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JAPAN PREMIUM -Kanto DXers Circle weekly loggings-
No.633 -Jun.11 2010-


Compiled by IWATA Gaku.

JAPAN PREMIUM welcome your contributions.


You can read "JAPAN PREMIUM Archive" at

JP No,001(Apr,30 1998) - No,557(Dec,26 2008) was ziped.


All time in UTC

===== ASIA =====

7200.0, Myanma Radio, 1235-1255, June 3. In vernacular
with music program; mixing with Korea till they went
off at 1249, just after the National Anthem, then Myanmar
was almost fair.

4940, Voice of Strait, *1300, June 3, I can confirm their new
sign-on time (ex: *1200); starts their program slightly past
1300, hence no pips given, but right into Chinese. This is
unfortunate as in the past they always had an ID in English
("This is the Voice of Taiwan Strait News Radio") just after
the pips at 1300.
5050, Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio (BBR), 1156, June 1.
This is again very pleasant listening, as China Huayi BC has
now moved off this frequency (now on 6185), leaving BBR in the
clear. Pop music; ToH pips, multi-language IDs, "B-B-R news"
in Vietnamese; language lesson (Chinese and Vietnamese).
6030, CNR-1, 1320, June 1. As Hiroshi (reported by
Sei-ichi Hasegawa in dxldyg) has already noted, this has
resumed broadcasting again here, along with 6175 and 4460.
Minghui Radio (clandestine) is truly jammed now with the
strong echo of CNR-1 programming.
6175.0, CNR-1, 1318, June 1. With the resumption
of this strong signal here, is harder to hear Voice of Malaysia
on 6174.4v. Was great while they were off!
6185, China Huayi BC, ex: 5050, 1213, June 1. Nice
to find they have returned again to their former frequency,
which is now clear. Usual format of talk till BoH; then
non-stop pop songs till 1300 pips and off (no sign-off
announcement). Sei-ichi Hasegawa has confirmed CHBC
is on 6185 kHz. Was heard in Japan at 1100 on 6/2/10, but
covered at 1125 by NHK in Russian. Thanks to Sei-ichi
for his affirmation.
9505, Voice of Strait, 1255-1300*, June 7. Thanks to a
reminder from Hiroshi (via Mauno Ritola); I found VOS in Chinese,
with pips and off. About 10-15 seconds later the transmitter started
up on 4940 and audio began at 1301. Too bad that the ID in English
gets lost in the switch over!

4749.95, RRI Makassar, June 10 doing much better
than normal from 1216 to 1230, with the relay of the news from
Jakarta (World Cup news and sound bite of the World Cup song
in English, etc.); mixing with QRM; // 9680 (RRI Jakarta); ends
news with distinctive choral National Anthem (Indonesia Raya);
after the NA no longer //.
RRI Fak Fak off the air during this same time period on 4789.96.
4789.96, RRI Fak Fak, 1202-1224, June 7. Relay of the Jakarta
news; ends with choral Anthem; // 9680; not // after the Anthem;
better than recent receptions; today had lighter CODAR QRM
than usual.
9525.88v, Voice of Indonesia, 1303, June 1. In English;
usual Tuesday joint VOI Jakarta and RRI Banjarmasin
program; news (elections in South Kalimantan tomorrow
for governor and deputy governor, etc.); frequency given
for RRI Banjarmasin as 95.2 Mhz.; almost fair, but still
with the ever present hum.

7270.47, Wai FM via RTM, 1351,
June 9. In vernacular; 1400-1405: news which started and ended
with the usual "Limbang" jingle; followed by DJ with pop songs.
Has been over a year since this was last off frequency and it
certainly helps getting away from PBS Nei Menggu on 7270.0.
June 10 continued off frequency at 1408.

