Compiled by IWATA Gaku.
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at
JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====
5985.83, Myanma Radio, 1603 + 1627-1630*, Nov 24. EZL
music; in English; 1629 National Anthem. Thanks to Alan
Davies for his recent observations in dxldyg confirming this
as their current schedule.
4220, China, PBS Qinghai, Xining. November, 21 0012-0022 Tibetan (listed) male and female talks, short music as a bridge, male and female announcements. Very weak, 25222
4330, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. November, 21 0022-0032 Kazakh (listed) male and female talks, male on music sounding like ads, a kind of Chinese folk music, time pip, male and female announcements. Progressive enhancement, 35222
4500, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. November, 21 0032-0042 Mongolian (listed) male alternating female segments. Noise behind sounding like a jamming, 25222
5050, Beibu Bay Radio (BBR), 1325-1505, Nov 22. For over
a year they have used the "This is Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio"
ID at the ToH and BoH. Today for the first time noted their new
canned IDs; still multi-language; "FM 96.4 Beibu Bay Radio".
Intermittent English; "B-B-R News"; "Weather Report"; "Hello
B-B-R"; also in Chinese with traditional greeting of "Ni Hao
B-B-R" (pronounced: Nee HaOW); mostly in Vietnamese;
EZL pop songs.
6180, Firedrake, 1614-1630*, Nov 24. Fair; against BBC in
Uzbek (blocking the news of the conviction of 17 persons to life in
prison; they all are from the Uzbek ethnic minority); Firedrake on
11920 and //; from 1614 to past 1630 against VOA in Tibetan
(blocking the news that the Dalai Lama plans to retire from
political life over the next six months). These are major news
stories China didn't want heard within China/Tibet, hence they
used their Firedrake music jamming.
5010, India, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai. November, 21 0043-0052 Hindu style music. Very weak, 25322
9425, AIR Bengaluru - National Channel, 1407, Nov 24.
Evidence of the ongoing AIR strike was their broadcasting
non-stop subcontinent music; no regular programming at all
(1430 no news in English; 1435 no "Vividha" Wed. program
in English). Unable to hear any AIR regionals on 60m.
===== AFRICA =====
4780 Djibouti, Radio Djibouti, Doraleh 0320 with om, strong signal 27 November
===== EUROPE =====
4700 Bolivia, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1000 and 0000 every day
4716.19 Bolivia Radio Yura, Yura 1000 and 0000 every day
3375.34 Brasil Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira 1016 with Brasil music and om, strong signal 25 November; same 23 November
4805 Brasil Radio Difusora do Amazonas,Manaus 1026 PT, fair signal strength. om on 26 November
6025, Dominican Republic, R. Amanecer (tentative), Santo Domingo. November, 27 0337-0400 latin, romantic Spanish selections, male Spanish talks. Sign off at 0400, weak and unreadable, 22422
3290 Guyana, GBC 0320 orchestral music, 27 November
3329.53 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1010 to 1017 om en espanol, CHU notched 26 November
4746.971 Peru, Radio Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 1022 -1050, musica peruana with ID by om 26 November
4774.906 Peru, Radio Tarma. Tarma 1020 to 1040 good signal, music..25 November
4824.49 Peru La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos 1045 to 1100 excellent music, good signal, enjoyable 26 November
4986.366 Peru Radio Manantial, Huancayo 1030 to 1040 fading out 23 November
6020, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. November, 21 0706-0715 male and female "David Miranda, cinco de la tarde!; atención hermanos y hermanas, iglesia pentecostal los invitan; Iglesia Pentecostal Deus é Amor en Peru". 34333,
6020, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. November, 24 0423-0430 male preacher to an audience "la oración, milagro del Diós", short music as a bridge to studio religious talks. 33433,
===== PACIFIC =====
2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1030 with some audio, best of the three, 23 November
13630, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 24 0805-0813 female in English segment "R. Australia", short music, male "good evening". Weak but clear, 23422
15415, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 24 0403-0412 Indonesian (listed) male and female talks, many mentions of "Australia, R. Australia", male outside in discussion with studio female. 35443,
5765 USB, AFN, 1326, Nov 24 off the air.
Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15720 0024 GMT English 433 Nov
19 Two OMs in a conversation on an upcoming female singer.
3905, R. New Ireland, 1333-1404*, Nov 24. In Tok Pisin; DJ
playing island pop songs; IDs for "N-B-C New Ireland"; 1402
children singing anthem; mostly poor.
