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Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

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JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.
All time in UTC
===== ASIA =====

4220, China, PBS Qinghai, Xining. January, 14 Tibetan (listed) 2308-2314 Chinese music with slightly different style than that traditional of China, 2310 male and female talks. 24232
17550,  Radio CNR1, Radio Nacional de China, 0211, escuchada en idioma Mandarin, desde el centro emisor de Beijing, dos personas hablan "non Stop", mucho ruido, Sinpo: 35322,

9405, PHL FEBC Manila, 2257, escuchada el pasado sabado (UTC domingo), finalizando su emision en mandarin indicando sus direcciones de internet, finalizando con musica una breve pausa y reanudando su emision, Señal muy buena, 45444,

7275, USA Radio Liberty, 0205, desde su centro retransmisor en TJ, con emision hacia CAs, emision de los domingo UTC a lunes, (fin de semana), en idioma Ruso, se comenta de las acciones de EEUU en Haiti, lee un hombre las noticias, Sinpo: 45444,


7225, Escuchada la Voz de la Republica Islamica de Iran, en idioma Español, el programa "Actualidad" con una entrevista a una diputada de Venezuela, muy buen señal, sin interferencias, Sinpo: 35333,

17730, Radio Free Asia, Tibetano, 0201, noticias o comentarios politicos leidos por una mujer y un hombre Excelente señal, Sinpo: 45444,

===== AFRICA =====

5030, R. Burkina, Ouagadougou. January, 14 2219-2229 male talks seems in French, 2225 slow Afropop music. When music, better signal level, 24222

6165, Chad, R. N'Djamena. January, 19 2113-2124 male outside talks with studio female in French. 24232

5005, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Bata. January, 21 2212-2222 slow English Pop, 2215 Spanish romantic Pop, 2219 Spanish Pop music. 34433

9704, R. Ethiopia, Addis Ababa-Gedja. January, 18 Amharic/Oro./Tig (listed) 2001-2014 male talks segment, short local music, female alternating short local music, 2005 local music selections, 2013 female talks. 23332

5010, Madagascar, R. Madagasikara, Antananarivo. January, 22 0314-0322 male and female presumed in Malagasy talks, alternating short instrumental music. 24432

7200, Sudan, R.Omdurman, Al Fitahab. January, 18 2015-2024 male and female in Arabic talks, many mentions of "Sudan", 2017 tribal music (xylophone like, percussion and tribal choral), female in Arabic talks. 33333

4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. January, 21 2202-2209 female talks seems in English, 2206 choral music. Het, carrier off at 2210, 33433

===== EUROPE =====

Radio Bulgaria  9400  2305  Spanish  333  Jan 11  YL and OM with comments. Vocal music group 2305.



15476, Antarctica, RN Arcangel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza. January, 22 1924-2002 folk music selections, 1927 male time announcements in Spanish "con cuatro horas e vinte e siete minutos", 1939 short male announcements. 34533

4699.95  Bolivia, Radio  San Miguel, Riberalta  0115; 0030  same om as before, much weaker signal, 21; 22 January. Tnx Charles Bolland
5580.19 Bolivia  Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos  0000  20 January
6134.741 Bolivia, Radio Santa Cruz  1040  17 Jan.
6155.274 Bolivia,  Radio Fides 1010 to 1030, om 19 Jan.
4716.68 Bolivia,  Radio Yura, Yura 1045 usual woman announcer with CP music, t-storm crashes 16 Jan.

3364.95t.  Brasil  Radio Cultura, Araraquara, SP 0950 several days
5940, Brasil, R. Paz no Valle via R. Voz Missionária, Camboriu. January, 15 0855-0900 Sertanejo music with religious lyrics in program "Alvorada Sertaneja", male "o melhor da música gospel, R. Paz no Valle, muito mais música para abençoar sua vida". 45434

6025, Dominican Republic, R. Amanecer, Santo Domingo. January, 14/15 2355-0004 male and female in Spanish talks. Few words readable, quick degrade until complete disappear, at peak 22222

3250  Honduras Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis 1100 only in espanol, no english Spanish Gospel translation.

