
English French German Spain Italian Dutch Russian Portuguese Japanese Korean Arabic Chinese Simplified




Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.


You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at

JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

4750, Bangladesh Betar, 1358, Oct 11. No trace of
RRI Makassar at this time; only QRM from CNR1. Subcontinent music;
distinctive bagpipes (marching band?); 1405 "Assalamu alaikum.
Bangladesh Betar" and into the news in assume Bengali; poor.
Edited MP3 audio

5915, Myanma R., 1323, Oct 11. EZL pop songs;
BoH usual indigenous theme music before the start of the lectures from the
Distance Learning Service; weak under CRI, but one of their better receptions.

Myanma Radio, both 7185.83 and 7200.02 (they had been switching back
and forth between these two frequencies before they changed their schedule);
continues missing during checks around 1200 (their usual sign off time had
been about 1220 or so), as of Oct 11.  So where is it now and what time are
they broadcasting?

9425, AIR Bengaluru - National Channel, 1503, Oct 9.
"SAARC" news in English; a fortnight long joint military exercise
between India and Bangladesh to begin; India Foreign Secretary
Ranjan Mathai will review developmental projects in the war
ravaged northern province in Sri Lanka; "and that's the end
of this SAARC news bulletin"; into Hindi and subcontinent
music. This news is perhaps only on Sunday?
It was back in September 2009 that I first heard a SAARC news
bulletin via AIR. Ever since I have wondered about their status,
so am pleased to hear this again. SAARC is the South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation.

4749  Indonesia, // 3325, best I have had this in awhile, very clear 1125 - 1130 on 5 October 

Asyik FM on 6049.52 had transmitter problems on Oct 8.
Off the air Oct 9. As Glenn heard, they returned to 6050.02 again on Oct 10
with series of phone calls at 1335. Oct 11 another day on 6050.02, but early
sign off, gone by 1510.


VTIR  9905  0324 GMT  Spanish  333  Oct 3  Echo frequency.  YL with comments and suddenly off the air at 0328 GMT. 

15140, R. Sultanate of Oman. 1446-1450, Oct 11 in English with
advice about personal finances (credit cards, etc.); into pop music till 1459
in Arabic. Heard daily.

===== AFRICA =====

6030, Radio Oromiya, *0322, Oct 11 (Tuesday). On with
repetitive xylophone/marimba sounding IS till 0329; poor due to R. Martí
QRM, but Cuban jamming not a problem. Good propagation. Unusable
after 0329. Normally I can only make this out on a Monday (UT) when
R. Martí and Cuban jamming are off the air after 0300.

6015, Radio Tanzania Zanzibar. As of Oct 11 they continue
to be off the air in the 0256 to 0320 time period; was not a matter of poor

===== EUROPE =====

Radio Romania Intl-RRI  9645  0350 GMT  English  433  Oct 3  YL and OM with comments. OM with ID as Radio Romania 0353 GMT. Then more comments by an OM.  //7335[333].   



4795.9 Bolivia Radio Lipez, Uyuni  0950 with music 13 October 
[Wilkner,  XM-Cedar Key]

3375.34  Brasil  Radio Municipal São Gabriel da Cachoeira  0830 good signal on 13 October
4805 Brasil Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus 0800 off; 0950 noted  with om, em português  13 October

4055 Guatemala, Radio Verdad, 0455 Chorale Anthem, strong signal.  5 October

3290  Guyana,  Voice of Guyana 0900 tune in with John Herkimer many recent mornings. noted 0400, 0600 and 0900 on 7 October

3250  Honduras,  Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis  0000 to 0020 om religious message en  español, excellent signal  5 October
[Wilkner,  XM-Cedar Key] irregular since. rlw.

3329.53  Perú  Ondas del Huallaga,  Huánuco with IF notch 1000 om and yl identificación rápida as  Ondas del Huallaga  5 October
6173.88 Peru,  Radio Tawantinsuyo,  Cusco  0950 en español, 13 October narrow filer. Noted same time by 5th October by XM-Cedar Key

4990 Suriname, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0845 om in Dutch, good signal
[Wilkner,  Carla-Coral Springs]

===== PACIFIC =====

2310  Australia,  VL8A Alice Springs NT  0930, 13 October
2485  Australia,  VL8K Katherine NT  0900 strong audio, om yl discussion, 13 October
4910t.  Australia, Tennant Creek 0800 noted with poor signal om English, during bronchitis induced all night dx session 5 October

=== Site Unknown ===


4870  Voice of Iranian Kurdistan w/ Kurdish mx and talk.  Strong at 0230, but Iranian jammer gradually gained strength.  At a little after 0345 shifted to 4880 and evaded jammer until about about 0300.  // 3970 was there;buried in ARO and jammer.  Jammer later moved to 3965, but cland was not audible. 

