KUALA LUMPUR: Radio Free Sarawak, aimed as an alternative voice for Sarawakians, went on air this morning.
In an e-mail to FMT, the Bruno Manser Foundation, said that the new alternative radio station will have two daily broadcasts on shortwave, presumably in Iban and Bahasa Malaysia.
"It aims at Sarawak's rural communities who lack access to independent media," stated the e-mail.
It is an open secret that the media in Sarawak are strictly controlled by the state government under Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and logging companies who own and control all major media outlets in the state.
The transmission details of Radio Free Sarawak are as follows:
1st transmission: 0630-0730 local time (GMT +8) on 7590 kHz (short wave)
2nd transmission: 1800-1900 local time (GMT +8) on 15680 kHz (short wave)
The e-mail had also attached a message from the producers of Radio Free Sarawak. Below is the message;
"Please send the details to all your Sarawak friends so that they know the existence of the radio-which will become an alternative news source to the Sarawakians, especially to those who stay in the interior.
"The folks in the interior have been fed with a monotonous one-sided views from the ruling parties-if at all they can receive the TV and radio transmissions. So they need another avenue-and Radio Free Sarawak intends to fill in this gap."
Source:Radio Free S'wak goes on air http://bit.ly/dBL64t"
Radio Free Sarawak is the independent radio station that brings you the news you want to hear, not what others want you to hear. No one controls us, except you, the listeners of Sarawak . So tune in and enjoy the news, interviews, reports and comment that you will never get to hear on any of the other government-controlled radio stations in Sarawak. There will be plenty of our best music too, all presented to you in Iban by Papa Orang Utan, our own man from the jungle of Sarawak!
Please listen in and send us back your comments and views, so we can be in touch with you and bring you the radio programme that you like. If you have an issue, a problem or a story that you would like the rest of Sarawak to hear about, message us on this site or ring us on our Radio Free Sarawak local number [DUE SHORTLY] and leave us details of your story or your comment on our answer bank.
We may play out your comments or we may even ring you back so remember, leave your number if you want!
And for further independent news and reports on Sarawak go to www.sarawakreport.org.

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