3329.598v. Peru,  Ondas del Huallaga,  Huánuco  1045 - 1055 om and yl alternating en espanol, no music but good signal for them.  19 January; 1010 rapid espanol, same yl and om with Ondas de Haullaga ID by yl salud...emisoras...salud...."21 January
4949.9t.  Peru  Radio Madre de Dios 1040 to 1045e audio en espanol, difficult log here  14 Jan.
5039.254 Peru, Radio  Libertad, Junin 1040 to 1100 ments de Lima and two other cities in Peru by yl, no music, fading out 16 Jan.
5120.366 Peru,  Ondas del Suroriente, Quillabamba  1050 om en espanol 17 Jan.
6173.857 Peru,  Radio Tawantinsuyo,  Cusco  1040 to 1050  19 Jan.
[Wilkner] tnx Charles Bolland

5785v, Uruguay, Emissora Chaná, Tacuarembó. January, 20 0147-0209 female ID "Emissora Chaná…Uruguay", female ads announcements on music, 0154 local music selections, 0204 return of female ads announcements on music. 35533

===== PACIFIC =====

15265, USA Radio Free Asia, 2312, en idioma M, destinadas a Asia, desde el centro emisor de MRA-s, Islas marianas del Norte, la programacion escuchada fuen en Chino conversacion "non Stop", espectacular señal, Sinpo: 45444

Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI  15720  2332  English  444  Jan 24  Two YLs plus an OM with comments. Music vocals by a YL 2334.

3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. January, 15 0838-0850 male talks in don't identified language. 25232

=== Site Unknown ===


==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

Radio Gloria International is on this Sunday

Radio Gloria International is on this Sunday the 24th of January 2010
on 6140 KHz. At 10.00 to 11.00 UTC on our winter schedule.

M.V.Baltic. Information:
MV Baltic Radio relay service Schedule for Wintertime  2010
1st    Sunday – MV Baltic Radio
3rd    Sunday – European Music Radio (February)
4th    Sunday – Radio Gloria International


Radio City Relay on 9510 kHz

Dear Listeners,
This Saturday the 23rd of January 2010 Radio City will return to the
Airwaves via Nexus (ex. IRRS) with 150 kW on 9510 kHz.
The time slot is 09.00 - 10.00 utc

Our contact address is still


End of the road for shortwave?


UK based FEBA Radio has unveiled a new logo.
An inside look at Feba's new logo :


BBC World Service broadcasts in Creole for first time to increase lifeline services to Haiti

BBC World Service will launch a special lifeline programme in the Haitian Creole language from Saturday 23 January 2010.
This will be the first time the BBC has broadcast in the Haitian national language.
This follows other special BBC programming for listeners affected by the Haitian disaster in the French, Spanish and English languages.
The new 20-minute daily programme in Creole will contain the latest information about aid and rescue operations, plus messages from people trying to locate family members and other useful, practical information for the survivors of the earthquake.
The new programme will be broadcast between 9.10 and 9.30 Haiti time (14.10 to 14.30 GMT).
It will also be available on the Canal Satellite Antilles Caribbean-wide radio and TV satellite network and on
The daily programme will be rebroadcast on six FM relays on the island: Port-au-Prince 89.3 FM; Cap-Haïtien 105.5 FM; Gonaïves 90.5 FM; Las Cayes 106.9 FM; Jacmel 96.9 FM; and Jérémie 92.7 FM. It will also be available on shortwave.

BBC World Service Director, Peter Horrocks, says: "We believe our new service in the Creole language will be a vital source of trusted information to Haitians at this time of crisis, as well as to the rescue and aid teams who are working so hard on the ground.
"We have had lots of positive feedback that our broadcasts in English, French and Spanish have been appreciated on the ground."
BBC World Service continues to offer special programmes about the crisis in Spanish and English, between 12.00 and 13.00 GMT on shortwave on 11860 kHz (25 MB) and 9410 kHz (31 MB).
The BBC is expecting all the programmes will also be available on the local FM network via the BBC's partner station, Radio Lumiere, when it returns to air.
BBC Caribbean – the English-language service for the region – is also supporting audiences in Haiti and the wider region with crucial information.
The service's Twitter updates (@bbccaribbean), dedicated to Haiti, as well as coverage of the wider Caribbean and Haitian diaspora reaction to the tragedy, run on the website,
Updates also continue in the regular programme, Caribbean Report.

(BBC World Service International Publicity)

Additional info from a source in BBC WS.....

From this Saturday, 23 January 2010, a BBC Global News multimedia and multilingual team will be based in Miami providing a daily helpline broadcast to the whole of Haiti in Creole. The plan is to broadcast the 20 minute long programme until at least Sunday 7 February.
The team will be able to produce output related to Haiti to all other BBC outlets, in radio, TV and online, as needed. We can produce the content in English, French, Creole and Spanish.
The daily programme will be rebroadcast on FM by the six relays that Radio France International has in the island. TX time is 09:10 to 09:30 Miami and Haiti time (14:10 to 14:30 GMT). We will be sending the pre-recorded programme to RFI by FTP.