==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

4699.38 unid - Bolivia - drifting 1000 - 1020  om long talk en español, speculation by  collaborators  seems Bolivia but no ID

==== LW / MW ====

162 France,  France Inter 0420 strong signal 11 October.

189 Iceland  Gufuskalar 0455 Orchestral music, 13 October
[Wilkner,  XM-Cedar Key]

198 BBC 0400 troubled signal, seemingly yl 12 October.
Log  while  still on the air 
[Wilkner,  XM-Cedar Key]

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

    European Music Radio        This Sunday        Radio Atlantic 2000

Date        16th of October 2011          -          Date        16th of October 2011
Time        1200 to 1300 utc                -          Time        0800 to 0900 utc
Channels  9480 khz                          -          Channels  9480 khz 
EMR Programmes: 
12.00  Tom Taylor programme
12.25  Mike Taylor programme

EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday
Programme repeats are at the following times:
15:00 - 18:00 - 21:00 utc

Please visit and click on the "EMR internet radio" button
which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Please send all reception reports to: Good Listening    73s Tom
        NEW EMR Postal Address:
        European Music Radio,
        c/o M.V. Baltic Radio,
        Seestraße 17,
        D-19089 Göhren,


(2011-10-30 to 2012-03-24)

Site Start Stop Language Service Area            kHz  m  kW  Days
SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin  NE-China              12035 25 100 1234567
SDA 0000 0200 Mandarin  C/N-China              17880 16 100 1234567
SDA 0000 0030 Burmese    Myanmar                17635 16 100 1234567
SDA 0030 0100 Karen Myanmar,Thailand,China      17635 16 100 1234567
SDA 0100 0200 Mandarin  S-China                17635 16 100 1234567
TAI 0100 0200 Vietnamese Vietnam                15445 19 100      7
MOS 0200 0230 Urdu      Pakistan              5970  49 300 1234567
MDC 0230 0330 Malagasy  Madagascar            3215  90 50  1234567
MOS 0230 0300 Punjabi    Pakistan              5970  49 300 1234567
WER 0300 0330 Oromo      S-Ethiopia            7370  41 250 1234567
WER 0300 0330 Tigrinya  Eritrea                7315  41 250 1234567
SDA 0300 0330 Russian    E-Russia              17635 16 100 1234567
MOS 0330 0430 Farsi      Iran                  6145  49 300 1234567
WER 0330 0400 Amharic    Ethiopia              7370  41 250 1234567
MEY 0400 0600 Arabic Egypt,Iraq,ArabPeninsula  15480 19 250 1234567
WER 0400 0430 Bulgarian  Bulgaria              5975  49 100 1234567
MOS 0430 0500 French    Morocco,Algeria        6045  49 300 1234567
WER 0700 0800 Arabic    Morocco,Algeria        11975 25 100 1234567
WER 0800 0830 French    Morocco,Algeria        15145 19 100 1234567
WER 0800 0830 Kabyle    Morocco,Algeria        15125 19 100 1234567
WER 0830 0900 Tachelhit  Morocco,Algeria        15145 19 100 1234567
SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin  S-China                15260 19 100 1234567
SDA 1000 1100 Mandarin  C/N-China              11955 25 100 1234567
NAU 1000 1100 Italian    Italy                  9610  31 100 1
SDA 1030 1100 Ilonggo    Philippines            11870 25 100    45
SDA 1030 1100 Cebuano    Philippines            11870 25 100      67
SDA 1030 1100 Ilocano    Philippines            11870 25 100 1
SDA 1030 1100 Tagalog    Philippines            11870 25 100  23
SDA 1100 1130 Indonesian W-Indonesia            15495 19 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin  S-China                12035 25 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin  C/N-China              11825 25 100 1234567
SDA 1100 1200 Mandarin  NE-China              11730 25 100 1234567
SDA 1130 1200 Javanese  Indonesia,Malaysia    15260 19 100  2 4 6
SDA 1130 1200 Sundanese  Indonesia,Malaysia    15260 19 100 1 3 5 7
NAU 1200 1230 English    NE-India,Bangladesh    17510 16 250 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Korean    Korea                  9880  31 100 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin  NE-China              11855 25 100 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin  S-China                12035 25 100 1234567
SDA 1200 1300 Mandarin  C/N-China              11825 25 100 1234567
NAU 1230 1300 Bangla    NE-India,Bangladesh    17510 16 250 1234567
SDA 1300 1330 Khmer      Cambod,Viet,Thai, Laos 11935 25 100 1234567
SDA 1300 1330 Karen      Myanmar,Thailand,China 11860 25 100 1234567
NAU 1300 1330 Mandarin  W-China                15480 19 250  23456
NAU 1300 1330 Uighur    W-China                15480 19 250 1    7
SDA 1300 1400 Mandarin  C/N-China              9920  31 100 1234567
MDC 1300 1400 Vietnamese Vietnam                17670 16 250 1234567
SDA 1300 1330 Bangla    Bangladesh            15660 19 100 1234567
SDA 1330 1400 Russian    E-Russia              9655  31 100 1234567
SDA 1330 1400 Thai      Cambod,Viet,Thai,Laos  11935 25 100  234 6
NAU 1330 1500 Mandarin  W-China                15480 19 250 1234567
SDA 1330 1400 Malay      Malaysia              15660 19 100  23  7
SDA 1330 1400 Khmer      Cambod,Viet,Thai,Laos  11935 25 100 1
SDA 1330 1400 Hmong      Thailand              15660 19 100    56
SDA 1330 1400 Lao        Cambod,Viet,Thai,Laos  11935 25 100    5 7
SDA 1330 1400 Assamese  NE-India              15660 19 100 1  4