15490 R.Pakistan Jun 03 0040-0050 35333 Urdu,
Arabic music, IS from 0045, Opening announce, Koran,
15490 R.Pakistan Jun 08 0042-0054 35333 Urdu,
Middle east music, IS from 0045, Opening announce, Koran,
15490 R.Pakistan Jun 10 0044-0053 35333 Urdu,
IS, Opening announce, Koran,

9570 R.Blagovest via R.Veritas Asia Jun 07 1511-1522 53443 Russian,
Talk, Gongs and ID at 1515,

15745 SLBC Jun 03 *0059-0107 25332 English,
0059 sign on with IS, Natinal anthem, Opening announce, Music,
15745 SLBC Jun 08 *0055-0105 35433-35333 English,
0055 sign on with IS, Natinal anthem, ID and opening announce at 0100,
15745 SLBC Jun 10 *0056-0105 25332 English,
0056 sign on with IS, Natinal anthem, Opening announce, Music,

9745 V.of Han Jun 07 *0755-0806 45444 Chinese,
0755 sign on with opening music, ID, National anthem, Opening announce,


13850 Kol Israel Jun 03 1355-1411 35433 Farsi,
IS, ID, Opening music, Opening announce, News,

15140 R.Sultanate of Oman Jun 01 1458-1516 35433 Arabic,
Gongs and ID at 1500, News,
15140 R.Sultanate of Oman Jun 09 1457-1514 35433 English and Arabic,
Music, ID at 1502, News,

TATARSTAN [non]. 15110, Tatarstan Wave/GTRK Tatarstan, via
Samara. RE: DXLD 10-21: My May 24 reception (*0410-0500*) of all
non-stop music was an anomaly. June 2 and 7 heard with the usual
segments of news/reporting/talk, as well as nice selects of songs.
From *0410 to 0435 (scheduled for 0500*), June 10. This continues to
carry their normal mixed programming of news/reporting/talk and ballads;
started out poor but did improve.

13685 IRIN R. via Dhabbaya Jun 03 *0829-0837 25222 Somali,
0829 sign on with IS, Opening announce, Talk,

===== AFRICA =====

15060 R.Cairo Jun 03 1148-1158 35433 Arabic,
Arabic music and talk, ID at 1153,
15065 R.Cairo Jun 01 *1300-1310 45444 Dari,
1300 sign on with ID, Opening announce, Koran, Talk,
15065 R.Cairo Jun 02 *1301-1313 45443 Dari,
1301 sign on with ID, Arabic music,
15780 R.Cairo Jun 07 1540-1550 35433 Uzbek,
Talk, ID at 1545,
17870 R.Cairo Jun 02 1307-1318 35433 English,
Talk, ID at 1311,

6030, Radio Oromiya, *0321-0330, June 7. Another
Monday with no Cuban jamming or R. Martí here; usual repetitive
xylophone-like IS; unusable after distinctive IS.
7110 R.Ethiopia Jun 08 1608-1631 45433 Amharic,
Talk and ethiopian pops music, ID at 1624,
7165 V.of Democratic Alliance via R.Ethiopia Jun 01 1531-1541 45444 Afar,
Repetition of IS and the ID, Eritrean pops music,
7165 V.of Democratic Alliance via R.Ethiopia Jun 07 1530-1540 45433
1530 ID and IS, Talk,
7165 R.Ethiopia Jun 08 1618-1632 45433 English,
Afro pops music, ID at 1629, 1630 Three gongs, News,

4025, Liberia, Star Radio. June, 07 2053-2102 tribal music, male in English talks, 2102 abrupt s/off. 25422,
4025, Liberia, Star Radio. June, 11 2045-2055 female talks alternating short African music. Unable to check if the language was English. 25522,

17725 V.of Africa Jun 09 1405-1415 25332 English,
Drums and music, ID at 1407 and 1409,

7105 (USB + carrier mode), RTV Malagasy,
June 9. Is this something new? Do not recall them being here in
USB before or heard with such a good signal via long path! 1301:
variety of music (ballads, pop, Hi-Li, etc.); 1325: ID and sounded
like choral National Anthem; 1332-1345 talking (Malagasy?);
// 6134.9v (poor) and 5010 (poor in USB + carrier mode). Not
very often I can clearly hear all three!
June 10 from 1328 to 1403 the signal continues to be stronger than
ever heard here before; Hi-Li songs; 1332-1346 was talking, then
back to Hi-Li music; ToH ID; today unable to hear 6134.9v nor