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 21 0736-0814 male and female talks seemingly in local language, but with some English words "country, man, program", Pacific music, English romantic music. Peak at 0759, 35233
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 24 0754-0804 male in an uncertain language talks with some reverb. // 7260, 25222
=== Site Unknown ===
==== PIRATE ====
==== Un-ID ====
4778.098 Unid 1030 on 25 November. [Wilkner]
==== LW / MW ====
162 France France Inter 0328 yl om in FR, good signal
171 Morocco, Medi 1 0320 to 0410 AR music and programming, very strong signal also 207 kHz seemingly? 27 November
183 Europe 1, Felsberg -Saarlouis- 0310 to 0400 with good signal. 27 November
===== QSL =====
===== ...and others =====
Status of AIR stations heard here during strike on 23rd Nov 2010, 1600-1630 UT:
720 Chennai A Off Air
738 Hyderabad Off Air
783 Chennai C Off Air
837 Vijayawada Off Air
900 Kadapa Off Air
927 Visakhapatnam Off Air
936 Tiruchi A Off Air
999 Coimbatore Off Air
1017 Chennai B Off Air
1089 Udupi Off Air
1107 Gulbarga Off Air
1161 Tiruvandrum Off Air
1197 Tirunelveli Off Air
1215 Pudducheri Off Air
1278 Madurai Off Air
4920 Chennai Off Air
5010 Tiruvandrum Off Air
External Service
7420 CRI with strong signal instead of AIR Bengali Ext.
24th Nov 2010, 0140-0200 UT
720 Chennai A Off Air
738 Hyderabad Off Air
783 Chennai C Off Air
837 Vijayawada Off Air
900 Kadapa Off Air
927 Visakhapatnam Off Air
936 Tiruchi A Off Air
999 Coimbatore Off Air
1017 Chennai B Off Air
1089 Udupi Off Air
1107 Gulbarga Off Air
1053 Tutucorin On Air, but not in regular programme schedule.
1161 Tiruvandrum Off Air
1197 Tirunelveli Off Air
1215 Pudducheri Off Air
1278 Madurai Off Air
4760 Portblair Off Air
4800 Hyderabad Off Air
4820 Kolkatta Off Air
4840 Mumbai Off Air
4860 Delhi Kingsway Off Air
4880 Lucknow Off Air
4920 Chennai Off Air
5010 Tiruvandrum Off Air
External Services on SW
7270 Sinhala with music 222
11740 Sinhala with music 333
11985 CRI in strong instead of AIR Sinhala
100.5 Kodaikanal off Air
101.9 Tiruvandrum off Air
102.1 Tiruchi off Air
102.5 Dharmapuri off Air
103.3 Mdurai off Air
105.6 Tirunelveli Gyanvani off Air
November 24, 2010, 10:11 AM
On Wednesday, North Korea's international shortwave radio service, Voice of Korea, broadcasting in English to the outside world, put its spin on Tuesday's exchange of fire between the two Koreas across their contested sea border.
As Steve Herman, a correspondent for Voice of America in Seoul, points outon Twitter, a subtitled recording of the North Korean broadcast was posted online by Martyn Williams, a technology journalist based in Tokyo.
As Mr. Williams explains in a post about the recording on his blog, North Korea Tech, "the radio report comes 24 hours after a similar report was carried in English on the Korea Central News Agency wire. The lateness of the report highlights the Voice of Korea's rigid daily programming, which changes only once per day. The report is very similar to the KCNA bulletin, although there are differences. It's either been rewritten for radio delivery or been translated from the original Korean by a different person."
The radio broadcast does indeed make more liberal use of the term "puppets" to describe South Korean military forces than the English-language reportposted online by North Korea's official news agency, KCNA.
That said, both reports are striking for the belligerent tone captured in the warning KCNA renders this way:
Should the South Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of [North Korea] even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of [North Korea] will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it.
That jingoistic declaration seems to reinforce an analysis of the clash mentioned on Tuesday in a previous Lede post on the shelling across the disputed maritime border. In an interview with the BBC, Brian Myers, an American expert on North Korea, suggested:
We need to keep in mind that North Korea is a self-described 'military-first' state — in other words, a state which justifies its existence not on the basis of any kind of economic promises or economic claims but on the basis of the claim to be the stronger of the two Koreas, the Korea that is standing up for itself. And when you have that kind of raison d'etre, then you need military victories on a periodic basis — or, at least, provocations of the outside world.
Source:North Korean Radio Explains Clash http://nyti.ms/hCEenM
Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:
LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Jaisakthivel, India.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Volker Willschrey, Germany.
Also thanks to
Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.
radioascolto.org / ITALY.
Next deadline : Dec.01 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to: gaku@apple.email.ne.jp
///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////
Compiled by IWATA Gaku.
JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.