SDA 1400 1430 Sinhalese  Sri Lanka              15255 19 100 1234567
SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin  S-China                11915 25 100 1234567
SDA 1400 1500 Mandarin  C/N-China              9920  31 100 1234567
MOS 1400 1430 Urdu      Pakistan              15440 19 300 1234567
SDA 1400 1430 Chin      Myanmar                11940 25 100 1234567
SDA 1430 1500 PWO WKaren Myanmar,Thailand,China 11940 25 100 1234567
MDC 1430 1528 Malagasy  Madagascar            3215  90 50  1234567
MOS 1430 1500 Afar Djibouti,NE-Ethiopia,Somalia 17605 16 300 1234567
SDA 1430 1500 Burmese    Myanmar                15660 19 100 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Telugu    S-India                11675 25 100 1234567
WER 1500 1530 Nepali    Nepal                  15255 19 250 1234567
MOS 1500 1530 Turkish    Turkey                11955 25 300 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Mizo      NE-India              15215 19 100 1234567
WER 1500 1530 Panjabi    N-India                15270 19 250 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Kachin    Myanmar                15660 19 100 1234567
SDA 1500 1530 Tamil      S-India                11685 25 100 1234567
WER 1530 1600 English    Nepal, Tibet          15255 19 250 1234  7
SDA 1530 1600 Kannada    S-India                11690 25 100 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Hindi      C-India                15215 19 100 1234567
WER 1530 1600 Tibetan    Nepal, Tibet          15255 19 250    56
WER 1530 1600 Hindi      N-India                15270 19 250 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Marathi    C-India                15495 19 100 1234567
SDA 1530 1600 Malayalam  S-India                11955 25 100 1234567
SDA 1600 1630 English    S-India                11690 25 100 1234567
SDA 1600 1630 Urdu      N-India                11720 25 100 1234567
MOS 1600 1630 Urdu      Pakistan              15250 19 300 1234567
WER 1600 1630 Bulgarian  Bulgaria              6100  49 100 1234567
SDA 1600 1630 English    C-India                15215 19 100 1234567
ISS 1630 1700 Somali    Somalia                17575 16 250 1234567
MOS 1630 1730 Farsi      Iran                  11645 25 300 1234567
SDA 1630 1700 English    N-India                11935 25 100 1234567
MEY 1700 1730 Kiswahili  Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda  11925 25 250 1234567
MEY 1730 1800 Masai      Tanzania,Kenya,Uganda  11925 25 250 1234567
WER 1730 1800 Kabyle    Morocco,Algeria        11860 25 100 1234567
WER 1730 1800 Oromo      S-Ethiopia            11795 25 250 1234567
MOS 1800 1830 Col English S-Sudan              11690 25 300    4
MOS 1800 1830 Moro      S-Sudan                11690 25 300 1
MOS 1800 1830 Acholi    S-Sudan                11690 25 300      7
MEY 1800 1830 English    SW-Africa              3215  90 100 1234567
MEY 1800 1830 English    Botswana,S.Af,Zimbabwe 3345 90 100 1234567
MOS 1800 1830 Dinka      S-Sudan                11690 25 300    5
MOS 1800 1830 Juba Arabic S-Sudan              11690 25 300  3
MOS 1800 1830 Bari      S-Sudan                11690 25 300  2
MOS 1800 1830 Zande      S-Sudan                11690 25 300      6
MEY 1830 1900 English    E-Africa              11830 25 250 1234567
MOS 1830 1900 Arabic    Libya                  11860 25 300 1234567
MEY 1900 2100 Arabic  Egypt,Iraq,Arab Peninsula 15480 19 250 1234567
WER 1900 1930 Arabic    Morocco,Algeria        11760 25 100 1234567
MEY 1900 1930 Fulfulde  Cameroon,Ghana,Senegal 15240 19 500 1234567
NAU 1900 2000 Arabic    Morocco,Algeria        9535  31 100 1234567
WER 1900 1930 Wolof      Senegal,Gambia        11860 25 250 1234567
MOS 1900 1930 Hausa      Nigeria                11690 25 300 1234567
MEY 1930 2000 Ibo        E-Nigeria              11750 25 250 1234567
MOS 1930 2000 French    C-Africa              11690 25 300 1234567
WER 1930 2000 Tachelhit  Morocco,Algeria        11760 25 100 1234567
MOS 2000 2030 Dyula  Burk.Faso,Ivory Coast,Mali 9770 31 300 1234567
WER 2000 2030 French    Morocco,Algeria        9805  31 100 1234567
MEY 2000 2030 French    Cameroon,Niger        11755 25 250 1234567
MOS 2030 2100 French    W-Africa              9805  31 300 1234567
MEY 2030 2100 Yoruba    Nigeria                11755 25 250 1234567
SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin  C/N-China              9720  31 100 1234567
SDA 2100 2200 Mandarin  W-Japan,S-China        9565  31 100 1234567
SDA 2100 2200 Korean    Korea                  9890  31 100 1234567
MOS 2100 2130 English    W-Africa              9830  31 300 1234567
SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin  NE-China              11685 25 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2230 Javanese  W-Indonesia            11850 25 100 1 3 5
SDA 2200 2300 Mandarin  C/N-China              15370 19 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2230 Indonesian W-Indonesia            15320 19 100 1234567
SDA 2200 2230 Sundanese  W-Indonesia            11850 25 100  2 4 67
SDA 2230 2300 English    W-Indonesia            15320 19 100 1234567
SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin  NE-China              11700 25 100 1234567
SDA 2300 2400 Vietnamese Vietnam                15320 19 100 1234567
SDA 2300 2400 Mandarin  C/N-China              15370 19 100 1234567