11500 R.Dabanga via Madagascar Jun 07 1533-1544 35333 Arabic,
Talk, ID at 1535etc,

15120 V.of Nigeria Jun 01 1504-1516 43443-44444 English,
News, ID at 1509,
15120 V.of Nigeria Jun 02 1502-1511 43443 English,
News, ID at 1504,
15120 V.of Nigeria Jun 03 *1500-1512 33433 English,
News, ID at 1510,
15120 V.of Nigeria Jun 07 1507-1533 43443-44444 English,
News, ID at 1530,
15120 V.of Nigeria Jun 08 0738-0752 33433 French,
Music and talk, ID at 0746,
15120 V.of Nigeria Jun 09 1505-151 43443 English,
News, ID at 1509,

9625 Channel Africa Jun 07 1457-1507 35333 English,
Talk and news, ID at 1500,
9930 R.Bar-Kulan via Meyerton Jun 01 *1600-1605 35433 Somali,
1600 sign on with SJ, Koran, Talk,
9930 R.Bar-Kulan via Meyerton Jun 07 *1600-1608 45433 Somali,
1600 sign on with ID, SJ and opening announce, Koran, Talk,
9930 R.Bar-Kulan via Meyerton Jun 08 1605-1617 45333-45433 Somali,
Talk, SJ at 1612,
15660 Channel Africa Jun 02 1456-1507 35433 Swahili,
Repetition of IS and the ID, 1459 drums, 1500 Opening announce,
15660 Channel Africa Jun 03 1454-1505 35433 Swahili,
Repetition of IS and the ID, 1459 drums, 1500 Opening announce,
15660 Channel Africa Jun 07 1456-1506 35333 Swahili,
Repetition of IS and the ID, 1459 drums, 1500 Opening announce,

12005 Rdiff.TV.Tunisienne Jun 07 1601-1610 34333 Arabic,
News and arabic music, ID at 1602, //9725kHz,

4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. June, 09 2144-2201 male talks in English alternating short Jazz music, many mentions of "Zimbabwe", 2159 female talks. At peak, 33533
4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Gweru. June, 11 2056-2107 Afropop music, 2058 audio off until 2103 returning with the same music, 2104 African music. Splash of presumed 4825 Canção Nova, 22432

===== EUROPE =====

15710 Miraya FM via Rimavska Sobota Jun 09 1400-1414 35322 English and
News, ID at 1413,


5755 WTWW Jun 08 0752-0802 24442 English,
Talk, ID at 0800,
7506.20, WRNO (presumed), 0342-0400*, June 10. Christian
program in Arabic along with Middle Eastern music. First time I have
heard this language here. No ID at sign off. Appreciate the kind assistance
of Tarek Zeidan (Denmark), who listened to my audio clip and confirmed
it was a Christian religious program and he notes: no ID but typical Christian
radio in Arabic, like WYFR and AWR. Thanks go out to Tarek! Per Wikipedia
(Shortwave broadcasting in the United States): "On March 13, 2010, WRNO
began transmitting a weekly religious broadcast in Arabic for a portion of
its broadcast schedule."


15476, Antarctica, RN San Gabriel. June, 08 1459-1504 Spanish Pop music, end of transmission male announcements "nos encontra aqui em Esperanza ao Mundo..transmitio LRA36..", 1504 audio off, 1505 carrier off. 35533,
15476, LRA36, June 10 from 1425 till transmitter
off at 1520 (the latest I have heard them); started out very poor; slowly
improved, but quickly downhill after about 1455; program mostly of LA
ballads; the talking segments had low audio compared to the nice songs.

15345, R. Nacional, 0211-0228, June 7. Dramatization;
IDs "Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires"; list of actors in the performance;
BoH pips; 0234-0300: variety of music (Bossa Nova, etc.); pips at ToH
and ID; back to more songs; mostly fair, but with some QRN.

3310.05 Bolivia Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 0000 om and yl alternating, ID by om, cut to music, "la esperanse de ...?"
4699.95 Bolivia, R San Miguel, Riberalta 0000 good with om en espanol 11 June
4700 Bolivia, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1030 strong on 2nd frequency 11 June
6134.79v, R. Santa Cruz, 0150-0219*, June 10. The few
times that I have recently check this, have found almost fair reception.
Fútbol coverage, which is why they were running late; many time checks;
one team must have been local as there were numerous "Santa Cruz";
several IDs and a final canned sign-off announcement with "Buenas
noches Bolivia".