The show will be presented by Carline Faustin and Simone Degraff, who host a Creole language programme in Miami's public radio, WLRN.

Our BBC editorial team comprises producers and reporters from WS radio news, international facing online and BBC Caribbean.
Marie-Claire Williams , from BBC Caribbean is a Creole speaker and will provide editorial oversight of the transmission.
Henri Astier , from BBC News website will be Editor in Charge.
Nick Miles , and Emilio San Pedro from WSNCA will edit the programme.
Lisa Robinson , from BBC World Service Trust, will also be working in this project, bringing the WS Trust's experience in broadcasting lifeline programmes to audiences around the world.

The aim is to provide a programme that makes the best information available to the people of Haiti and draws on the material being provided by the UN, the US and others, but also makes a point of drawing on the experience and expertise of the Haitian population.
Americo Martins , Regional Executive Editor, WS Americas, has been instrumental in pulling together all the aspects of the new Creole language programming for Haiti, including building the team.


Radio Netherlands ties up with Web18

Dutch International public broadcaster Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) has entered into a partnership deal with Web18, the internet and mobile arm of Network 18.

Under the deal, RNW's international news will be published on Web 18's portal Additionally, RNW players, with live radio and music programmes such as Euro Hit 40, European Jazz Stage and Live at the Concertgebouw, will be available online.

Says RNW director general Jan Hoek, "We want to strengthen our position as one of the five most influential international broadcasters in the world. One of the means to sustain that position is through investing in new digital technologies. This partnership in India is a big step for RNW, as it gives us access to the country's enormous and important online market."

Web18 CEO Lakshmi Narsimhan avers, "We at Web18 are extremely enthused with the collaborative initiative being launched with RNW. We hope this partnership will further the cross-cultural understanding among the music enthusiasts from both countries while strengthening media ties on a more global level."



Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW) has entered into a new partnership with All India Radio (AIR) for co-production of a show - Earth Beat.

Both organisations will work together in the co production called Earth Beat India. The programme will be broadcast nationally by AIR in English and Hindi every two weeks.

RNW had partnered with the Gyaan Vani radio channels promoted by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in December 2009 for the same show.

The Earth Beat team sees monitoring the earth's heartbeat as our task. They look at our footprint on this world and run stories of the people trying to make that footprint lighter.

Earth Beat India is looking at what we create, develop, conserve and destroy; meeting and challenging the people who are making these changes. It is about questioning the way we live now and exploring the issues that will affect our common future.

RNW offers international stories with new opinions, green gadgets and green wash while AIR brings the Indian perspective. This co production seeks to bridge the approach of developed and developing countries on environmental issues. The presentation is in hands of Chhavi Sachdev and Poonam Girdhani.

Commenting on the partnership, RNW Director General Jan Hoek says, "As an international broadcaster we make daily productions in 10 languages and we work together worldwide with more than 3000 partner radio stations. With this new cooperation we embrace our 11th language Hindi and a major party in India."

RNW works together in India with amongst others Private FM, IGNOU University Radio, various websites, cable TV service and now with State broadcasters.

Prasar Bharati CEO B S  Lalli comments, "I am happy that All India Radio and Radio Netherlands Worldwide have joined hands in co-producing and broadcasting a series of radio programmes called 'Earth Beat' on their networks.  The issues pertaining to environment and sustainability of growth are globally relevant.  I hope these programmes will assist in promoting proper awareness and interest of our audiences. I am also hopeful that the two organizations will be able to expand the areas of mutual cooperation and assistance."

AIR will broadcast the English episodes of Earth Beat India from Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Panaji, Shillong and the National Channel of AIR, while the Hindi versions of Earth Beat India will be broadcast from Delhi, Lucknow, Patna, Bhopal, Jaipur, Shimla, Ranchi, Raipur, Rohtak,Port Blair and Itanagar at the respective radio stations.


Burmese Media Denies Reports of Mutiny, Attacks BBC
By WAI MOE     Saturday, January 23, 2010
Burma's state-run media slammed the BBC Burmese Service on Saturday
for reporting alleged cases of mutiny in Pegu Division, saying that the ruling
regime would "never accept any scheme to break up the Tatmadaw
[Burmese armed forces]."

In commentaries run in both Burmese and English, state-run newspapers
accused the BBC of fabricating a series of reports of unrest within the ranks
of the military that have been broadcast by the BBC's shortwave radio
service over the past month.