Sites :
ISS = Issoudun
MDC = Madagascar
MEY = Meyerton
MOS = Moosbrunn
NAU = Nauen
SDA = Agat
TAI = Taipei
WER = Wertachtal

1 = Sunday
2 = Monday 
3 = Tuesday
4 = Wednesday
5 = Thursday
6 = Friday
7 = Saturday

Version 01/2011-10-06/pub
AWR Frequency Management Office


Radio Veritas Asia B11

30 October 2011 to 25 March 2012


0030–0057 11710  PUG
1400–1427 11870  PUG

2330–2357 9720  PUG
1130–1157 15450  PUG

2300-2327 9720  PUG
1500-1553 15350  SMG

0030–0057 11850  PUG
1330–1400 11870  PUG

1200–1227 11935  PUG

2330–2357 9645  PUG
1230–1257 15225  PUG

0000–0027 11935 PUG
1200–1230 15225 PUG

1000–1030 11850 PUG

2100–2257 6115  PUG
1000–1157 9615  PUG

0000–0027 11850 PUG
0000–0027 15460 PUG
1330–1400 9520  PUG

0030–0057 11935 PUG
1400–1427 9520  PUG

0100–0127 15530 PUG
1430–1500 9515  PUG

0100–0127 15280 PUG
0100–0127 17860 PUG
1430-1457 15435 SMG

2330–2357 9670  PUG
0130–0230 15530 PUG
1030–1127 11850 PUG
1300–1327 11850 PUG

0130–0157 15255 PUG
1430-1500 9620  PUG

Transmitters : 3x 250 KW
Antenna Type :
3x HRS 4/4/0.3
4x HRS 4/4/0.5
8x HR 2/2/0.5