10000, Brasil, Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro. June, 12 Female in Portuguese time announcemments at 0950 "Observatório Nacional, seis horas, cinqüenta minutos, vinte segundos" time pips. Poor, 25422

Radio Havana Cuba-RHC  12020  2330  Spanish  444  June 5  OM with La Musica program. //9525 [444] and 12030[444].   

6025, R. Amanecer, 0303-0442, June 7.
IDs for "Radio Amanecer Internacional"; segments of religious songs
and religious (or health?) talks; poor to almost fair. Glad to find this
still doing well. Running well past their normal sign-off time and as
also noted by Glenn as late as 0651. On Monday it does indeed help
that 6030 is free from Cuban jamming and R. Martí.
From 0303 to 0307*, June 10. Believe this is closer to their normal
sign off time, rather than the extended schedule Glenn and I both
heard on June 7. Series of IDs at sign off; carrier remained on past
0336. No het or other station heard here.

**4780 Guatemala [?], Om en espanol just fading out as I tuned in at 1135 gone by 1140, only other 60 meter band signals were 4789.89 and 5019.904. 12 June

3329.53 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco 0003 om fair signal, 1030 fading out 11 June
4940, Peru, R San Antonio, Villa Atalaya. June, 11 2205-2215 Spanish romantic selections, male and female announcements in Spanish in every music break "musical". Poor, 24432

===== PACIFIC =====

5960, Radio Fly (tentative), 1304-1410, June 3. Variety of
non-stop music. On June 4, weaker signal than yesterday.
Same format as yesterday. On June 5, 1301-1406, much
better reception today; both PBS Xinjiang (mostly talking
in Chinese) and Radio Fly took turns dominating here and
mixing together; non-stop music; mostly pop songs in English
(Air Supply with "I'm All Out of Love", etc.); no break at
BoH; 1402-1404 announcers; back to non-stop music. Had
no problem today positively confirming that this is // 3915.
Seems this one hour window has the best reception for me,
as it is just after my local sunrise at 1249.
5960, Radio Fly, 1304-1406, June 7.
Non-stop music (island songs, Steve Perry with "Oh Sherrie", Rod
Stewart with "This Old Heart of Mine"; instrumental "Take It Easy",
etc.); 1358 into English with what seemed to be local PSA (mentions:
"if you have photographs of event"); mostly poor; // 3915.

11650 R.TEOS via Saipan Jun 02 1257-1307 55544-53543 Russian,
Music and talk, IS and ID at 1300,

3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. June, 08 1019-1026 female in English talks, short music, male outside segment. Degrading, 25322
5055, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. June, 09 0950-1010 male in English talks outside, female studio, 1000 flute music on top of the hour, female announcements "Vanuatu", male talks. Seems //3945 wich was very poor. 23422
3945, R. Vanuatu, Port Vila. June, 12 0953-1007 Hansons music, Cher music, music at top of the hour, female announcements in English, short music, male talks. 25422,

=== Site Unknown ===


7530 Suab Xaa Moo Zoo Jun 03 *2230-2241 25332 Hmong,
2230 sign on with opening music, opening announce, Music and talk,

15430 V.of Tibet Jun 02 *1330-1338 45444-43443 Tibetian,
1330 sign on with opening music, Opening announce, Talk,

17880 La Voix de Djibouti Jun 03 *1201-1216 25332-35333 Arabic,
1201 sign on with koran, ID and opening announce, Talk,

==== PIRATE ====

==== Un-ID ====

==== LW / MW ====

===== QSL =====

===== ...and others =====

RNZI Airs New Radio Heritage
Papua New Guinea Radio
75 Years On the Air

Join us from Monday June 14 2010 when we air our new radio heritage
documentary about Papua New Guinea Radio on the Mailbox program from
Radio New Zealand International.

It's 75 years this year since 4PM Port Moresby began its first
commercial broadcasts to the largely unexplored territory of Papua
New Guinea.

We take a look back at those early days, soon to be followed by an
amazing variety of radio stations that filled the airwaves over the
following decade.

You can listen directly via shortwave or audio on demand [for the
following month] with full details of broadcast frequencies and times
for your area and audio downloads at

You'll hear about the Armed Forces Radio Jungle Network, the
Australian Army Amenities Service network, propaganda broadcasts from
Rabaul, the shared command station 9PA and more about the signals on
the airwaves of the mountains, islands, and jungles of this scattered
archipelago in the south-west Pacific.