Low-ranking soldiers in Rangoon
"Since the last week of December 2009, the BBC has been airing
slanderous accusations with the aim of disintegrating the Tatmadaw," the
state-run New Light of Myanmar claimed.

"In fact, the story put in the Internet including the broadcasting of BBC is a
complete fabrication. At the respective regiments and battalions, there was
no mutiny, resignation and discontentment."

Since Dec. 23, the BBC's Burmese-language service has reported several
cases of mutiny involving troops from Light Infantry Division (LID) 66,
based in Prome, western Pegu Division; LID 77, based in Hmawbi and
Pegu; and Military Affairs Security (formerly known as the Military
Intelligence Service).

According to BBC correspondent U Than, who is based in Sangkhlaburi,
Thailand, a number of people were killed or injured in exchanges of gunfire
or during mass resignations of soldiers resulting from economic hardship.

In response, the state media said: "Although we want the Tatmadaw to be
strong and firm, we have noticed that there are still some wicked, narrow-
minded people who want to see it become weak and break up."

"It is crystal clear that skyful liers [sic] made their fabricated news and
stories as they are instructed by their stooges inside the country to break up
the unity of the Tatmadaw and divide it."

A resident of Prome, where one of the incidents allegedly took place, said
he could not confirm the reports of mutiny. "But it is true that like most
Burmese people, Tatamadaw soldiers are suffering economic hardships,"
he said.

The gap between ordinary soldiers and officers in terms of salary and
opportunities is quite huge. Ordinary soldiers earn just 16,000 kyat (US
$16) a month, while the lowest-ranking officers get more than ten times that

Observers say the downfall of the Burmese military regime will probably
come from conflict within the Tatadaw rather than from political opposition
or any external threat.

According to the influential Economist Intelligence Unit, "Perhaps the
biggest threat to the junta´s long-term grip on power is internal strife."

Following an information leak to the media about secret military ties
between Burma and North Korea, dozens of military and civilian officials in
Naypyidaw were detained and interrogated. A former major, Win Naing
Kyaw, and a staffer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were sentenced to
death for the leak, while another person involved in the case received a
long prison sentence.

Recently the military junta reshuffled six general staff officers from the War
Office to the front lines. Some suspect the reshuffle was related to the
information leak.

Although the BBC Burmese Service first broadcast its reports about the
mutiny among Burmese troops on Dec. 23, the Burmese state media didn't
respond until Saturday.

Journalists in Rangoon said that the government media published the
response to the BBC reports because the reports have been spreading
among Burmese troops across the country.

"True or not, the BBC reports have begun to spread within the Tatmadaw
and across the country," said an editor with a Rangoon-based journal who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

"The ruling generals don't care what civilians think, but they're worried
about what soldiers think. That's why they responded," he added. "This
story in today's newspapers is definitely aimed at soldiers."


The humanitarian organisation Ears to our World has launched an initiative to distribute a substantial number of Eton Corporation-donated ETOW radios to individuals in remote and impoverished areas of Haiti affected by the recent earthquake.

ETOW's wind-up radios, which also have a built-in flashlight, may provide life-saving medical and food/water supply information to families and communities.

The intial shipment of over 100 self-powered shortwave radios will be sent to Haiti next week. The organisation is currently raising funds to help pay the expedited shipping costs and perhaps allocate even more radios for a future shipment.

If you would like to support this worthy cause, you can contribute securely via the Ears to our World websitethrough PayPal. If you live in the USA, your contribution may be tax-deductible.

Thomas Witherspoon of Ears to our World will be on a special edition of the Happy Station Show produced by PCJ Media next week to talk about the project. Also in this broadcast there will be messages in Creole from people in different Haitian communities who are trying to locate family.

This special edition of the show will air to all regions PCJ broadcasts to, including partner stations. The first transmission will air on 21 January, 2010 at 0200 UTC via WRMI on 9955kHz directed to Latin America and the Caribbean. To find out all other broadcast times go