SMG=Santa Maria di Galeria,Vatican City


30 Oct 2011 - 24 Mar 2012

UTC      kHz (AM) kHz (DRM) Target
0459-0758 11725 AM 13730 DRM Pacific
0759-1058 9765  AM 9870  DRM Pacific
1059-1258 15720 AM 9870  DRM Timor 
1300-1550 5950  AM          Pacific
1551-1650 7440  AM 5950  DRM Cook Islands,Samoa
1651-1750 9765  AM 9890  DRM Cook Islands,Samoa,Niue,Tonga
1751-1850 11725 AM 11675 DRM Cook Islands,Samoa,Niue,Tonga
1851-1950 11725 AM 15720 DRM Pacific
1951-2050 11725 AM 17675 DRM Samoa,Tonga
2051-2150 11725 AM 15720 DRM Solomon Islands
2151-0458 15720 AM 17675 DRM Pacific


DW B11

30.10.11 - 24.03.12


5925  0300 0400 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250 180  0 146 Swa RRW DWL DWL
6145  1930 1957 52S,53W,57NE              KIG  250 170 -10 156 Por RRW DWL DWL
6155  0500 0530 47E,48W,52E,53W            KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL
6175  0300 0357 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250  0  0 935 Swa RRW DWL DWL
6180  0400 0457 39SE,47E,48,52NE,53NW      KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL
7300  1500 1557 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250  0  0 930 Swa RRW DWL DWL
7350  0400 0457 46,47W                    KIG  250 295  0 146 Eng RRW DWL DWL
9655  2000 2100 46E,47,52N,52SE            KIG  250 295  0 146 Eng RRW DWL DWL
9655  2100 2200 46,47,48W,52NE,53NW        KIG  250 295  0 146 Eng RRW DWL DWL 
9715  1800 1857 46E,47W                    KIG  250 310  15 217 Hau RRW DWL DWL 
9735  1900 1930 48S,52E,53W,57N            KIG  250 210  30 146 Eng RRW DWL DWL   
9735  1930 2000 52S,53W,57NE              KIG  250 210  30 146 Por RRW DWL DWL
9735  2000 2100 52S,52NW,53W,57N          KIG  250 210  30 146 Eng RRW DWL DWL 
9795  1700 1757 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250  0  0 935 Fre RRW DWL DWL 
9800  0300 0400 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE ASC  250 085  0 216 Swa G  DWL DWL 
9800  0500 0527 47S,48,52,53W,57N          KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL 
9800  0530 0557 52S,53W,57NE              KIG  250 210  30 146 Por RRW DWL DWL 
9800  1000 1100 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250  0  0 930 Swa RRW DWL DWL
9800  1200 1257 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250  0  0 930 Fre RRW DWL DWL
9800  1500 1557 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250 265 -30 217 Swa RRW DWL DWL 
9855  0300 0400 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE DHA  250 225 -15 146 Swa UAE DWL DWL
9855  0400 0457 39SE,47E,48,52NE,53NW      KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL
9855  0500 0530 46,47W                    KIG  250 295  0 217 Eng RRW DWL DWL
11600 1300 1330 33S,43E,44                SNG  250 013 -12 207 Zho SNG DWL DWL
11865 2100 2200 46,47,48W,52NE,53NW        KIG  250 295  0 217 RRW DWL DWL DWL   
11895 1600 1657 48W                        KIG  250  0  0 935 Amh RRW DWL DWL   
11945 1300 1330 33S,43E,44                DHA  250 058  0 207 Zho UAE DWL DWL     
11945 1330 1400 33S,43E,44                DHA  250 058  0 207 Zho UAE DWL DWL     
12045 0500 0530 52S,53W,57N                KIG  250 180  0 157 Eng RRW DWL DWL     
12045 0530 0557 52S,53W,57NE              KIG  250 180  0 157 Por RRW DWL DWL   
12045 0600 0630 46,47SW                    KIG  250 280 -15 217 Eng RRW DWL DWL 
12045 0630 0700 46E,47W                    KIG  250 295  0 146 Hau RRW DWL DWL 
12045 1000 1100 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250 265 -30 217 Swa RRW DWL DWL   
12045 1430 1500 40NE,41N,42SW              ARM  250 110  0 218 Urd RUS DWL GFC   
12045 1900 1928 47E,48,52NE,53NW          KIG  250 030  30 217 Eng RRW DWL DWL   
12070 1500 1557 47S,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE KIG  250 180  0 146 Swa RRW DWL DWL 