You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at
JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====
5985.83, Myanma Radio, 1603 + 1627-1630*, Nov 24. EZL
music; in English; 1629 National Anthem. Thanks to Alan
Davies for his recent observations in dxldyg confirming this
as their current schedule.
4220, China, PBS Qinghai, Xining. November, 21 0012-0022 Tibetan (listed) male and female talks, short music as a bridge, male and female announcements. Very weak, 25222
4330, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. November, 21 0022-0032 Kazakh (listed) male and female talks, male on music sounding like ads, a kind of Chinese folk music, time pip, male and female announcements. Progressive enhancement, 35222
4500, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. November, 21 0032-0042 Mongolian (listed) male alternating female segments. Noise behind sounding like a jamming, 25222
5050, Beibu Bay Radio (BBR), 1325-1505, Nov 22. For over
a year they have used the "This is Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio"
ID at the ToH and BoH. Today for the first time noted their new
canned IDs; still multi-language; "FM 96.4 Beibu Bay Radio".
Intermittent English; "B-B-R News"; "Weather Report"; "Hello
B-B-R"; also in Chinese with traditional greeting of "Ni Hao
B-B-R" (pronounced: Nee HaOW); mostly in Vietnamese;
EZL pop songs.
6180, Firedrake, 1614-1630*, Nov 24. Fair; against BBC in
Uzbek (blocking the news of the conviction of 17 persons to life in
prison; they all are from the Uzbek ethnic minority); Firedrake on
11920 and //; from 1614 to past 1630 against VOA in Tibetan
(blocking the news that the Dalai Lama plans to retire from
political life over the next six months). These are major news
stories China didn't want heard within China/Tibet, hence they
used their Firedrake music jamming.
5010, India, AIR Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai. November, 21 0043-0052 Hindu style music. Very weak, 25322
9425, AIR Bengaluru - National Channel, 1407, Nov 24.
Evidence of the ongoing AIR strike was their broadcasting
non-stop subcontinent music; no regular programming at all
(1430 no news in English; 1435 no "Vividha" Wed. program
in English). Unable to hear any AIR regionals on 60m.
===== AFRICA =====
4780 Djibouti, Radio Djibouti, Doraleh 0320 with om, strong signal 27 November
===== EUROPE =====
4700 Bolivia, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1000 and 0000 every day
4716.19 Bolivia Radio Yura, Yura 1000 and 0000 every day
3375.34 Brasil Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira 1016 with Brasil music and om, strong signal 25 November; same 23 November
4805 Brasil Radio Difusora do Amazonas,Manaus 1026 PT, fair signal strength. om on 26 November
6025, Dominican Republic, R. Amanecer (tentative), Santo Domingo. November, 27 0337-0400 latin, romantic Spanish selections, male Spanish talks. Sign off at 0400, weak and unreadable, 22422
3290 Guyana, GBC 0320 orchestral music, 27 November
3329.53 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 1010 to 1017 om en espanol, CHU notched 26 November
4746.971 Peru, Radio Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 1022 -1050, musica peruana with ID by om 26 November
4774.906 Peru, Radio Tarma. Tarma 1020 to 1040 good signal, music..25 November
4824.49 Peru La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos 1045 to 1100 excellent music, good signal, enjoyable 26 November
4986.366 Peru Radio Manantial, Huancayo 1030 to 1040 fading out 23 November
6020, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. November, 21 0706-0715 male and female "David Miranda, cinco de la tarde!; atención hermanos y hermanas, iglesia pentecostal los invitan; Iglesia Pentecostal Deus é Amor en Peru". 34333,
6020, Peru, R. Victória, Lima. November, 24 0423-0430 male preacher to an audience "la oración, milagro del Diós", short music as a bridge to studio religious talks. 33433,
===== PACIFIC =====
2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT 1030 with some audio, best of the three, 23 November
13630, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 24 0805-0813 female in English segment "R. Australia", short music, male "good evening". Weak but clear, 23422
15415, R. Australia, Shepparton. November, 24 0403-0412 Indonesian (listed) male and female talks, many mentions of "Australia, R. Australia", male outside in discussion with studio female. 35443,
5765 USB, AFN, 1326, Nov 24 off the air.
Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI 15720 0024 GMT English 433 Nov
19 Two OMs in a conversation on an upcoming female singer.
3905, R. New Ireland, 1333-1404*, Nov 24. In Tok Pisin; DJ
playing island pop songs; IDs for "N-B-C New Ireland"; 1402
children singing anthem; mostly poor.
