct 30 1509-1519 35333 Tajik,
Talk and music, ID at 1509,


13600 R.Dabanga via Dhabbaya Oct 31 0453-0506 35433 Arabic,
Talk, IS and SJ and ID at 0503,
13720 Sudan R.Service via Dhabbaya Oct 31 0506-0532 35232-35333 Arabic and
Talk, IS and ID at 0529,
15750 R.Bar-Kulan via Dhabbaya Oct 31 *0500-0510 35433 Somali,
0500 sign on with Somali pops, SJ at 0501, Opening announce, Koran,

===== AFRICA =====

4950, R. Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos. October, 31 0546-0606 African music selections, male in Portuguse "Angola, 35 anos de independência; Repubica de Angola, 35 anos", "R. Nacional de Angola", time pips on top of the hour, news program "serviço de utilidade pública da R.N.A.". Static, 35333 

11515 R.Dabanga via Madagascar Nov 04 1533-1544 25332 Arabic,
Talk, ID at 1534 and 1542,

7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. November, 02 0825-0835 male in Arabic talks, Arabic Pop music, back male, female segment. 25332,

11770 V.of Nigeria Nov 04 1606-1620 24332-34333 Arabic,
Drums IS at 1606, Talk,
15120 V.of Nigeria Oct 31 0701-0717 34433 French,
News, ID at 0702,

6055 R.Rwanda Oct 30 1519-1538 34333 Kinyarwanda,
Sports realy and talk, ID at 1534,

9960 R.Bar-Kulan via Meyerton  Oct 31 *1600-1616 45444 Somali,
1600 sign on with opening announce, SJ, Koran, News,
9960 R.Bar-Kulan via Meyerton Nov 04 1604-1614 35433 Somali,
Talk, SJ at 1604 and 1613,

4760 TWR-Swaziland Oct 31 1541-1558 33333-33332 Vernacular,
IS and ID repetition, Opening music, Talk,
9475 TWR-Swaziland Oct 31 *1658-1706 33433 Amharic,
IS and ID repetition, Opening music, Talk,
9500 TWR-Swaziland Oct 31 1640-1654 43433 Oromo,
IS and ID repetition, Opening music, Talk,
9635 TWR-Swaziland Oct 31 1452-1459 34433 Malagasy,
IS and ID repetition, Talk,

9725 Rdiff.TV.Tunisienne Oct 31 1702-1718 45333 Arabic,
News and arabic music, ID at 1714, //12005kHz,

===== EUROPE =====

11615 R.Dabanga via (Germany) Oct 31 1632-1642 24442 Vernacular,
Talk, SJ at 1639 and 1640, //11515kHz,

15105 Tatarstan Wave Oct 31 0510-0520 55444 Tatar,
Opening announce, Talk and music,

11875 Cotton Tree News via UK Oct 31 *0730-0759* 45444-44444 English and
News, ID at 0733 and 0735,
11875 Cotton Tree News via UK Nov 01 0731-0759* 45444 English and Vernacular
News, ID at 0733 and 0735 and 0757,



4986, Peru, R. Manantial, Huancayo (presumed). November, 01 0018-0050 latin genres selections like Rumba, Romantic, Bolero and Cuban music, male talks in Spanish. Some het (from what?), Brasilian 4985 was off, 23322
9720, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. October, 31 0645-0655 infamous preacher David Miranda in Portunhol (crossing of Spanish X Portuguese) "ó Cristo de la glória", male announcements, ID by male on 5th Symphony. //6020, at peak 35322

4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. November, 01 0830-0836 slow music with slight religious style. At 0836 Brasilian 4985 sign on covering Apintie, 25332

5459.8 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar A cappella music into rustic Peruvian music 2340 to 0000, 19 October 

===== PACIFIC =====

11945, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 02 0836-0849 male and female talks "Australia", outside. So far, best signal of R. Australia frequencies in this time period, 33433 

5765 USB, AFN, 1207, Nov 3. "Mainstream Country",
produced by Dial Global, with Rick Morgan's show "Morgan in
the Morning"; C&W songs, as opposed to the usual AFN SW
programming of mostly news/talk and feature bits. NOT // 4319
USB (AFN Diego Garcia), except when they both were // from
1300 to 1306 (news); then back to C&W songs; some military
PSA (these were not // either).

So what is happening here? This was their first day back after
being off the air for maybe a week. In the past was ALWAYS
parallel to AFN Diego Garcia, with the usual format of news/talk
and feature bits.