12070 1600 1657 48W                        KIG  250 030  30 217 Amh RRW DWL DWL
12070 1700 1759 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250 295  0 146 Fre RRW DWL DWL   
12070 1800 1900 46E,47W                    WOF  250 160  0 217 Hau G  DWL DWL(301011-311211)
12070 1900 1930 47E,48,52E,53W,57N        KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL
12070 1930 2000 52S,53W,57NE              KIG  250  0  0 935 Por RRW DWL DWL 
12070 2000 2100 46E,47,48,52,53W,57N      KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL 
12070 2100 2200 47,48W                    KIG  250  0  0 935 Eng RRW DWL DWL 
13780 1700 1800 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW WOF  250 152  30 216 Fre G  DWL DWL 
15275 1200 1257 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250  0  0 927 Fre RRW DWL DWL 
15275 1330 1400 40E,41NW                  KIG  250 030  30 217 Prs RRW DWL DWL
15275 1400 1430 40E,41NW                  KIG  250 030  30 217 Pus RRW DWL DWL
15275 1430 1500 40NE,41N,42SW              KIG  300 030  30 217 Urd RRW DWL DWL
15275 1600 1657 48W                        KIG  250  0  0 927 Amh RRW DWL DWL 
15275 1700 1759 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250 295  0 217 Fre RRW DWL DWL 
15440 0600 0630 46,47SW                    KIG  250 295  0 217 Eng RRW DWL DWL   
15440 0630 0700 46E,47W                    KIG  250 295  0 217 Hau RRW DWL DWL   
15440 1000 1100 47,48SW,52N,52SE,53W,57NE  KIG  250 180  0 157 Swa RRW DWL DWL   
15440 1200 1257 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250 325  30 217 Fre RRW DWL DWL 
15440 1300 1400 46E,47W                    KIG  250 310  15 217 Hau RRW DWL DWL 
15640 0800 0830 40E,41NW                  DHA  250 045 -15 146 Pus UAE DWL DWL 
15640 0830 0900 40E,41NW                  DHA  250 045 -15 146 Prs UAE DWL DWL 
15640 1330 1400 40E,41NW                  SNG  250 315  0 146 Prs SNG DWL DWL 
15640 1400 1430 40E,41NW                  SNG  250 315  0 146 Pus SNG DWL DWL 
15640 1430 1500 40NE,41N,42SW              SNG  250 315  0 146 Urd SNG DWL DWL 
17520 1200 1300 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW WOF  250 180  30 216 Fre G  DWL DWL 
17710 0800 0830 40E,41NW                  KIG  250 030  30 217 Pus RRW DWL DWL
17710 0830 0858 40E,41NW                  KIG  250 030  30 217 Prs RRW DWL DWL 
17800 0600 0630 46,47SW                    KIG  250 295  0 217 Eng RRW DWL DWL
17800 1200 1300 37,38W,46,47,52N,52SE,53NW KIG  250 295  0 217 Fre RRW DWL DWL
17800 1300 1400 46E,47W                    KIG  250 295  0 217 Hau RRW DWL DWL
17800 1800 1857 46E,47W                    MDC  250 305 -15 219 Hau MDG DWL DWL
17860 1330 1400 40E,41NW                  ARM  200 104  0 218 Prs RUS DWL GFC 
17860 1400 1430 40E,41NW                  ARM  200 104  0 218 Pus RUS DWL GFC
21550 1300 1400 46E,47W                    KIG  250 295  0 217 Hau RRW DWL DWL

9550  1800 1927 39SE                      KIG  250 030  0 156 FEB RRW FEB BAB
9595  1700 1729 48N,53                    KIG  250 030  0 156 FEB RRW FEB BAB
9595  1729 1757 48N,53                    KIG  250 030  0 156 FEB RRW FEB BAB
11615 1959 2057 46S,52E                    KIG  250 295  0 217 RNW RRW RNW RNW
11875 1600 1630 48N,53                    KIG  250 030  0 156 FEB RRW FEB BAB
13660 1300 1315 39S,48N                    KIG  250 030  0 156 TWR RRW TWR BAB(DAYS:1567)

(AS ON 05-Oct-2011)



Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, INdia.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Anatoly Klepov , Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Ruben Walter Suarez, Uruguay.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Volker Willschery, Germany.
Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to


Next deadline : Oct.19 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia

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