Compiled by IWATA Gaku.
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
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JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====
5770, Myanmar Defense Forces Br. St. (presumed),
1522-1530*, Nov 8. In vernacular; pop and indigenous
songs; off with the usual selection of indigenous music.
3950, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. November, 07 2334-2345 male in Chinese discussion with female, predominating male. 25332,
4220, PBS Qinghai, 1555-1600*, Nov 8 & 10. Consistently
playing Kenny G's instrumental "Forever in Love" before
going off the air. Must be a popular piece in China, as I
heard the same selection used in the past via Zhoushan
Maritime Meteorological Radio. Nov 8 reception was fair;
the strongest since their recent reactivation.
4905, Xizang PBS-Lhasa, 1533-1600, Nov 8. "Holy Tibet" show in
English; opening of the St. Regis Lhasa Resort deluxe hotel; new
airport in Tibet, near border with India, started operating last
Saturday; Tibetan songs; segment "Tibet Stories" about tea
bowls; // 4920 and 6200; enjoyable programming.
4970, AIR Shillong, 1453-1512, Nov 8. Extremely erratic
schedule recently; often not signing on till after 1400. In
English; program of all Simon & Garfunkel songs; their
local IDs now includes both SW and FM frequencies;
1512 switched over to programming from Delhi and
became // 9425.
17860 V.of Croatia via Singapore Nov 06 0758-0809 35333-45433 Croatian,
Music and news, ID at 0800,
17860 V.of Croatia via Singapore Nov 08 *0700-0709 34443-32442 Croatian,
0700 sign on with ID, News and music,
17860 V.of Croatia Nov 09 *0700-0717 35333-35433 English and Croatian,
0700 sign on with ID, 0700-0703 English news, Music and talk,
17860 V.of Croatia Nov 10 *0700-0710 35433 English and Croatian,
0700 sign on with ID, 0700-0703 English news, Music and talk,
15745 SLBC Nov 12 *0125-0145 35333-25332 English,
0125 sign on with IS, IS and National anthem repetition, ID at 0130,
Opening announce, News,
9670 R.Pakistan Nov 11 1158-1210 44444 Chinese,
IS, Koran, Opening announce, Koran,
15490 R.Pakistan Nov 12 0058-0108 34433 Urdu,
News and koran, ID at 0100 and 0105,
===== AFRICA =====
15190, R. Africa, 1605, Nov 10. Series of religious shows
in English; "The People's Gospel Hour" with mailing
addresses in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Boston, MA;
1620 a different preacher; fair to poor. Brazil will have
a hard time today if they broadcast here.
5010, Madagascar, R. Madagasikara, Antananarivo. November, 06 2330-2345 native African style music selections, maybe with Malagasy lyrics, short canned female announcements on music. Some saturation in audio, earlier than usual, 35433
17790 Democratic V.of Burma via Madagascar Nov 06 1430-1446 25332 Burmese,
ID, Opening announce, Talk,
9635, R. Mali, Bamako. November, 03 0804-0812 male in Vernacular talks, "Mali". 25432,
7245, R.Mauritanie, Nouakchott. November, 07 0812-0820 Arabic music, male in Arabic announcements on music, back music. 35433,
11770 V.of Nigeria Nov 06 *1559-1628* 25332-24432-33432 Arabic,
1559 sign on with IS, Talk, Talking drums IS at 1559 and 1607, ID at 1613,
1628 sign off,
15120 V.of Nigeria Nov 06 1501-1532 25332-35333 English,
News, ID at 1509 and 1531,
15120 V.of Nigeria Nov 08 0707-0724 34433-33433 French,
News, ID at 0721,
9960 R.Bar-Kulan via Mayerton Nov 06 1639-1700* 35433 Somali,
Talk and Somali pops, ID at 1653 and 1655, 1659 Koran, 1700 sign off,
===== EUROPE =====
9800 V.of Gospel via Germany Nov 07 *1830-1841 35333 Fulfulde,
1830 sign on with IS, ID, Talk,
RDP INTL 11630 0040 GMT Portuguese 333 Nov 8 OM with comments.
9790, Radio Romenia International, 2203-2255, complete programe os special Day of listener, with Mrs. Victoria Sepciu, letter from sudamerica an Spain,
signal amazing, Sinpo: 45444,
6075, GTRK Kamchatka via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, (Ex: 5930),
0810-0900 (Ex: 0710-0800), Nov 10. Local/regional programming;
interviews, local news and music; IDs "Radio Rossii Kamchatka";
BoH the usual English ID ("This is Kamchatka"); audio not as bad
as it usually is; not so much motorboating as just a hum.
11875 Cotton Tree News via UK Nov 06 *0730-0740 45433 English and
News, ID at 0734 and 0738,
11875 Cotton Tree News via UK Nov 09 *0730-0740 35433 English and
0730 sign on with IS, News, ID at 0735 and 0736,
5755 WTWW Nov 06 0620-0702 25432 English,
Talk and music, ID at 0700,
5755 WTWW Nov 09 0641-0701 25442-24442 English,
Talk, ID at 0700,
4451, Bolivia, R. Santa Ana, Santa Ana de Yacuma. November, 06 2321-2328 male in Spanish talks. Unreadable, 25222
6150, NHK, Radio Japan in Portugues, woman talk, news, information about Church and
Building of Buda, Sinpo: 45444,
15250 R.Nac.de Venezuela via RHC Nov 10 2301-2313 35433 Spanish,
News, ID at 2302 and 2310 and 2311,
4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. November, 05 0723-0733 English romantic, Joe Coker music. 25322,
===== PACIFIC =====
9710, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 07 0822-0831 male and female talks in Pidgin, short music as a bridge to female "Australia". 24432,
Radio Australia-Shepparton 17795 0023 GMT English 433 Nov 6
YL and OM with comments. //17715[Shepparton.
