This is Radio Bulgaria's weekly DX Program for radio amateurs and short wave fans and DXers which is included in our one-hour broadcasts as follows: Friday at 22.00 UTC on 6200 and 7400 kHz to West Europe, Saturday at 00.00 and at 03.00 UTC to North America, as well as in the half-hour broadcast at 07.30 UTC to West Europe, all on 5900 and 7400 kHz.
In this issue by DX Editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF, with Broadcast Tips by Rumen Pankov:
First, the latest news in DXing on the ham bands:
DXpedition to Kermadec Island, ZL8X
In this issue by DX Editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF, with Broadcast Tips by Rumen Pankov:
First, the latest news in DXing on the ham bands:
DXpedition to Kermadec Island, ZL8X
Eleven radio amateurs from Germany, one from Poland and one from Greece will activate Kermadec Island in the Pacific November 19 to December 5 using the call sign ZL8X. The team reports all is ready and some are enroute to New Zealand now. They have transported over 2.5 tons of equipment to New Zealand and the advance party has to organize this and take care of loading onboard the ship.
In the last weeks they decided to take some 6 meter equipment organized by the ZL hams. Activity will be on all bands 160 through 6 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY.
Operating frequencies: CW – 1826.5, 3522.5 +3, 7022.5 + 3, 10102 +3, 14022.5 +3, 18072.5 + 3, 21022.5 + 3, 24892.5 + 3, 28022.5 + 3 kHz; SSB: 1843.5, 3782.5, 7182.5 + 5, 14192.5 + 5 (+50 for US General), 18152.5 + 5, 21292.5 + 5, 24972.5 +5, 28492.5 + 5.
On 160 meters listening down for JA; listening up for the rest of the world. Maybe SSB operation in the second half of the operation; split as announced. On 6 meters there will be only CW and SSB operation. No EME!
CY0 – Sable Island…. It's a go!
QRZ DX reports the great news after last week's announcement that the team had to postpone their trip to Sable Island. Randy, N0TG says they were able to reschedule and work out all the details for the DXpedition to Sable. The new dates are December 6-13. So…Sable lives!
ZK2A - Niue & VK9NN - Norfolk Islands
An international group will be operating from two locations in the Pacific, first as ZK2A from Niue November 20 - December 3. They will then go to Norfolk Island December 5 -19 using the call sign VK9NN. The group includes hams from Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, USA, Poland and others.
They will work 160 to 6 meters from both locations, but will focus on 160-40 meters and the WARC bands on CW and RTTY. They will also concentrate on working Europe where the need for Niue is greater. QSL both operation via PA3LEO or OQRS (the on-line QSL request system).
9L5VT – Sierra Leone
Roger, G3SXW says "The VooDoo Contest Group" operators AA7A, G3SXW, G4BWP and N7CW will operate in the Multi-Two category for the CQ World Wide CW Contest November 27 and 28. The call sign suffix is dedicated to the memory of The VooDoo Contest Group member Vince Thompson, K5VT.
Rwanda. Radio Rwanda can be received at the time when European stations do not broadcast on its frequency and was heard in Sofia between 18.30 and 18.55 hours and after 20.05 hours on 6055 kHz. The languages used were French and Vernaculars.
Saudi Arabia. The Foreign Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia broadcasts in various languages, such as Indonesian, Urdu, Farsi etc. The broadcasts in English were received in Sofia as follows: from 07.50 to 08 hours on 17785 kHz and from 10 to 11 hours on 15250 kHz from Radio Riyadh, and from 11 to 11.28 hours from Radio Jeddah.
Australia. Radio Australia in English was heard in Sofia in the new radio season between 21.30 and 21.55 hours on 9500 and 11695 kHz.
Vietnam. Radio Voice of Vietnam in English was heard in Sofia from 12.30 to 12.56 hours and from 13.30 to 13.56 hours on 9840 and 12020 kHz, as well as in Russian from 11.30 and from 12.30 hours on the new frequency of 12000 kHz.
DPR of Korea or North Korea. Various local and international programs from Pyongyang have been received in Sofia between 15 and 16 hours on a unusually large number of frequencies – 19 altogether, as follows: Radio Voice of Korea in English on 3560, 7570, 9335, 11710 and 12015 kHz beamed to Europe and North America; in Arabic on 9990 and 11545 kHz; in Russian on 4405, 6285 and 9325 kHz; The Anti Imperialist Front on 3480 and 4450 kHz; The People's Station on 3320, 6251 and 6399 kHz; The Central Station on 2850, 3970, 9666 and 11680 kHz – the last three in Korean.
Jordan. Very rarely broadcasting on short wave, Radio Jordans heard with a program in Arabic from 05.35 to05.55 hours on 11960 kHz.
Eritrea. The Eritrean Radio which is jammed often by Ethiopian jammers often shifts its frequencies and was heard at 16.35 hours on the new frequency of 7185 kHz in the amateur 40 meter band.
India. General news in English of All India Radio was heard after 15.30 hours relayed by local stations on 4880, 4895, 4910, 4920, 4950, 5010, 5040 and 5050 kHz.
Spain. Radio Exterior de Espana broadcasts in English on new frequencies as follows: to North America from 00 to 01 hour on 5970 kHz; to Europe from 19 to 20 hours on week days on 9605 and 9665 kHz and Saturday and Sunday from 22 to 23 hours on 6125 kHz.
Turkey. Radio Voice of Turkey in English emits the following 55-minute programs: at 13.30 hours on 11735 and 12035 kHz; at 19.35 hours on 6050 kHz; at 21.30 hours on 9610 kHz; at23 hours on 5960 kHz and at 04 hours on 7240 and 9655 kHz – the last emission is to North America.