It will be remembered that AFN Pearl Harbor suddenly changed
their format away from the usual AFN format, over to a music
format, back in 2009. Shortly thereafter they went off the air, not
to be heard again. AFN website shows Pearl Harbor as "Out of
service for an indefinite period". We can only hope that history
does not repeat itself with Guam!

5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. November, 01 0837-0845 Pop music, male in English talks. Unreadable, splash QRM of Brasilian 5035, 32432; November, 02 0810-0824 English talks by male and female "investigated and arrested..complex investigation.Program tonight..Honiara..Solomon Islands", canned male on music. From 0821 signal started to decline, at peak 33333,
5019.86 SIBC Nov 01 0814-0825 35333 English,
News and talk, ID at 0816,

=== Site Unknown ===


5985.0, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata, Japan, 1402, Oct 31.
Ex: 6135; interfering with Myanmar on 5985.83. Once the N.
Korean jamming finds them here, Myanmar will be blocked
for over an hour, as the jamming starts early and continues
on past Shiokaze's sign off (1430*).

7540 V.of Mesopotamia Oct 31 1518-1529 45444 Kurdish,
Talk and kurdish music, ID at 1521,

11530 V.of Mesopotamia Nov 04 1458-1500* 35433 Kurdish,
Music, ID at 1459, 1500 sign off,

==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

Relays via MV Baltic Radio & Nexus (ex. IRRS) 

MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Winter 2010 / 11
Channel 6140 khz  -  Time 10.00 to 1100 utc
1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio      (December)
4th    Sunday – Radio Gloria International  

Nexus (ex. IRRS) relay service Schedule for Winter 2010 / 11
Channel 9510 khz  -  Time 09.00 to 10.00utc
1st    Saturday  –  Radio Joystick 
3rd    Saturday  –  Radio City



CVC International via TAC=Tashkent
Hindi to India

0000-0400 6260  TAC 100 kW/153 deg
0100-0400 9975  TAC 100 kW/131 deg
0400-1100 11805 TAC 100 kW/153 deg
1100-1400 9500  TAC 100 kW/153 deg
1400-2000 6260  TAC 100 kW/153 deg


Radio Thailand B10 

0000-0030 English    13745 US-East *Live
0030-0100 English    13745 US-West *Live 
0100-0200 Thai      13745 US-West  
0200-0230 English    15275 US-East  
0230-0330 Thai      15275 US-East  
0530-0600 English    11730 Europe-Africa *Live 
1000-1100 Thai      12040 Middle East  
1100-1115 Vietnamese 7255  Asia-Pacific
1115-1130 Khmer      7255  Asia-Pacific
1130-1145 Lao        7235  Asia-Pacific
1145-1200 Burmese    7235  Asia-Pacific
1200-1215 Malaysian  11870 Asia-Pacific
1230-1300 English    9720  Asia-Pacific 
1300-1315 Japanese  7465  Asia-Pacific
1315-1330 Mandarin  7465  Asia-Pacific
1330-1400 Thai      7465  Asia-Pacific
1400-1430 English    9725  Asia-Pacific
1800-1900 Thai      7570  Europe 
1900-2000 English    7570  Europe 
2000-2015 German    9535  Europe
2030-2045 English    9535  Europe 
2045-2115 Thai      9535  Europe

Radio Thailand,World Services(HSK9),Public Relations Department,Royal Thai Government 
236 Vibhavadi Rangsit Road,Din Daeng,Bangkok 10400 Thailand
Tel 662 6919917
Fax 662 2776139
english at hsk9 dot org


KBS World Radio B10

1800-1900 WRN          ME/Africa
2000-2100 9430 (Sines)  ME/Africa

1130-1230 9770          SE Asia
1130-1230 6065          China 
1300-1400 1170(MW),7275 Non Direction
2300-2400 9805          SE Asia
2200-2300 7275          China

English 1
0000-0100 1440(Marnach) Europe
0200-0300 9580          S.America
0800-0900 9570          SE Asia
1200-1300 9650(Sackville) N.America
1300-1400 9570          SE Asia
1600-1700 9640          SE Asia
1600-1700 9515          Europe
1800-1900 7275          Europe

English 2
0930-1000 WRN          Europe
1100-1130 9760(DRM)Sat  Europe
2200-2230 3955(Skelton) Europe
2300-2330 WRN          Europe

2100-2200 3955 (Skelton)Europe

2000-2100 3955 (Skelton)Europe

1200-1300 9570          SE Asia
1400-1500 9570          SE Asia
1900-2000 102.6        Jakarta
2200-2300 9805          SE Asia