The 'Voice of America' radio service has increased its Creole-language broadcasts in Haiti in an effort to get news and information to the population of the earthquake-devastated country.
The Voice of America (VOA) radio service has been working since the 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti on January 12, to get news and information to the Haitian people in the devastated country. The U.S. government-funded, international radio service said in a statement that it was broadcasting 1.5 hours of daily programming before the quake but since the quake has increased that to five hours per day.
VOA's Latin America division chief, Alberto Mascaro,said that VOA is "doing everything we possibly can to reach people in Haiti who have a desperate need for information."
VOA said it is providing information to the Haitian people through broadcasts in Creole, a primarily French-based language spoken by most Haitians, creation of Creole-language Facebook and Twitteraccounts, and establishment of a special informational phone number for those seeking information about their relatives in the country.
According to the VOA it is using shortwave, AM and satellite radio broadcasts to deliver programming to the country, where its radio audience included over 50 percent of the population prior to the quake. And in a country where only about 50 percent of the people can read, radio broadcasts provide a vital communication and news source for its people.
VOA said that within hours of the 7.0 earthquake, they broadcast a "90-minute special program" into Haiti. The broadcast included statements "of support," (from the U.S. government), "updates from the U.S. Geological Survey, the Red Cross, the United Nations and Haitian geologists; and interviews from Haiti."
And to assist the large numbers of people that have not heard from family and friends inside the country, VOA has set up a special phone number for people to leave messages that will be broadcast into Haiti. The phone number for that service is 1-202-205-9942, mailbox 42, according to VOA.
VOA Director Danforth Austin said that,
In times of crises, VOA is a lifeline of information. Because of our technologies, we are able to reach people in their own languages when disasters strike. Our hearts go out to the people of Haiti, and we'll continue to give them the latest, accurate news.
Joan Mower, VOA's director of development and public relations, said, when reached by phone, that VOA now has both English and Creole speaking reporters in Haiti to provide news updates. She said VOA also has local news "stringers" (part-timers) in the country but since Internet and phone service is still spotty, VOA has not been able to contact all of them. She also said some Haitian employees in the Washington, D.C., headquarters of VOA were still trying to contact relatives in the country to check on their safety.


ISLAMABAD: The Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira has declared 2010 as the 'Year of Radio' due to its vast outreach and cheap source of information for the masses.

The medium of radio has become the most popular means of mass communication across the world, but in Pakistan it has not been given the attention it deserved.

'The present democratic government is committed to media freedom and its promotion. In view of its vast coverage, the government would adopt measures for the medium of radio to flourish,' assured the minister in a statement on Saturday.

Kaira said that the print and electronic media in Pakistan have witnessed a tremendous growth in the past, and the government now hopes to see radio on the same path as well.

'Today, improved broadcasting quality, innovative content, and new technological developments have made radio a resurgent medium, making it extremely popular in the field of education, advertising and entertainment,' said the minister, assuring complete support to this upcoming medium as a source of information.

Meanwhile, Director General Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Murtaza Solangi appreciated the announcement, saying that Radio Pakistan has been actively contributing towards the goal of peace and national harmony.

Solangi added that Radio Pakistan is gradually moving towards community broadcasts to cater to the needs of local communities. He also informed that Radio Pakistan Islamabad has aleady been converted into a model station in this regard. –APP


Radio Fana is automating its operations with the Radio-Assist Digital Audio Software Suite, acquired last December 2009 from NATIA, a French company, at a cost of eight million Birr.

The new system, integrated into the station's archiving system, will take care of the editing, recording, scheduling and transmission portions of the routine work, Mulugeta Mehari technical director at Radio Fana told Fortune.

This is the first time such a programme is being installed in any radio station in the country, Mulugeta said. All 30 of its workstations have now become integrated into the new system, according to Mulugeta. The new system has been successfully tested over the past two weeks, he continued, and will officially be launched on February 8, 2010.

Radio-Assist, based on the Unicode International Standard, supports the Amharic, Oromiffa, Somali, Afarigna and Tigrigna-language daily broadcasts of the two main and two backup studios in Addis Abeba, Mulugeta said. The radio's broadcast has national coverage.

"Radio-Assist will integrate very well into our existing environment, and it will provide access to a robust set of tools for managing every aspect of our operations efficiently and cost-effectively," Mulugeta said in a written statement to Fortune. "All of these features, plus NATIA's excellent reputation and impressive list of industry references, made Radio-Assist the ideal choice for us."

Radio Fana selected NATIO from among three companies that offered tenders, but Mulugeta declined to disclose the other two companies.

Radio Fana was established in 1994 as a share company, but it had been broadcasting since 1985 as part of the TPLF/EPRDF in the civil war with the Derg Government. It introduced FM broadcasts on March 10, 2007, becoming the first in the country to do so.

Its national and FM 98.2 services now have a total of 252 hours of broadcasting. It is now preparing to move into a new building in the same location in front of Black Lion Hospital, on Yared St.




Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

Michael Bethge, Germany.
LOB - Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Hector Frias, Chile.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, India.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Jaisakthivel, India.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Tom Taylor, UK.
Robert Wilkner, USA.
Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to

Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.

Next deadline : Jan.27 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////

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