Thank you for being with us. Your opinions and suggestions will be appreciated and all reception reports confirmed with the QSL card of Radio Bulgaria. Please address your letters to English Section, Radio Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria or by e-mail to . An online reception report form is available at – click on English and navigate.
So, 73 and DX!
Eleven radio amateurs from Germany, one from Poland and one from Greece will activate Kermadec Island in the Pacific November 19 to December 5 using the call sign ZL8X. The team reports all is ready and some are enroute to New Zealand now. They have transported over 2.5 tons of equipment to New Zealand and the advance party has to organize this and take care of loading onboard the ship.
In the last weeks they decided to take some 6 meter equipment organized by the ZL hams. Activity will be on all bands 160 through 6 meters on CW, SSB and RTTY.
Operating frequencies: CW – 1826.5, 3522.5 +3, 7022.5 + 3, 10102 +3, 14022.5 +3, 18072.5 + 3, 21022.5 + 3, 24892.5 + 3, 28022.5 + 3 kHz; SSB: 1843.5, 3782.5, 7182.5 + 5, 14192.5 + 5 (+50 for US General), 18152.5 + 5, 21292.5 + 5, 24972.5 +5, 28492.5 + 5.
On 160 meters listening down for JA; listening up for the rest of the world. Maybe SSB operation in the second half of the operation; split as announced. On 6 meters there will be only CW and SSB operation. No EME!
CY0 – Sable Island…. It's a go!
QRZ DX reports the great news after last week's announcement that the team had to postpone their trip to Sable Island. Randy, N0TG says they were able to reschedule and work out all the details for the DXpedition to Sable. The new dates are December 6-13. So…Sable lives!
ZK2A - Niue & VK9NN - Norfolk Islands
An international group will be operating from two locations in the Pacific, first as ZK2A from Niue November 20 - December 3. They will then go to Norfolk Island December 5 -19 using the call sign VK9NN. The group includes hams from Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, USA, Poland and others.
They will work 160 to 6 meters from both locations, but will focus on 160-40 meters and the WARC bands on CW and RTTY. They will also concentrate on working Europe where the need for Niue is greater. QSL both operation via PA3LEO or OQRS (the on-line QSL request system).
9L5VT – Sierra Leone
Roger, G3SXW says "The VooDoo Contest Group" operators AA7A, G3SXW, G4BWP and N7CW will operate in the Multi-Two category for the CQ World Wide CW Contest November 27 and 28. The call sign suffix is dedicated to the memory of The VooDoo Contest Group member Vince Thompson, K5VT.
Rwanda. Radio Rwanda can be received at the time when European stations do not broadcast on its frequency and was heard in Sofia between 18.30 and 18.55 hours and after 20.05 hours on 6055 kHz. The languages used were French and Vernaculars.
Saudi Arabia. The Foreign Service of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia broadcasts in various languages, such as Indonesian, Urdu, Farsi etc. The broadcasts in English were received in Sofia as follows: from 07.50 to 08 hours on 17785 kHz and from 10 to 11 hours on 15250 kHz from Radio Riyadh, and from 11 to 11.28 hours from Radio Jeddah.
Australia. Radio Australia in English was heard in Sofia in the new radio season between 21.30 and 21.55 hours on 9500 and 11695 kHz.
Vietnam. Radio Voice of Vietnam in English was heard in Sofia from 12.30 to 12.56 hours and from 13.30 to 13.56 hours on 9840 and 12020 kHz, as well as in Russian from 11.30 and from 12.30 hours on the new frequency of 12000 kHz.
DPR of Korea or North Korea. Various local and international programs from Pyongyang have been received in Sofia between 15 and 16 hours on a unusually large number of frequencies – 19 altogether, as follows: Radio Voice of Korea in English on 3560, 7570, 9335, 11710 and 12015 kHz beamed to Europe and North America; in Arabic on 9990 and 11545 kHz; in Russian on 4405, 6285 and 9325 kHz; The Anti Imperialist Front on 3480 and 4450 kHz; The People's Station on 3320, 6251 and 6399 kHz; The Central Station on 2850, 3970, 9666 and 11680 kHz – the last three in Korean.
Jordan. Very rarely broadcasting on short wave, Radio Jordans heard with a program in Arabic from 05.35 to05.55 hours on 11960 kHz.
Eritrea. The Eritrean Radio which is jammed often by Ethiopian jammers often shifts its frequencies and was heard at 16.35 hours on the new frequency of 7185 kHz in the amateur 40 meter band.
India. General news in English of All India Radio was heard after 15.30 hours relayed by local stations on 4880, 4895, 4910, 4920, 4950, 5010, 5040 and 5050 kHz.
Spain. Radio Exterior de Espana broadcasts in English on new frequencies as follows: to North America from 00 to 01 hour on 5970 kHz; to Europe from 19 to 20 hours on week days on 9605 and 9665 kHz and Saturday and Sunday from 22 to 23 hours on 6125 kHz.
Turkey. Radio Voice of Turkey in English emits the following 55-minute programs: at 13.30 hours on 11735 and 12035 kHz; at 19.35 hours on 6050 kHz; at 21.30 hours on 9610 kHz; at23 hours on 5960 kHz and at 04 hours on 7240 and 9655 kHz – the last emission is to North America.
Thank you for being with us. Your opinions and suggestions will be appreciated and all reception reports confirmed with the QSL card of Radio Bulgaria. Please address your letters to English Section, Radio Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria or by e-mail to . An online reception report form is available at – click on English and navigate.
So, 73 and DX!
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia)

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