Just how do you go about broadcasting to the home of several thousand
local dialects and languages when the only transport your station has
available is the truck that empties the town toilets every night.

Join David Ricquish of the Radio Heritage Foundation for a
fascinating story about early radio in Papua New Guinea and some
enjoyable local music.

You'll also find the story of the joint command station 9PA, and
guides to the AFRS Jungle Network and the Australian AAS network
stations across Papua New Guinea at

Use our free Pacific Asian Log Radio Guides for full details of AM
and shortwave broadcasters from around the entire region including
Papua New Guinea.

RNZI's Mailbox program from Monday June 14 via shortwave and audio on
demand with full times and schedules for your area now at

Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the

It's global website offers free community
access to Pacific Radio Guides and other valuable resources.

Annual supporter packages start at US$10 and your donations keep this
important radio heritage preservation and information project alive.
[Radio Heritage Foundation]


Broadcast Australia and RTM Malaysia order Continental Electronics DRM Transmitters

Broadcast Australia has asked DRM member company Continental Electronics to supply two new DRM-ready 100 kilowatt transmitters for two of its short-wave stations.  The purchase represents the first step in Broadcast Australia's plan to enhance its digital short-wave (HF) broadcast capabilities throughout its network of transmitters. The state-of-the-art Continental Model 418G-DRM transmitters will enable Broadcast Australia to transmit programming in analogue AM and digital (DRM) modes from both stations, Tenant Creek and Shepparton.  Both transmitters are expected to be on the air and fully operational by late summer. 

Radio-Television Malaysia (RTM) has chosen the same Continental model for its new short-wave transmitters. The three 100 kilowatt DRM-ready HF transmitters from Continental, along with other associated equipment, are to be installed in the RTM transmitting station at Kajang, and will enable RTM transmissions in digital DRM format as well as conventional analogue AM. RTM's new transmitters are expected to be on the air and fully operational before the end of the year.

(DRM Newsletter, June 2010)

Read the DRM Newsletter June 2010 issue here :


"Radio Resistencia", una voz en español en directo desde Palestina

Por Agencia EFE – hace 19 horas

Jerusalén, 11 jun (EFE).- "Radio Muqawama" (Resistencia, en árabe) es la única emisora local en español de los territorios palestinos, un proyecto independiente que emplea internet para difundir una voz alternativa palestina en España y América Latina.

"Pensamos que había una falta de información en castellano sobre el conflicto y decidimos poner en marcha un proyecto para llevar voces palestinas al mundo hispanohablante", explica a Efe Sergio Yahni, co-director de la ONG palestino-israelí "Centro de Información Alternativa" (AIC), a la que pertenece la iniciativa.

"Radio Muqawama" difunde un programa semanal a través de la página web de la organización (, desde la que todo el que lo desee puede descargar y usar libremente el material radiofónico, que también se distribuye a través de redes sociales virtuales como "Facebook".

Según Yahni, alrededor de unas cuarenta cadenas emiten el programa y hay acuerdos de colaboración con emisoras como la de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo, en Argentina, la del movimiento brasileño de los Sin Tierra, "Radio Sur" de Colombia, la venezolana "Vive TV" o la canaria "Radio Guiniguada".

Marcel Masferrer, coordinador y locutor de "Radio Muqawama", asegura que ésta es una herramienta de sensibilización para informar sobre el conflicto con un formato "innovador y muy potente" gracias al uso de internet, que permite que sean los propios oyentes quienes difundan la información.

"La idea no es tanto promover la imagen de marca de la organización, sino que la información alternativa fluya libremente", señala este cooperante.

El contenido del programa se centra en la situación en los territorios palestinos ocupados: se revisan las noticias más importantes de la actualidad, se entrevista a personajes que no siempre consiguen llegar a los medios comerciales y se deja un espacio para la música, presentando en cada programa una canción, casi siempre árabe.

Para Masferrer, el tratamiento de la información en lo que denomina "las ondas libres desde Palestina" es periodístico, aunque siempre siguiendo un enfoque de derechos humanos, basado en la legislación internacional, las convenciones de Ginebra y el reconocimiento de los derechos palestinos.