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 21 0736-0814 male and female talks seemingly in local language, but with some English words "country, man, program", Pacific music, English romantic music. Peak at 0759, 35233
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. November, 24 0754-0804 male in an uncertain language talks with some reverb. // 7260, 25222
=== Site Unknown ===
==== PIRATE ====
==== Un-ID ====
4778.098 Unid 1030 on 25 November. [Wilkner]
==== LW / MW ====
162 France France Inter 0328 yl om in FR, good signal
171 Morocco, Medi 1 0320 to 0410 AR music and programming, very strong signal also 207 kHz seemingly? 27 November
183 Europe 1, Felsberg -Saarlouis- 0310 to 0400 with good signal. 27 November
===== QSL =====
===== ...and others =====
Status of AIR stations heard here during strike on 23rd Nov 2010, 1600-1630 UT:
720 Chennai A Off Air
738 Hyderabad Off Air
783 Chennai C Off Air
837 Vijayawada Off Air
900 Kadapa Off Air
927 Visakhapatnam Off Air
936 Tiruchi A Off Air
999 Coimbatore Off Air
1017 Chennai B Off Air
1089 Udupi Off Air
1107 Gulbarga Off Air
1161 Tiruvandrum Off Air
1197 Tirunelveli Off Air
1215 Pudducheri Off Air
1278 Madurai Off Air
4920 Chennai Off Air
5010 Tiruvandrum Off Air
External Service
7420 CRI with strong signal instead of AIR Bengali Ext.
24th Nov 2010, 0140-0200 UT
720 Chennai A Off Air
738 Hyderabad Off Air
783 Chennai C Off Air
837 Vijayawada Off Air
900 Kadapa Off Air
927 Visakhapatnam Off Air
936 Tiruchi A Off Air
999 Coimbatore Off Air
1017 Chennai B Off Air
1089 Udupi Off Air
1107 Gulbarga Off Air
1053 Tutucorin On Air, but not in regular programme schedule.
1161 Tiruvandrum Off Air
1197 Tirunelveli Off Air
1215 Pudducheri Off Air
1278 Madurai Off Air
4760 Portblair Off Air
4800 Hyderabad Off Air
4820 Kolkatta Off Air
4840 Mumbai Off Air
4860 Delhi Kingsway Off Air
4880 Lucknow Off Air
4920 Chennai Off Air
5010 Tiruvandrum Off Air
External Services on SW
7270 Sinhala with music 222
11740 Sinhala with music 333
11985 CRI in strong instead of AIR Sinhala
100.5 Kodaikanal off Air
101.9 Tiruvandrum off Air
102.1 Tiruchi off Air
102.5 Dharmapuri off Air
103.3 Mdurai off Air
105.6 Tirunelveli Gyanvani off Air
November 24, 2010, 10:11 AM
On Wednesday, North Korea's international shortwave radio service, Voice of Korea, broadcasting in English to the outside world, put its spin on Tuesday's exchange of fire between the two Koreas across their contested sea border.
As Steve Herman, a correspondent for Voice of America in Seoul, points outon Twitter, a subtitled recording of the North Korean broadcast was posted online by Martyn Williams, a technology journalist based in Tokyo.
As Mr. Williams explains in a post about the recording on his blog, North Korea Tech, "the radio report comes 24 hours after a similar report was carried in English on the Korea Central News Agency wire. The lateness of the report highlights the Voice of Korea's rigid daily programming, which changes only once per day. The report is very similar to the KCNA bulletin, although there are differences. It's either been rewritten for radio delivery or been translated from the original Korean by a different person."
The radio broadcast does indeed make more liberal use of the term "puppets" to describe South Korean military forces than the English-language reportposted online by North Korea's official news agency, KCNA.
That said, both reports are striking for the belligerent tone captured in the warning KCNA renders this way:
Should the South Korean puppet group dare intrude into the territorial waters of [North Korea] even 0.001 mm, the revolutionary armed forces of [North Korea] will unhesitatingly continue taking merciless military counter-actions against it.
That jingoistic declaration seems to reinforce an analysis of the clash mentioned on Tuesday in a previous Lede post on the shelling across the disputed maritime border. In an interview with the BBC, Brian Myers, an American expert on North Korea, suggested:
We need to keep in mind that North Korea is a self-described 'military-first' state — in other words, a state which justifies its existence not on the basis of any kind of economic promises or economic claims but on the basis of the claim to be the stronger of the two Koreas, the Korea that is standing up for itself. And when you have that kind of raison d'etre, then you need military victories on a periodic basis — or, at least, provocations of the outside world.
Source:North Korean Radio Explains Clash http://nyti.ms/hCEenM
Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:
LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Jaisakthivel, India.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Volker Willschrey, Germany.
Also thanks to
Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.
radioascolto.org / ITALY.
Next deadline : Dec.01 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to: gaku@apple.email.ne.jp
///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////
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