0100-0200 9580          Japan
0200-0300 11810        Japan
0800-0900 7275          Japan
0800-0900 6155          Japan
1000-1100 9805          Japan
1100-1300 1170(MW)      Japan

Korean 1
1600-1800 7275          Europe
1700-1900 9515          Europe
0900-1100 7275          Non Direction
1600-1800 9705          Middle East/Africa

Korean 2
0300-0400 11810            S.America
0700-0800 6045(Skelton)    Europe
0900-1100 9570            SE Asia
0900-1000 15160            ME/Africa
1000-1100 1170 (MW)        Non Direction
1200-1300 7275            Non Direction
1400-1500 9650(Sackville)  N.America

1800-1900 7235(Rampisham)  Europe
2030-2100 738              Moscow

0100-0200 11810            S.America
0200-0230 9560(Sackville)  North America
0600-0700 6045(Sackville)  Europe
1100-1200 11795(Sackville) South America

0100-0200 9565 Southeast  Asia
1030-1130 9770 Southeast  Asia
1500-1600 9640 Southeast  Asia


B10 Observations on 31st Oct 2010

NHK Radio Japan Hindi noted on 9585 instead of scheduled 11825:
1345-1430 9585 UZB Hindi

Zimbabwe Community Radio
1755-1855 4895 MEY 100 0 English+ SAf Daily

Radio Bar-kulan via Babock (ex VTC)
0500-0600 15750 DHA 500 225 Somali EAF Daily
0830-0930 17680 DHA 250 225 Somali EAF Daily
1500-1530 15265 SKN 250 175 French NAF Thurs

Radyo Pilipinas
0200-0330 11880,15285,17770 English (announcing 17710)

0300-0400 11640,13720,15210,15350 Hindi
0500-0900 11880,15350,15465,17540 English

Sudan Radio Service
0500-0600 13720 English

Voice of Russia
1300-1400 7350,11630,11660,12055 Hindi

0125-0300(0500 on sun)6005,9770,15745 English
0020-0230 7190,11905 Hindi



(From Meyerton,South Africa)


0300 0400 6145  100 1234567 West Africa  English
0300 0330 11720 250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
0400 0500 9460  100 1234567 West Africa  English
0400 0430 11720 250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
0430 0530 3380  100 12345S. Mozambique  Portuguese
0430 0530 6145  250 12345N. Mozambique  Portuguese
0500 0700 11770 100 1234567 West Africa  English
0500 0600 11925 250 .....6. Central Africa Kirundi
0530 0600 11925 250 ......7 Central Africa Kirundi
0700 0730 15490 500 1234567 West Africa  French
0700 0800 17830 500 1234567 West Africa  English
1430 1745 15745 500 .....6. East Africa  Swahili
1500 1700 15105 500 1234567 East Africa  Eng/Swa/Kir
1700 1900 15420 250 1234567 East Africa  English
1745 1800 7465  500 12345.7 East Africa  Swahili
1745 1800 7465  500 .....6. East Africa  Swahili
1800 1830 7465  250 1234567 Indain Oc.Isles French
1830 1900 7425  100 12345.. Rwanda/Burundi Kirundi
2000 2030 15105 500 ....5.. West Africa  Hausa
2030 2100 3380  100 12345  S.Mozambique Portuguese
2030 2100 6135  250 12345.. N.Mozambique Portuguese
2030 2100 7260  500 12345.. Angola      Portuguese
2100 2200 7465  100 1234567 West Africa  English
2200 2300 5910  100 1234567 West Africa  English

BBC World Service
0300 0600 3255 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
0300 0600 6190 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
0600 1600 6190 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
0600 1600 9860 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
1600 2200 3255 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
1600 2200 6190 100 1234567 Southern Afr English

Channel Africa
0300 0400 3345  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
0300 0400 6120  250 1234567 East Africa  English
0400 0700 7230  100 1234567 Southern Afr English
0600 0700 15255 250 1234567 West Africa  English
0700 1600 9625  100 1234567 Southern Afr Eng/Nya/Lozi/Port
1500 1600 17770 250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili
1600 1700 15235 250 1234567 West Africa  French
1700 1800 15235 500 1234567 West Africa  English