"No somos imparciales ante la ocupación. Creemos que no se puede utilizar la excusa de la neutralidad para olvidar los derechos humanos", dice este catalán, que añade que "cuando hay un bloqueo absoluto a una línea de pensamiento, el canal alternativo tiene la labor de dar voz a la gente que está silenciada".

La elaboración de "Radio Muqawama" es posible gracias a la colaboración semanal de voces voluntarias, en su mayoría de cooperantes españoles que trabajan en la región y que ayudan de forma altruista a doblar las entrevistas al castellano.

En la emisora, al igual que en el resto de la información que sale del AIC, señala Masferrer, están presentes "los principales derechos del pueblo palestino: el derecho a acabar con la ocupación, el derecho de los palestinos dentro de Israel a acabar con la discriminación que sufren y el derecho al retorno de los refugiados".

Yahni señala que el objetivo del programa es reflejar las luchas que existen en el conflicto palestino-israelí, "mostrar las diferentes voces que hay para, así, apoyar un proyecto democrático para israelíes, palestinos y el otro 15 por ciento de la población que hay aquí que no es ni judía ni palestina".

Para este israelí de origen argentino, la importancia de los medios alternativos en ésta región radica en que los tradicionales ven este conflicto "sólo a través de dos prismas: el de la diplomacia y el de la violencia", sin prestar atención a los movimientos populares que "a pesar de no ser noticia a priori, son quienes realmente tienen la capacidad de romper el estancamiento".

"Años de diplomacia no lograron lo que ha conseguido la 'Flotilla de la Libertad', que ha puesto sobre la mesa y en primera página la necesidad de hablar sobre el bloqueo a la franja de Gaza", señala, en referencia reciente al asalto del Ejército israelí a barcos internacionales que trasladaban ayuda humanitaria a la franja palestina y que se saldó con nueve civiles turcos muertos.

Un conflicto enquistado como éste, afirma Yahni, "sólo se puede desbloquear a través de los movimientos populares, que son capaces de provocar un cambio que rompa la relación de poderes existente", algo que "no pueden lograr ni los gobiernos ni tampoco las guerras".

Ana Cárdenes


Norman Katende

8 June 2010

Kampala — As the World Cup kicks-off this weekend, a battle over who has the rights to broadcast the games on television and radio is set to emerge.

A battle on who has the broadcasting rights for the World Cup in the Ugandan territory is led by Uganda Broadcasting Corporation. South Africa based DStv have the pay-per-view rights for Africa.

Several radio stations will particularly be hit. If implemented, failure by local radio stations to broadcast the World Cup could have an equal impact on the English Premiership broadcasts on local FM radios.

According to a statement from UBC, they have secured the exclusive free to air rights for both radio and television.

According to UBC, this includes the derivative works that arise from the free to air broadcasts of the matches, including free to air broadcasts and commentary in local languages.

"All advertisers, who have been approached for sponsorship of the live commentary in the World Cup in local languages are advised that Uganda Broadcasting Corporation has not granted permission to any radio or television stations at this stage," read part of the statement.

But another statement from DStv said that they will be able to broadcast all the 64 matches live in the country.

"Not only will SuperSport screen every one of the 64 matches live on DStv countrywide, but the action will be supplemented by expert analysis," read the statement by Charles Hamya, MultiChoice Uganda's MD.

"We will be the only pay-TV service in the country whose subscribers can see the FIFA 2010 World Cup in High Definition Uganda/South Africa: Broadcasting Corporation in World Cup Telecast Rights War



Many thanks!
This week's Contributors are:

Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil.
Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany.
Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.
Alokesh Gupta, India.
Kouji Hashimoto, Japan.
Ron Howard, USA.
IWATA Gaku, Japan.
Jaisakthivel, India.
Anatoly Klepov, Russia.
Zacharias Liangas, Greece.
Stewart MacKenzie, USA.
Jose Miguel Romero, Spain.
Robert Wilkner, USA.

Radio Heritage Foundation

Also thanks to

Globe Radio DX Club / INDIA.

Next deadline : Jun.16 1500 UTC
Please send your loggings and tips to:

///// Ohkini! from Kanto DXers Circle /////


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