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Saludos Amigos,

According to Radio Thailand (or ex-HSK9 dot Com) will change to website for tourist in Thailand by public transport. Coming soo!!!
You can listen online for Radio Thailand World Service at: (new url) .

Broadcast Schedule 
For listeners in all parts of the world,on short-wave(SW),relayed over transmitters in Ban Dung,Udon thani,and Northeastern Thailand as stated below:

(Effective October 31 , 2010 AS PER B10 SEASONAL CHANGE)
TIME Language Audience Frequency(KHz)
00.00-00.30 07.00-07.30 English *Live US-East 13745
00.30-01.00 07.30-08.00 English *Live US-West 13745
01.00-02.00 08.00-09.00 Thai US-West 13745
02.00-02.30 09.00-09.30 English US-East 15275
02.30-03.30 09.30-10.30 Thai US-East 15275
05.30-06.00 12.00-13.00 English *Live Europe-Africa 11730
10.00-11.00 17.00-18.00 Thai Middle East 12040
11.00-11.15 18.00-18.15 Vietnamese Asia-Pacific 07255
11.15-11.30 18.15-18.30 Khmer Asia-Pacific 07255
11.30-11.45 18.30-18.45 Lao Asia-Pacific 07235
11.45-12.00 18.45-19.00 Burmese Asia-Pacific 07235
12.00-12.15 19.00-19.15 Malaysian Asia-Pacific 11870
12.30-13.00 19.30-20.00 English Asia-Pacific 09720
13.00-13.15 20.00-20.15 Japanese Asia-Pacific 07465
13.15-13.30 20.15-20.30 Mandarin Asia-Pacific 07465
13.30-14.00 20.30-21.00 Thai Asia-Pacific 07465
14.00-14.30 21.00-21.30 English Asia-Pacific 09725
18.00-19.00 01.00-02.00 Thai Europe 07570
19.00-20.00 02.00-03.00 English Europe 07570
20.00-20.15 03.00-03.15 German Europe 09535
20.30-20.45 English Europe 09535
20.45-21.15 03.45-04.15 Thai Europe 09535

Source: Radio Thailand -

Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

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