5765 USB, AFN, 1640, Nov 10. Their mostly music format
is no longer an anomaly, but now is firmly established; "Z
Rock" show with alternative rock played by Brian Curry.
Earlier (after 1200 to past 1400) heard with "Mainstream
Country" with the "Morgan in the Morning" show of C&W
songs. AFN Diego Garcia continues to broadcast the usual
AFN SW programming of mostly news/talk and feature bits;
ToH news is the only time I have found them briefly in parallel.
3290, NBC Central, 1348-1407*, Nov 10. Island pop songs;
IDs and promos for "NBC Central" on "95.5 FM", so assume
a relay of Radio Gadona; 1400-1404 indigenous (National?)
song; sign off ID followed by choral National Anthem; poor.
3905, Papua New Guinea, R. New Ireland, Kavieng. November, 10 0758-0808 Pop music, male and female in Pidgin talks. 25232,
11650 R.TEOS via Saipan Nov 06 1257-1310 55444 Russian,
Talk, ID at 1300,
11650 R.TEOS via Saipan Nov 11 1127-1138 54444 Russian,
Music and talk, ID at 1129, IS and ID at 1130,
11650 R.TEOS via Saipan Nov 10 1128-1140 55544 Russian,
Music and talk, ID at 1129, IS and ID at 1130,
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 03 0813-0823 male and female in English talks; 25322. November, 04 0812-0822 female in English talks segment, music with reggae beat, female announcements, English Pop music. 25222,
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 07 0755-0806 male in English talks "united nations..short wave..Australia", Pacific music. 34433,
=== Site Unknown ===
9345 R.Bilal Nov 06 *1800-1815 35332-25332 Amharic,
1800 sign on with ID, Koran, Opening announce, Talk,
==== PIRATE ====
==== Un-ID ====
==== LW / MW ====
===== QSL =====
Cuba: 15120 KHz Radio Habana Cuba, f/d paper cd, en 127 dias, reporte via email a:
radiohc @rroba enet.cu, con copia a encontacto@rroba rhc.cu (me reboto este ultimo)
V/S Manolo, Malena, Canel & Norberto (es una QSL especial firmada por los que presentaron
y presentan el programa DX de RHC >>En Contacto<< en ocasion del 25 aniversario del
programa el pasado 4 de Julio 2010.
===== ...and others =====
----------- South Florida - Brasil- Australia - Bolivia ----------
3250 Honduras, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1128 excellent signal, 1120 with English/ Espanol service . 4052.5 GTM excellent at same time. 1 November
3279.953 Ecuador La Voz del Napo, Tena 0300 with ID as LVdN then sudden off 0308 in mid sentence.. 1 November
3329.514 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1035 excellent music with om dj, 2 November. 1000 good signal on 4 November and 5 November
3375.34 Brasil Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira, 2250 to 2300 with improving signal 2 November
4045u Caribbean Wx 1100 report and check in from ship off, Cuban, Isle of Pines 1 November
4052.5 Guatemala, Radio Verdad 0300 - 0310 Minister with sermon on "Bread of Life", full English ID as "Radio Truth" with US address for reports. 1 November. Noted every day since
[Wilkner / XM Cedar Key]
4760t. Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Port Blair 1130 fading in with subcontinental tentative. Watching each morning local
[Wilkner / XM -Cedar Key]
4787.78 t. Bolivia, Radioemisora Balliván noted 1040 on 5 November, 2300 on 6 November, 2250, 8 November. too weak for meaningful details, also 10 November at 2327
4780 Djibouti, Radio Djibouti, Doraleh 0315 noted on 1 November and subsequent
[Wilkner /XM Cedar Key]
4781.796 carrier noted 1040 on 5 November
4795.87 Bolivia, Radio Lipez, Uyuni 0316 tradition Bolivian Music, good signal 1 November, also 1030 on 1 Nov.
4814.95 Ecuador, Radio El Buen Pastor,Saraguro Loma Loja good signal 0025 on 5 November
4826.7 Peru, ??, carrier noted 1115 on 3 November
4828 Zimbabwe, VOZ 0320 with some audio 7 November
[XM Cedar Key]
4985 Brasil, Radio Brasil Central, Goainia 2250 with excellent signal, always seems strong 3 November
[Wilkner / XM Cedar Key]
4986.355 Peru, Radio Manantial, Huancayo at 1105 with music and om, fading out on 3 November..seems irregular.
[Wilkner/XM-Cedar Key] 2340 on 4 November [Wilkner]
5459.72 Peru, Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 1105 noted with music, fading out 2 November, 2340 on 4 November
5921.222 Peru, Radio Bethel 1030 noted, co channel splash 3 November
5952.518 Bolivia, Pio XII, Siglo Veinte, 1028 yl and om en espanol, 1 November.
5954.22 Radio Republica, 0022 with full ID en espanol... "libertad..Radio Republica..." 5 November
6173.959 Peru, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco 1030 to 1040 weak signal on 3 November
Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Hector Frias, Chile.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Kouji Hashimoto, Japan.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Also thanks to
Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.
radioascolto.org / ITALY.
Next deadline : Nov.17 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to: gaku@apple.email.ne.jp
///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////
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