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The radio station of the Bundeswehr uses digital radio: "Radio Andernach" is currently observed with test broadcasts on shortwave frequency 6015 kHz, which may be driven over the transmitter site of the company TDF Issoudun in central France. Sent it is in broadcast mode DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), who because of the small decline in beneficiary selection and variety of programs could inspire so far only a few listeners. In an interview that aired during the DRM test mission, said Lieutenant Marc Holthoff that DRM was presented as part of an exercise in Grafenwoehr, entitled "Combined Endeavor". 
In the future, should be used for digital radio on short wave to power on naval vessels to the crew, radio programs and data services. Raised in this context was an e-mail server that will be accessible via the DRM on the high seas. In the future, should 
"every ship in the Navy" with DRM receivers are equipped.
More concrete plans or a possible encryption of the signal so far nothing was known. Accoding of the program would be likely since 
Radio Andernach for legal reasons can not be distributed in Germany. Except so far were single greeting broadcasts or transmission 
links for Christmas.Employees or members of the armed forces will also receive access to a secure online live stream.
The DRM has been broadcast on Radio Andernach on the eve to 1830 UTC (equivalent to 20.30 German time clock CET) observed on 
6015 kHz in the 49-meter band. If and when additional broadcasts are received is not known at present.
Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia.

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