1700 1800 11925 250 1234567 East Africa Swahili/Masai
1800 1830 3215  100 1234567 Namibia    English
1800 1830 3345  100 1234567 Zimbabwe    English
1830 1900 11830 250 1234567 East Africa English
1900 1930 15240 250 1234567 West Africa Fulfulde
1930 2000 11750 250 1234567 West Africa Ibo
2000 2100 11755 250 1234567 West Africa French/Yoruba

Trans World Radio
0330 0345 7215 250 1234567 Ethiopia    Amharic
1557 1627 9675 250 12345.. Burundi      Kirundi
1625 1655 9660 500 12345.. Somalia      Somali
1625 1640 9660 500 ......7 Somalia      Somali
1718 1733 7265 250 1234567 Mozambique  Yao

0600 0700 9885  100 1234567 West Africa English
1400 1500 15580 250 1234567 West Africa English
1530 1700 6080  100 1234567 West Africa English
1600 1630 11750 100 .....6. East Africa Kirundi
1800 1900 11905 100 1234567 East Africa Amharic
2030 2100 9780  250 12345.. West Africa Hausa

Family Radio
1600 1700 6225 250 1234567 Madagascar  Malagasy
1700 1800 6225 100 1234567 Madagascar  French
1800 1900 6045 100 1234567 East Africa  English
1800 1900 9595 100 1234567 West Africa  Kituba
1800 1900 9770 250 1234567 East Africa  Kinyarwanda
1900 2000 9705 250 1234567 West Africa  English
1900 2000 3230 100 1234567 Southern Afr English
1900 2000 3955 100 1234567 S.Mozambique Portuguese
1900 2000 6100 100 1234567 Angola      Portuguese
1900 2000 9660 250 1234567 East Africa  Swahili

Radio Sonder Grense
0000 0500 3320 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans
0500 0700 7285 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans
0700 1800 9650 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans
1800 2400 3320 100 1234567 N.Cape Afrikaans

0430 0500 7340  500 1234567 East Africa    Swahili
0500 0700 11605 100 1234567 Central Africa French
0530 0600 11790 100 1234567 East Africa    Swahili
0600 0700 11830 250 1234567 West Africa    Portuguese
0700 0800 15170 250 1234567 West Africa    French
1200 1300 17660 250 1234567 Central Africa French
1500 1600 12015 250 1234567 East Africa    Swahili

SA Radio League
0800 0900 7205  100 ......7 Southern Afr  English
0800 0900 17860 250 ......7 East Africa    English
2005 2105 3215  100 1...... Southern Afr  English

Hirondelle Foundation
0400 0600 11690 250 1234567 Central Africa French

1900 2000 11830 500 1234567 Middle East  Arabic
1900 2000 12080 250 1234567 West Africa  English

1930 2030 6225 100 1234567 Central Africa English/Other

1600 1700 11785 100 123467 Central Africa Various

1730 1800 11740 100 1234567 Somalia Somali

Radio Dialogue
1755 1855 4895 100 1234567 Zimbabwe English

Radio Bar-Kulan
1600 1700 9960 500 1234567 Somalia Somali

Day 1 = Monday, Day 2 = Tuesday………



UTC      Freq  Lang    Target            Site Power Azi Slew

1 Africa

0400 0600 9430  English Nigeria/West Africa    Lusaka 100 315 0
0600 2000 13590 English Nigeria/West Africa    Lusaka 100 315 0
1700 2200 4965  English Central/Southern Africa Lusaka 100 0  0
2000 2200 9505  English Nigeria/West Africa    Lusaka 100 315 0

Radio Christian Voice

0500 1700  6065 English Central/Southern Africa Lusaka 100 0 0

CVC La Voz

1100 1200 9780  Spanish Northern South America Santiago 50 0  0
1100 2200 9635  Spanish Southern South America Santiago 50 30 30
1200 0100 17680 Spanish Northern South America Santiago 50 0  0
1800 2000 17860 Spanish Brazil (DRM)          Santiago 15 45 0
2200 0100 9635  Spanish Southern South America Santiago 50 30 30

The Voice Asia

0000 0400 6260  Hindi North India Tashkent 100 153 0
0100 0400 9975  Hindi North India Tashkent 100 131 10
0400 1100 11805 Hindi North India Tashkent 100 153 0
1100 1400 9500  Hindi North India Tashkent 100 153 0
1400 2000 6260  Hindi North India Tashkent 100 153 0



Many thanks! 
This week's Contributors are:

LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokeh Gupta, India.
Kouji Hashimoto, Japan.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Volker Willschrey, Germany.

Also thanks to

Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.

Next deadline : Nov.10 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////



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